NAFTA Talks to Get More Complicated

18-07-22 Wilson Center in Washington, wrote in Politico on July 3. The president-elect would pursue stability in...


18-07-16 , 1st floor Brooklyn, NY 11224。*HEAP布碌仑办事处(HEAP Brooklyn Office)地址:1 Metro Tech Center, lobby Brooklyn...

Scientists Take First Ever Image of Planet Being Born

18-07-10 /A planet can be seen to the right of a central blacked out area hiding a dwarf star at the center...


18-07-06 Jazz at Lincoln Center 的乐团,将会带来爵士乐、古典乐的表演。座位有限,先到先得啊!时间:7月8日~7月29日的每周日晚上7:00入场,8:00开始演出。地点:MoMA现代艺术博物馆...


18-07-01 【看中国讯】地铁公车于6月24日开始在乔治亚大道沿线,银泉转运中心(Silver Spring Transit Center)和海军纪念馆(Archives-Navy Memorial)之间的79号...


18-07-01 功能,包括销毁电子设备,让被锁定的目标感到不适,甚至破坏目标人士的体内器官。海外媒体报导,华盛顿国家融合中心(Washington State Fusion Center)最近发布了数份文件,详细说明了...

Iran Admits to Aiding 9/11 Attacks

18-06-18 would go on to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers in New York City, the Pentagon in...


18-06-08 ~4:00pm。地点:Kenvic培训中心(Kenvic Training Center)。地址:36-57 Main St, 2nd Floor, Flushing, NY 11354。            ...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 failure.”A 2005 secret report from the National Ground Intelligence Center, declassified in 2011, describes...


18-05-16 , Lincoln Center) 。由音乐总监钟启仁指挥近60位音乐资优之青少年音乐家精彩演出多元化独特曲目。  此林肯中心年度音乐自2002年起已是第 17年让团员赴国际音乐厅临场演出及为社区推出具有独特色彩...

Chinese Communist Party Sets Up VR Technology for Testing Party Members’ Loyalty

18-05-21 authorities have established the country’s first VR center for ensuring that Party members maintain the “Party...

Trump Seeks to Claw Back $15 Billion in Useless Spending

18-05-12 the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, which, the official said, will not be able to spend...


18-05-04 Research Center)对4,729名美国成年人,就是否相信上帝“如圣经所述”,宇宙中是否存在其他更高级生命等,进行了一项调查,结果令人吃惊。该调查在2017年12月4日至18日进行。调查结果显示,超过30...


18-05-03 Potomac Community Center, Community Room,11315 Falls Rd,Potomac,MD 20854联系邮箱


18-04-29 范围拥有10亿用户帐户,在美国的第一代华人移民中也倍受欢迎。不过,一项研究显示,在美华人移民越来越成为微信里错误信息的受害者。 近日,美国哥伦比亚大学Tow数字新闻中心(Tow Center for...

新澤西州長墨菲欲加15億稅 引起爭議

18-04-26 将成为$53.50。2016年皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)的一项研究发现,只有15%的美国人使用过这些服务,使用者往往比较年轻,生活在大城市里。显然,你使用这些服务越频繁,付的税...


18-04-24 美国人拥有智能手机的比例超过50%的时候。智能手机的出现,彻底改变了青少年生活的方方面面,从他们的社交活动的性质到他们的心理健康。”根据皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)发布的资料...


18-04-19 !时间:4月21日(周六)~4月22日(周日)10am~6pm。地点:布碌仑展览中心(Brooklyn EXPO Center)。地址:79 Franklin St, Brooklyn, NY 11222...


18-04-18 事务办公室(Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, MOIA),将在华策会-皇后区社区服务中心(CPC Queens community Center )共同举办免费移民资源...

In Landmark Decision, Trump Admin Adds Citizenship Question to 2020 Census

18-03-31 compromised,” wrote Steven Camarota for the Center of Immigration Studies.Ross said that the new question will...

A Worrying Trend: Half of AIDS Victims in Beijing Are College Students

18-03-31 chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control And Prevention (CDC), the number of...

纽约国际车展 NY Internationl Auto Show

18-03-30 (Jacob Javits Convention Center)。地址: 11th Ave. (34th St. & 40th St.之间)。费用:13岁及以上$17、12岁及以下$7、2岁及以下免费...


18-03-25 【看中国讯】Metro地铁公司上周在地铁中心站(Metro Center) 靠近第12街和F街西部区出口开设了M Shop零售店,伴随著DJ和其他开幕活动举办了盛大的开业典礼。M Shop出售各种...


18-03-25 Civic Center,603 Edmonston Dr. Rockville,MD 20851华美老年协会的老人,今年三月二十八日,将在洛克维尔市民中心 (Rockville Civic Center...


18-03-16 (Manny Cantor Center)。地址:197 E. Broadway, NY, NY 10002。B. 开展与小企业管理局协助业务(Starting a Business with SBA’s...


18-03-11  地点:Brooklyn Expo Center,72 Noble Street,Brooklyn, NY网站费用:VIP$35、全天票$25...


18-03-10 的“东西方中心”(East-West Center)高级研究员饶义(Denny Roy)说:“它主要将是象征性的,将是美国政府对中国某些政策表达不满的一个信号。反对它的说法是,这会激怒中国;支持它的说法...


18-03-09 Medical Center)与新州莫里斯敦的莫里斯敦医学中心(Morristown Medical Center)。 进入前五十名的纽约州波在基普西的瓦瑟兄弟医疗中心。(Google Map)...


18-03-04 Spring Civic Center,1 Veterans Plaza,Silver Spring, MD 20910) ﹔3月20日晚上7:00 - 9:00 于白橡树社区中心社会厅 (White Oak...

A Blacksmith's Promise to Grant a Poor Scholar Five Hundred Strings of Coins

18-03-04 [Editor's note: Chinese coins had a hole in the center and were threaded on strings to be carried.] He...

Claims of United States Being the Worst Country for Mass Shootings are Wrong: Study Shows

18-03-04 shootings per capita.The study, led by economist John Lott at the Crime Research Prevention Center, is based...


18-03-04 。时间:2018年3月10日(周六)下午2:00 - 4:00 PM地点:波多马克社区活动中心Potomac Community Center, Community Room,11315 Falls Rd...


18-03-02 、巧克力水果串、巧克力坚果等……真能让您大快朵颐、满心欢喜呢!此外,3月11日(周日)在新泽西会展中心(NJ Convention & Expo Center)还有一场哦!时间:3月4日(周日...


18-02-23 六月以前为联合车站 (Union Station) 和杜邦圆环 (Dupont Circle),地铁中心 (Metro Center) 和鲍尔斯顿 (Ballston) 之间的隧道以及五角大楼到金街之间...

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

18-02-19 intelligence,” he said, “and intelligence wins wars.”Acclinks has a “distribution” center on the Marshall...

Chinese Navy’s Prototype Railgun Could Make Its Cruisers Dominant, Rings Alarm Bells for US

18-02-11 Assessment and Strategy Center had earlier commented on China’s breakthrough in electromagnetic aircraft...

FDA: Almonds Recalled After Mixup That May Cause a Life-Threatening Allergic Reaction

18-02-11 Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the...


18-02-11 2月9日星期五晚上7点至9点在特伦布克社区娱乐中心 ( Twinbrook Community Recreation Center), 地址是 Twinbrook Parkway 12920号﹔ 情人节...


18-02-11 Park Activity Center) 进行注册, 地址是 S. Frederick Frederick大街506号。 在线注册的客户需要建立一个在线帐号,由于系统更新,即使您以前在网上注册...