纽约州严历整顿非法大麻市场  布鲁克林首家非法大麻店被法院永久关闭

24-01-25 政府网站12月18日消息:纽约州长凯西-霍楚、总检察长莱蒂西亚-詹姆斯和大麻管理办公室(OCM)宣布成功关闭了布鲁克林湾脊区的一家无证大麻店——Big Chief Smoke Shop。此次关闭是对该店...

Election Coup: Fraud Across the Country(已校对)

20-11-27 Biden and demanded in her letter: “We want something for our vote.”According to the director of Big Data...

纽约市公布科技竞赛奖 加强房屋租赁保护权

20-11-13 他们的需求,并创建能够产生实际影响的解决方案。我们很高兴多年来通过纽约市大软件(NYC Big Apps)计划支持Heat Seek。我们很高兴看到Heat Seek和JustFix.nyc改进其技术来保护...

大选政变 全美范围舞弊

20-11-12 百岁老人名单上。投票站进行作弊培训保守派媒体网站“大联盟政治”(Big League Politics)独家披露了一系列底特律泄密视频,密歇根州总检察长内塞尔(Dana Nessel)威胁记者删除该视频...

我最恨的人 竟是那个救我的人/World War II: The Person I Hate the Most Is the One Saving My Life

20-10-19 under the shelter of a big tree. Leaving me a few pieces of brown bread and a pot of water, he hurriedly...

神通乞丐扫帚一扫 水墨龙成

20-10-06 paper and a large brush pen. The owner said: “Sorry, we don’t have a big pen, only a small pen.”The...

澳政府施压 中国蒙牛收购澳知名乳企失败

20-08-28 已有传闻,弗莱登伯格也已经在本月私下通知雄狮公司,该收购案将不会获得批准。 雄狮乳品饮料公司是澳洲第二大乳品公司,日本麒麟株式会社是其母公司。公司旗下许多为澳洲消费者所熟知的品牌,包括Big M系列牛奶...

A good horse met a good rider: Di Qing was elevated from a military deserter to a great general

19-01-29 became scared.  Di Qing led the army charging into the battlefield and won a big victory.  The Xia army...

Chinese P2P Lending Bubble Quietly Bursts

17-01-16 lenders.Most P2P Firms Expect to CloseSo far, China’s “Big Five” banks have been reluctant to take on P2P...

Shen Yun 2017 Inspires Audience with Art and Message

17-01-16 heritage. My wife is French, and a big part of our life is French also and we don't ignore that, but we...

Peace Prevails When The Virtuous Govern, Chaos Follows When The Unethical Rule (2 of 2)

17-01-07 Guozhong brought a big crop seedling and showed it to Xuanzong, and said that the powerful rainstorm did...

How the US Could Win a Trade War With China

17-01-07 States to become their next big market (Alibaba).According to the GPF report, both countries would lose...


16-12-23 。一些顶尖级物理学家认为,时间仅仅是人思维中形成的概念,真正的时间不是这样。提出宇宙“大挤压”(Big Crunch)理论的物理学家推测,宇宙在发生大挤压时,时间会逆转,一切都向过去发生。金属元素极少星系...

US Rate Hike Could Squeeze Chinese Issuers

16-12-17 outflows. China has already spent a big portion of its foreign exchange reserves to manage a depreciating...

2017 Mercedes-Benz GLS 绝对的王者睥睨

16-12-06 it all homeThe COMAND® system's big new 8-inch central screen unites entertainment, navigation...


16-12-05 目前的天文学观测表明,“暗能量”(Dark energy)占据了当今宇宙70%的成分。物理学家们研究了被称为“宇宙大撕裂”(The big rip)的理论,这个理论认为,随着时间的推移“暗能量...

节日长假 大费城娱乐看点

16-11-28 宇航中心(NASA)等都是冬季去的好地方。德州的亮点之一,艺术博物馆和自然科学博物馆也不错,离休斯顿不远有个小岛Galveston可以停留。要是时间充裕,其它城市比如奥斯汀和圣安东尼奥,或西边的Big...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 workers.Consequently, the U.S. steel industry took a big hit; U.S. producers posted net losses of $1.43 billion in the...


16-11-28 如此之大而不可能垮掉,但是规模大到拯救起来很难/not too big to fail,but too big to save。」若中国经济危机会引发连环效应他马上接下来说:「除此之外,哪一...

