
20-09-01 16日:《永别了(The Farewell)》,2019年。9月23日:《钢铁侠(Iron Man)》,2008年。9月30日:《黑衣人(Men in Black)》,1997年。有关详情信息可浏览网站...

建国史话 (10):波士顿的夜晚茶会

20-03-21 一个叫做列克星敦的小镇时,发现大约有70名殖民地的民兵把守在那里。这些民兵被称为 “Minute Men”,因为他们得到通知后,一分钟后,就可以行动起来。双方开枪交火,结果有8个殖民地民兵被打死...

A General Cleans a Soldier’s Shoes

19-10-31 , the U.S Army Chief of Staff, General Marshall, ordered a search for Ryan. He sent eight men to go...


19-09-23 ,更是争理念、争政策主导权。这次美国大选,将比以往的选举更强烈体现西方的左右派之争。所谓左右派,从宏观历史角度,实质可视为Man与Men之争。两词只有中间一字母(a与e)之别,代表的却是人类的两种想法...

Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

19-05-23 of greed. It was an ancient Chinese motto shared among not only the elite stratum of the learned men...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 ordered his men to monitor these two musicians. Not long afterwards, someone lodged a case with the...

Retribution for Destroying a Buddha Statue

19-05-06 atheistic attitude, propaganda, and brainwashing against the divine, two arrogant young men in the village...

How to Handle People who Upset  you

19-05-06 replied that he was going to the capital for the tests. The two young men teased him, saying that he was...

The Difference a Good or Evil Thought Can Make to Your Destiny

19-03-13 suddenly saw two men enter hurriedly, followed by a third man, who looked pale and worried. He was certain...


19-01-21 文︱明了2018年10月4日,美国副总统彭斯在华府智库“哈德逊研究所”就中美关系发表了演讲。在演讲的最后,他引用了一句中国的谚语“人见目前,天见久远”(Men see only the...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 two young men walking towards him, carrying lanterns with a silk shop's name inscribed on them....

  One Benefits from Modesty and Is Ruined by Complacence

17-07-12 people with courtesy and humbleness. He was worried that the government might miss out on talented men...


17-01-05 ,000199077Simi Valley Town Center (men’s/home/kids), Simi Valley, CACA           190,0002006105Lakeland Square...

Neither Arrogant nor Boastful – the Great General Xu Da

16-12-31 men who surrendered. He was not greedy or violent. He strictly forbade his army to assault captured...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 Handsome men sometimes married grotesque women. A powerful dragon, before finding its time to emerge, may...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 8)

16-12-04 , as long as he uses his conscience, references the teachings of the able and virtuous men in the past...


16-11-10 hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for...

2017最新版| 美国公民入籍试题100条中英对照大全!

16-11-03 (缴投票税)。Any citizen can  vote. (Women and men can vote.)任何公民都可以投票(男性与女性都可以投票)。A male citizen  of any...

A Taoist Talks About Destiny 神奇道人论命理

16-10-31 his superiors would disapprove; therefore, he was very hesitant. One of his subordinates, Men Dou, had...


16-10-28 Baby,and文具Stationery周二:家用织物Domestics,女士服饰Women’sClothing,宠物用品Petsand,食品区Marketfooditems周三:男士服饰Men...

The Value of Marriage in Ancient China 古人的婚姻态度

16-09-26 of love, taking the form of a series of speeches, both satirical and serious, given by a group of men...

Nothing Gained and Nothing Lost

16-09-13 a little wet. These two men held different attitudes towards the gifts they received. Li Shiheng took them...

美国最伟大保安:提前8年预见911 拯救数千人(组图)

16-09-12 的2687名员工,连同正在摩根谈业务的250多名股票经纪人,安全地撤到了44层。南塔袭击引起一阵骚乱。瑞克又拿起扩音器大声喊道:安静、安静……随即,他唱起年轻时常唱的一首歌《哈里克的男人》(Men of...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 a mirror, one can understand the rise and fall of a nation. With men as a mirror, one can see whether one...

清货了!Macy's 宣布2016年初关店36间 !

16-01-09 associates)• Enfield Square furniture/home/men’s store, Enfield, CT (76,000 square feet; opened in 1971; 20...

一人判罪一人待审  纽约三巨头政治面临挑战

15-12-09 史无前例的同时因贪污受审,人们期待纽约州的政治生态将有所改进。在逮捕萧华后,联邦检察官普里特•巴拉拉(Preet Bharara),在纽约法学院一次演讲里批评纽约的三巨头政治制度(“three men in...


15-11-05 )21.Psycho (1960) 惊魂记/精神病患者8.5/10 (39727)22.12 Angry Men (1957) 十二怒汉8.5/10 ( 19816)23.Lawrence of Arabia...


15-09-27 , cheer, courage and power from men and from infinite, so long as you are young.When the aerials are down...


15-09-13 最后那个字母S不需要发音!(这个词来源于法语,法语里最后的S不发音)ILLINOIS(伊利诺伊):来源于印第安语加上法语后缀,意思是“tribe of superior men“,“贵人的土地“。印第安纳州...

【英文对照赏析】 The Virtuous and Selfless Empress Changsun 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-08-29 did not wish to interfere in important national affairs. She thought that men and women were different...

十大要诀 让你拥有好人缘

15-08-21 ?美国健康网站Men’s Health 提出10大绝招,有助提升人缘。1. 修饰指甲:你每天都会刷牙,男士每天要剃须,但很多人忽视了指甲的修饰,而它却是如此重要的一部份。粗糙肮脏的指甲会令人觉得你不修边幅...


15-07-06 hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal;that they are endowed by their...

感恩独立 珍重成果

15-07-04 ,再就是长假中,家庭出游。”画家刘比华也结伴出游。都是一片欢欢喜喜的气氛。注1:We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are...


15-05-16 )21.Psycho (1960) 惊魂记/精神病患者8.5/10 (39727)22.12 Angry Men (1957) 十二怒汉8.5/10 ( 19816)23.Lawrence of Arabia...


15-03-09 ”(The Gay Science)一书里,但它成了四年后出版的“善恶之外”一书的基本主题。尼采在书中指出人被不道德的“权力欲”(Will to Power)所驱动,“超人”(superior men)会横扫...


15-02-27 梦想,就是带上家人朋友去太空旅行,和他的画一样geekly到不得了。△x men△teenage mutant ninja turtle△star trek△spider man△avengers...


15-02-10 ParlourExperimental Cocktail ClubLittle BranchPlayRaines Law RoomRamonaWise Men...

守义还重金 子孙享余庆Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

15-01-26 ancient Chinese motto shared among not only the elite stratum of the learned men, but also among common...


15-01-22 ,悬念丛生。AMC频道的《广告狂人》(Mad Men)也是如此。该剧演到了第七季,剧中人物和20世纪60年代的背景似乎已被挖掘干净,不过它仍在让观众猜测结局,结局要到明年才播出。《黑道家族》(The...

市听证会 关注青少年身心健康

14-11-18 行为的目的。这个公共展览空间以前在加州。现在计划《训练男孩到男人的剧本》(coaching boys into men playbook),以吸引各地的青少年加入,培养青少年健康的人际关系。详见:http...