
20-05-29British National (Overseas),海外英国国民的简称)持有者。当年英国不予港人英国国民身份,是因为当时认为中共不会欺人太甚。但23年的经验证明,港人的自由和人权已经受到威胁,因此英国有责任...


20-04-10 )前的限时机票(指定旅行日期为3 月 3 日,周二~ 5 月 31 日,周日),但是,旅行目的地、机票等级不能更改。4、英国航空公司(British Airways)乘客可以免费更改:3 月 3 日(周二...

英医:当突然丧失嗅觉味觉 极可能已染中共肺炎

20-03-27 ,如果成年人失去嗅觉,即使没有其他症状,亦应自我隔离7天,以避免散布病毒。英国鼻科学会(British Rhinological Society)的主席霍普金斯(Claire Hopkins)教授于电邮上写道...


20-03-27 的。“谷歌艺术与文化”的收藏,包括:大英博物馆(British Museum)等多家知名博物馆及数百家有关艺术、历史与科学知识的景点。谷歌艺术与文化(Google Arts & Culture)的顶尖...

伟大的南丁格尔 战场上的提灯天使(下)

20-01-05 Affecting the Health, Efficiency and Hospital Administration of the British Army)、1859年的《看护注意事项》(Notes on...


19-12-23 of British Columbia)与志愿团体合作,检测这些蜂巢蜜糖中的金属成分,结果发现小量的铅、铁、锌以及其他成分,相信是蜜蜂传播花粉时,从植物沾染回来。研究指出,火山灰、河床、煤碳中的铅...

A General Cleans a Soldier’s Shoes

19-10-31 On a night in 1944, a troop of soldiers assembled at the British military airfield waiting for the...

警察卧底调查华人驾校 抢占考位方法曝光

19-08-08 朋友们,都遇到过这个问题:如果自己上网预约车管局的路考时会发现,近两月内的排期都是满的,要想预约路考大约在两个月后才能轮到。比如在卑诗省(British Columbia)的路考等候时间为50-90天...

Huang Jialuo, Chinese translator for Louis XIV (Part 1)

19-06-19 , Huang Jialu boarded a British merchant ship from Xiamen to Rome, a journey which lasted for about nine...


19-05-13 )表示,希望尽快敲定引渡听证日期、启动孟晚舟引渡程序,但孟晚舟律师声称,孟晚舟是“权力滥用的受害者”,她的引渡案理当否决。经过双方辩论,卑诗省(British Columbia)最高法院裁定,在9月23日至...

China’s Growing Influence on Hollywood

18-10-17 win the business,” British newspaper The Independent reported in April 2013 in an article titled...

Former Rolls-Royce Engineer Suspected of Passing Fighter Jet Tech to China

18-06-29 A former engineer for British multinational Rolls-Royce was arrested on June 12 after for allegedly...

China Is Buying Up Critical Technologies From Europe, Outside American Scrutiny

18-06-04 was not hindered by British regulators at the time, although the key semiconductor device in question...


18-06-04 尼米兹、苏联元帅朱可夫等人。二战之后,英国政府先后授予美国总统里根和乔治・布什。英国“巴斯勋章”等级高于“大帝国勋章”(Most Excellent Order of the British Empire...


18-06-04 大英博物馆(图片来源:Jononmac46/WIKI/CC BY-SA)【看中国记者闻天清报导】位于英国伦敦的大英博物馆(British Museum)是世界规模最大、最著名的博物馆之一,该博物馆...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 The Dutch tulip mania in the 1630s, the British South Sea Bubble of the 1710s, and the French...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 women to seduce spies from the British MI6 intelligence agency, and lure them into honeytraps to obtain...

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

18-02-19 the world. Registered in the British Virgin Islands, Acclinks Communication Inc. counts Liang Liyong...

Chinese Navy’s Prototype Railgun Could Make Its Cruisers Dominant, Rings Alarm Bells for US

18-02-11 British semiconductor company that once held a technical edge in the production of an insulated-gate...

4 Things to Know About Carter Page, the Man at the Center of the Memo

18-02-10 tasked with approving FISA warrants—knowingly unverified information provided by former British spy...

