Falun Gong Becomes an Honors Course at American University

17-10-06 Cultivation.” The course code is “HONS 201.” The professor teaching the course is Falun Gong practitioner, Dr....

Respect Heaven and Follow  the Heavenly Principles

17-10-06 The ancient Chinese honored and respected heaven's will. They believed that when one is...

推出晶片身分证 引台湾专家担忧

17-10-06 会指出,若个资外泄,严重影响国家安全。 目前台湾户政司没有管理庞大数据库的能力,一旦使用晶片身分证,面对如今越来越高科技的骇客技术,个资被入侵的风险也将如影随形。 不过,台湾内政部强调,例如德国、西班牙...


17-10-05 警方撕掉失踪大学生林飞阳父亲制作的寻人启事。(图片来源:自由亚洲电台)【看中国记者端木珊综合报导】近日,一篇题为“细思极!武汉30多名大学生为何神秘失踪?”的文章在网络热传,文中详细披露大学生林...

西班牙面临分裂 恐怖主义蔓延

17-10-05 %与25%,若风波不停息,这些玉石俱焚的作法,将对西班牙经济带来影响。估计机场、火车、与港口运作都可能受到影响。历史文化与经济左右独立运动加泰隆尼亚人是一个有著一千多年历史文化的独特民族。相较于其它地区...

胡锦涛亲信尽是内奸 只有一人是例外

17-10-05 调研室三组负责人。当时胡锦涛成为“王储”才3 年,谨言慎微,不可能为自己调兵遣将。2000 年令计划提升为中办副主任,正是胡锦涛胆战心惊被废的时期,其实当时是薄一波权势家族的力挺让令计划入驻权力中枢...

Chinese Billionaire Dissident Guo Wengui Unleashes Accusations of Organ Harvesting by Top Officials in China

17-09-29 on China’s most powerful men. He is the country’s highest profile dissenter.His most shocking claim...

The China Bitcoin Ban Explained

17-09-29 Trading on exchanges will shut down, but bitcoin ownership and mining will remain legalOne thing is...

Buddhahood is Unachievable with Human Desires

17-09-29 Buddhahood is Unachievable with Human Desires Du Jingxing from Fujian Province lived during the...

北伐军攻克南京 苏俄挑唆唐生智反蒋拥汪

17-09-29 )与此同时,何应钦指挥东路军部分兵力,由镇江进攻南京附近的龙潭和栖霞山,以截断敌军退路。褚玉璞被包围,仓皇放弃南京,率残部向浦口败退。北伐军早先潜伏于城内的特派员章杰趁机说动敌警察打开城门,迎接北伐军入城。傍晚6时...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-29 This is due to my meager virtue unable to reach the borderlands. What will it take to maintain peace...

Gao Yao's Nine Virtues

17-09-29 Emperors Yao, Shun and Yu, he is considered one of the "Four Sages of Ancient China." Gao Yao...


17-09-29 对可公开获得的社交媒体信息进行监控。有媒体报导称,2015年加州圣贝纳迪诺袭的一名攻击者曾在社交媒体上发表极端主义观点,导致公众呼吁政府进行更深度的安全筛查。[/justify]...

默克尔获连任 忧心极右势力

17-09-28 由欧元转移至难民议题,魏德尔更是与日趋极右化的党员放手一搏赌上一把,在这个充满排外回令人侧目的选举议题上获得了胜利。不过AfD的阵营却也随著极右化而开始松动。AfD的联席主席之一,代表党内温和路线...

U.S. Trade Rep. Declares China an ‘Unprecedented Threat’ to World Trade System

17-09-23 that China represents the one challenge facing the administration that is “substantially more difficult...

Shen Yun Orchestra and the Power of Music to Heal

17-09-23 a person’s character, helping the person to be more tolerant and kind.Today, scientific research is...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-23 citizens to prosper and recuperate. He also sent out an imperial edict, stating, "Farming is the...

晏婴“二桃杀三士” 诸葛亮认为不光彩

17-09-23 “二桃杀三士”的故事。诗的最后,点明向君主进谗言的谋士,乃“国相齐晏子”。晏子是齐国的贤相,但二桃杀三士这件事,手段未免过于阴险毒辣。清人王士稹认为“泰山喻人君,梁甫喻小人也,诸葛好为〈梁甫吟〉,取此意...

