The Humble and Upright Yu Qian

19-05-23 character. This is where the phrase, which is popular in China, originates.Although Yu Qian held key...

Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

19-05-23 Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for GenerationsTraditional Chinese culture is about...


19-05-16 行动通讯系统(5G)建设,令美国错愕不已。美国国务卿庞皮欧为此于8日赴英,引用英国前首相柴契尔夫人名言,直指现在不是两国“摇摆不定”的时刻,倘若华为获准参与英国5G建设,美国未来无法继续分享情报,呼吁英方珍视...

Repaying Others Who Have Helped Us and Being Honest and Trustworthy

19-05-09 should pay it back. Your father entrusted the business to me, it is my responsibility to keep the...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 predict the fate of a person but it is rare to hear that the fate of a person can be predicted through the...


19-05-06 。美国当局4月30日表示,已逮捕一名美国陆军退伍军人,指控他疑为报复先前的纽西兰基督城两座清真寺发生的 50 死枪击血案,密谋在加州洛杉矶附近发动大规模攻。26 岁陆军退伍军人杜明戈(Mark...

Retribution for Destroying a Buddha Statue

19-05-06 Buddhas and gods often experienced unfortunate consequences. Here is one such story.The Man Who Walks...

How to Handle People who Upset  you

19-05-06 : "Han Xin could let go of that great humiliation; comparatively mine is little. What happened has...


19-04-28 和前应,最终陷他于死地。计名由来“上屋抽梯”计名源自于东汉末年的一个典故,荆州刺史之子刘琦因不容于继母,遭陷害,向刘备求救,刘备要诸葛亮为他想出脱身之计,但诸葛亮不答应,刘琦诱使其上了小楼后便将梯子抽走...


19-04-25 对5名教授进行了调查,解雇了其中3人。据悉,这5人均是亚裔,其中至少3人是华裔。“千人计划”沦“入狱计划”安德森癌症中心被开除的3位华裔教授都涉“千人计划”,其中最突出的教授谢某涉及泄密问题。研究中心的...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 important along the Silk Road, which is today's Xinjiang Lli River Basin in Kazakhstan....

What is Fengshui?

19-04-22 ?  Like all great truths, it is simple and straightforward.  Most people think we are affected by Fengshui...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17  The Amazon River is the largest river in the world by volume, with water coming from both southern...

前缘 3

19-04-15 ,又不惜数千金为贿。地方贻伊戚,劫出复纳入。余至,怅惘无极,然以急严亲患难,负一女子无憾也。是晚壹郁,因与觅舟去虎疁夜游。明日,遣人至襄阳,便解维归里。”秦淮河边的女子中,冒襄最不能忘怀的,是陈姬圆圆...

利比亚强人再起 或一统江山

19-04-14 随后在2016年斡旋东西两派成立“民族团结政府”。但歧见甚深的杂凑,却始终无法运作。不承认该政府的哈夫塔于同年9月领导LNA夺得东部4个重要石油港口。在不断推进的军事行动下,利比亚三分之二的国土为其所控,而为IS...


19-04-14 中国劳工。因为犹太人多从事脑力劳动,自己很少有劳工,又不能从周边敌对的国家引进劳工,这样会面临很高的风险,曾经就出现过阿拉伯劳工搞袭等事件。很多发达国家都有自己的劳工主要来源,比如美国劳工主要来自墨西哥...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 everywhere he goes. It is not for the sake of showing off, but for the sake of the country and his...

Proper Manners Begin at the Dining Table

19-04-03 China is a nation that very much values rituals and good manners. It isn’t surprising therefore...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 lives. Your majesty is wise and a man of virtue. As a member of this open-minded court, I will be...

Five Classic Sayings of Guiguzi That Help Discern a Person’s Character

19-03-28 good at handling their money well. Money is something that you can’t bring with you at birth, nor take...

Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Legend of Sun-Moon Lake

19-03-28 The following is a legend from Taiwan’s aboriginal Thao people.Once there was a loving and...