感恩节哪些商家开门迎客? 掌握资讯不扑空

16-11-24 Exchange:上午8点Bass Pro商店:上午8点Bealls Florida:下午6点Belk:下午4点Best Buy:下午5点Big Lots:上午7点Bon-Ton:下午5点Dick's...

A Qing Dynasty Official's Sacrifice Earns Him Good Fortune

16-11-20 government stores. Transportation to other regions was difficult, since they were located in a big mountain...

黑色星期五 哪些美国商家折扣最高?

16-11-19 (Macy’s)的整体打折幅度高达63.35%获得头筹,而打折幅度最低的是Big Lots的25.52%。但整体而言,2016年黑色星期五的总体平均折扣为39%,因此如果消费者想要在黑色星期五购物,需谨记瞄准...

晚餐时间讲故事 妙处多

16-11-18 当我还是一个孩子的时候,我经常幻想自己是《大森林里的小木屋》(Little House in the Big Woods)中的小女孩,吃着淋有枫糖浆的雪。我甚至缠着妈妈,让她用曼哈顿路边已经脏了的雪...


16-11-16 Bob饰演牠自己。在伦敦街头自弹自唱兼卖《THE BIG ISSUE》大志杂志的詹姆士,在家中意外发现这只腿受伤的瘦弱小猫,当时的正在戒毒的他,没有因为经济压力弃牠不顾,反而耐心的照顾牠直到康复,并将牠取...

黑色星期五又来了 该买什么不该买什么

16-11-14 ,一般玩具要等到接近圣诞节的时候才会有更好的折扣。去年,在圣诞节前的最后几天,凯马特、沃尔玛和Big Lots等零售商的玩具大幅打折,有些产品的折扣高达50%。该买:游戏系统套装黑色星期五也是游戏玩家的购物节...


16-11-10 relationships. We expect to have great, great relationships. No dream is too big, no challenge is too great....


16-11-03 亚当斯 。            网站:tinyurl.com/hazphpb。 2、大苹果电影节 Big Apple Film Festival   本电影节一直致力于发掘纽约独立电影的潜力导演...

Selected Passages from "Yuan’s Model Conduct in Society" (Part 4)

16-10-26 own goal. This is being earnest. For any promise--no matter how big or small--always fulfill it. Once...

Saving Others Is Saving Ourselves救人实是自救

16-10-21 burn down." Then, a big bang was heard. The rear wall of Old Shi's home collapsed. Old Shi...

China’s Ponzi Real Estate Market

16-10-18 , referee, and big player. The market is entirely propped up by loans.From a market point of view, Chinese...

Doing One's Duty Without Claiming Credit 尽责而不言功

16-10-18 , as well as many innocent lives. If I had any selfishness on such an urgent situation, a big mistake...

周末好去处: 纽约动漫展 巧克力展 大都会博物馆

16-10-08 地址:贾维茨会展中心655 West 34th Street网址:newyorkcomiccon.com3. 首届纽约巧克力展First Annual Big Chocolate Show纽约首场巧克力...


16-10-01 。I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed.谢谢你下了这么大的订单...

Admiring and Praising a Magnificent Emperor

16-09-04 and other basic information of all state governors were written on a big screen in his bedroom. This...


16-08-23 (Windy City)、巨肩之城(City of Big Shoulders)、劳动之城(the City that Works)。这一流光溢彩、拥有270万人口的大都市,现在沦落到与底特律为伍,已然是“垃圾...


16-08-22 。还有一部分就是国家队运动员参赛。当然,所有这些都是通过层层选拔后确定的人选。例如美国泳坛传奇菲尔普斯。他来自美国中西部著名的大十联盟(Big Ten)领头羊学校。这十所学校都是公立学校,每年从联邦和州政府...

Karmic Retribution is Always Fair

16-01-08 well as a big family. He even knew when he was going to die. Many people cited Gong's life as an...


15-09-13 (swing)、大乐团(Big Band)时代的音乐、摇滚、和top 40的流行音乐与现代音乐的话,别错过Night and Day于9月27日(周日)的表演。地点在钻石农场公园(Diamond Farms...


15-09-13 最近,可见美国不怎么待见加拿大)MICHIGAN(密歇根):来源于印第安语,意思是“great lake“or“big water“,“大湖“明尼苏达州:我们有一万个湖泊。。。。。。还有10万亿只蚊子...

全球最美的10家 Apple Store

15-02-12 的,由建筑大师大众特负责整体设计,不难看出,这间看起来就像一部Big Size 的Macbook。3 澳大利亚-雪梨         这间位于澳大利亚新南威尔斯州首府雪梨商业区的Apple Store...