英国袭再现 地铁爆炸30伤

17-09-23 是88岁的琼斯(Ronald Jones)与妻子领养的儿童。这对夫妇共领养了268名儿童,一度得到英国女王伊丽莎白二世的褒奖。袭警戒为最高级“危急”英国首相特蕾莎‧梅已于案发当下一度将全英袭警戒级别由...

Integrity and Trust: A Virtue and a Responsibility

17-09-22 character, "trust" (pronounced as "xin"), one can see that this character is...

In Search of Nighthawks: Edward Hopper's New York City

17-09-19 painting “Nighthawks” is among the most famous and beloved paintings in the world. Three late-night...

China Holds Show Trial to Convict Imprisoned Taiwanese Rights Activist

17-09-18 “subversion.”Lee is the first Taiwanese citizen ever to become a political prisoner in China, and the case has...

Protected by an "Ethereal Sarong"

17-09-18 shouldn't come here. Maybe there is something dangerous ahead. Let me escort you back.' When we...

川普参加9.11 悼念仪式

17-09-17 【看中国讯】9月11日(周一),美国总统川普第一次以总统的身分,分别参加了在纽约和华盛顿举行的悼念仪式,纪念16年前在9·11袭事件中罹难的无辜民众。在纽约的纪念仪式上,人们在默哀后,一个一个的念...

Chicago Had More Votes Than Voters in 2016 Elections

17-09-15 its precincts recorded more votes than there were voters.Michigan is responding by replacing all its...

Wuda Kokushi

17-09-15 about it. There is pristine spring water below the mountain cliff. Tomorrow morning, use the spring...


17-09-14 】这个月德国大选前的唯一一场电视辩论,于9月3日在总理默克尔和她的主要挑战者舒尔茨之间进行,辩论结果并没有影响到当天未决选民对于谁会是他们下一个领袖的想法。反倒是柴油车的存废议题,成为默克尔选前与选后的...

超级飓风接连袭美 灾损严重

17-09-14 救灾援助款项。 在飓风哈维过后,9月3日,川普发起全国祈祷日。9月11日,川普特朗普出席911事件16周年纪念仪式。对于过去的袭事件及当前的飓风灾难,川普希望美国民众从新团结起来,“当美国人处于危难时...


17-09-13 的多嘛。这是上策。中策就是稍微差一点的局面。就是虽然这个人士换届的名单怕得拖到最后一刻才能出来,但是在19大开完之前你能稳住金胖子折腾不升级,保持外部环境的大致平稳。这算中策。最糟糕的局面就是下策。那就是...

The Power of Kindness

17-09-08  Virtue is the nature of conscience bestowed on humans by Heaven, and it is the most beautiful...

In Conflict Between US and North Korea, Which Side Is China on?

17-09-08 with the United States, claiming that China is the only one that can bring North Korea to the table...

The Selfless Realm of  Fan Zhongyan (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-08 honorable. "No deception" is to not deceive the emperor, the public, or one's own conscience....

5级伊玛飓风正逼近佛州 专家科普灾害期应对需知

17-09-08 ,目前飓风中心位于波多黎各东方的背风群岛(Leeward Islands)的以东490英里,周二晚上或周三凌晨将袭背风群,使水位超出正常3米,某些地区降雨量将达到25厘米,还会掀起破坏性的大浪。 随后飓风...


17-09-08 Loot:How China Is Stealing Ideas from American Entrepreneurs)。 马特.盖兹(Matt Gaetz)在会上提到,“中国为窃取美国创意所做的协调...

氢弹试爆 朝鲜核武威胁加剧

17-09-07 体会怎么做,他并未多做说明,但根据《韩国时报》引述韩国情报单位讯息披露,朝鲜为了9日的国庆日,可能会在本周朝太平洋海域试射另一枚的洲际弹道飞弹。情报:朝方第七次核试韩国国家情报院(NIS)院长徐勋...

  The Selfless Realm of Fan Zhongyan (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-03 ; and "Be concerned before the world starts worrying, be satisfied only after the world is...

Why Cuba Would Launch Sonic Attacks on US and Canadian Diplomats

17-09-03 Rex Tillerson said, “We hold the Cuban authorities responsible for finding out who is carrying out...