四百年潜规则 阻梅伊三度叩关受阻

19-03-24 的议事规则,令梅伊不得将原草案再送议会重复表决,这让梅伊原本想在20日前再次表决的计划触礁,英国脱欧因此延宕达一年之久。脱欧协议在上周再次遭到国会否决后,英国国会在亲欧派的鼓吹下,14日通过延长脱欧期限...


19-03-23 据自由时报消息,摩根士丹利(俗称大摩)最新报告指出,中国贸易顺差占GDP(国内生产毛额)比重已降低到0.4%,未来经济成长恐需更依赖外资流入,预期今年中国贸易转为逆差。美国之音报导,过去25年...

The Eight Divinations and Wisdoms of Life in Zhouyi

19-03-21 Zhouyi, which is believed to be the oldest text and named after the Zhou Dynasty was among the...


19-03-21 草酸钙和钾,加重病情。木瓜木瓜是最具有营养成分的一种,也是女性的营养美容佳品,能美白、洁肤、抗衰老。春季万物滋长,人们容易因为食入细菌而引发肠胃不适,木瓜中所含的木瓜酵素,能治胃病、健脾消食,保护肠胃...

北河隧道严重损毁  纽约经济受到影响

19-03-19 的问题,在遭到袭的那个时候,所有飞机都停了,唯一连结纽约、新泽西和华盛顿的交通是Amtrack火车。国会议员呼吁当局,尽快公布相关报告,希望了解在隧道关闭之后,到底有没有其他解决方案。...

The Legend of Taiwan’s Banping Mountain

19-03-13 in Taiwan. One side of the mountain ridge is so flat that it looks like it has been cut off with...


19-03-11 expedition desperately in search of a crime, when in fact the real crime is what the Dems are doing, and have...

Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 by the two birds. Qiao ordered nearby fishermen to dive into the water, and to salvage whatever is...

Put Down the Butcher's Knife and Become a Buddha

19-03-06 prove this and one such example is Milarepa who was a murderer as a young man then turned to Buddhism to...

纽约五区联盟 反对增建游民收容所

19-03-03 到纽约,在曼哈顿中城常能见到这些非本地社区的游民。因此,一旦增设收容所,会招来更多游民,让纽约游民问题更加严重。何维西多年推动“家庭稳定支持”(Home Stability Support,HSS)提案...


19-03-03 ”对应喜、怒、忧、思、悲、、惊,就是整个情感系统。“七魄”加上“超我”和“本我”,合称为潜意识。“自我”就是真正的自己。掌握命运的“命运之神”,通过操控人的潜意识来支配人干这、干那,最终走完一生的道路...


19-02-28 削减碳排放量,将原本于2023年达成的碳排标准提前至2020年。随著期限到期日仅剩1年,引发了欧洲车业担忧和批评,呼吁如减排期限不延长,会影响750万辆新车的制造计划。这项规定要求汽车碳排放量...

12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and their auspicious colors to bring luck

19-02-27 , water, fire and earth.  Wood is said to overcome earth so, those under these zodiacs should wear yellow...

Yan Zi’s Wisdom

19-02-27 furious. He said: "This man is the first person who dares to violate my rule and he should be punished...

喀什米尔爆攻 印巴军情紧张

19-02-21 外交途径诉诸联合国,不过回顾2016年印度所发起“外科手术攻击行动”,一场军事武装冲突在所难免。在2016年9月18日,由巴基斯坦包庇的恐怖组织“虔诚军”与越界攻击印度基地,造成19名士兵死亡。10天后...

英脱欧陷胶著 外资纷传撤离

19-02-21 。无独有偶的,同为日系的本田汽车(Honda),相继在这个月19日宣布,将于2021年关闭位于英格兰西南部斯文敦(Swindon)的工厂,估计3500名员工饭碗不保。该工厂是本田汽车(Honda)在欧盟地区...