By Snatching Up British Company, China Closes Gap on US Naval Supremacy

17-12-23 incorporating key technology from a British company it discretely acquired a decade ago. The acquisition was not...

仿佛置身 英格兰花园

17-11-03 花园色彩。Erdem这个品牌起源于英国伦敦,设计师Erdem Moralioglu也曾经在Dries Van Noten担任过设计要职,2014年还获得了“British Fashion Awards...

Shen Yun Orchestra and the Power of Music to Heal

17-09-23 substantiating the claim that good music benefits us. A new study in Heart, a publication by the British Medical...

大都会名画欣赏 “华盛顿渡德拉威河”

17-06-26 a loss when the British troops managed to out-maneuver the Continental Army. A series of defeats settled...

101亿伦敦买楼 〝重庆李嘉诚〞已清仓中国资产

17-05-02 ,在香港注册)同意从British Land和Oxford Properties这两家公司手中买下〝乳酪刨丝器〞。〝乳酪刨丝器〞真正的名字是Leadenhall大厦,有46层,高度约225米,是伦敦金融城内...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 former British colony’s return to China in 1997. Beijing, however, has always seen its anointed candidate...

“跑车”SUV中的王者 2017 Range Rover EVOQUE

17-04-01 a uniquely British character, including leather seat upholstery, a panoramic glass roof and an 11-speaker...


17-03-02 Administration of the British Army)、1859年的《看护注意事项》(Notes onNursing)等。这位在克里米亚战场上提著灯的天使,所护佑的,不仅仅是英国人民,她的著作对世界产生了...


16-06-19 不列颠哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)生物学家安娜.卡尔考斯卡(Anna Karnkowska)说:「结果让他们感到极其惊讶。我们的理论会杀死这种生物细胞...

私立学校是通往常春藤名校的捷径吗? (连载6)

16-06-19 )第六类:注重学术严谨             的最佳私立学校#1波士顿英国国际学校(The British International School of Boston)#2菲利普斯安多弗学校...


16-06-05 Miguel de Allend)康恩指出,墨西哥的经济局势逐渐稳定,促使更多的民众购买第二套住房,许多向圣米格尔。2、加拿大卑诗省维多利亚(Victoria, British Columbia)维多利亚...


16-05-04 巴拿马文件显示,英属维京群岛(British Virgin Islands)一家离岸公司丰城发展(Fung Shing Development Ltd)为前中共政治局常委贾庆林女婿李伯潭所持有。此前泄露...

疑染李斯特菌 Costco和BJ’s召回速冻蔬菜

16-04-27 , NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI,及加拿大4个省份包括British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba...


16-03-05 其他疫区。英国免疫学会(British Society for Immunology)发言人巴罗(Peter Barlow)说:“将相同结论套用于南美洲寨卡疫情前,仍需要进行大量的研究。”...


16-03-02 之间的因果关系。”不过,有些人提醒,这项研究结果并非决定性,可能无法直接应用于其他疫区。英国免疫学会(British Society for Immunology)发言人巴罗(Peter Barlow...


16-02-23 ……opps, sorry!英国人也很喜欢恶搞自己爱说sorry的习惯,Buzzfeed甚至做了一个总结:63Things That Will Make A British Person Say “Sorry...

全球空污每年致550万人亡 中国第一

16-02-14 British Columbia)研究者布劳尔(Michael Brauer)表示,希望这份污染死亡数据,可以推动各国政府重新审视现行环保政策。绿色和平呼吁,北京当局应该严控燃煤污染,进一步改善空气质量。同时建议...

加拿大卑诗省发生大雪崩 至少5死1人伤

16-01-30 加拿大西部卑诗省(British Columbia)当地时间周五(29日)下午发生大规模雪崩,造成至少5人死亡,1人受伤。当日有多达3组人驾驶雪地摩托车在事发现场区域活动,目前搜救人员仍在现场搜寻...

Zhang Liang Cultivating Immortality

16-01-30 appointed as "Liu Hou" (similar to a British marquis). But, Zhang Liang never sought fame or...


16-01-24 Local Examinations Syndicat - UCLES)和澳大利亚高校国际开发署(360 Education Australia)及英国文化委员会(The British Council...