Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary, Lawyers and Engineers Question Official Story

19-09-10 emphasizes that this federal law creates a duty on the part of the United States Attorney, and removes the...


19-06-12 。时间:6月15日(周六)晚上7点30分。费用:免费,需上网预约订位。其他信息同上。11、Daniel Fishkin多重器乐音乐会:第2部分 Daniel Fishkin: Part II丹尼尔·菲甚金...


19-05-09 :flushingtownhall.org。9、Daniel Fishkin多重器乐音乐会:Part I Daniel Fishkin: Part I丹尼尔·菲甚金(Daniel Fishkin)获得2018-2019年驻村艺术计划(EtM...

Retribution for Destroying a Buddha Statue

19-05-06 While KowtowingIn the northern part of Ji County, Shandong Province, there is a small village located...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17 the ancient Silk Road in what is today part of China’s Xinjiang Province, now completely buried by...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 Emperor Taizong: Open to Criticism and Readily Corrects Own Faults (PART 2/2) Li Shimin, Emperor...

The Centuries old Mysterious Brick that No one Dares to Move or Touch

19-02-13 part of the Great Wall in Gansu. In the times of the Silk Road, Jiayuguan was a well known landmark...


19-01-03 hurdle to business dealings.With local joint venture partnerships still amandatory part of doing business...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 3)

18-12-24 Stories of Tolerance (Part 3) Guo Ziyi Acted Generously and with Integrity In the Tang Dynasty, Guo...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 2)

18-12-05 Stories of Tolerance (Part 2) General and Prime Minister in Harmony In the Warring States Period...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 1)

18-11-28 Stories of Tolerance (Part 1) An old Chinese saying states, “Ancient gentlemen are strict with...

Mencius (Part 2)

18-11-28 Mencius (Part 2) Every Day I Was Hoping the Lord of Qi Would Change His Mind! Mencius went to the...

Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 2)

18-11-21 Emperors Yao and Shun Honored Xu You (Part 2) After Xu You left the swamp, he moved faraway with...

Mencius (Part 1)

18-11-21 Mencius (Part 1) Mencius (372 – 289 BC), or Meng Ke, courtesy name Ziyu, was born in the state of...

News Analysis: The Rosenstein Memo

18-11-15 push to see the Rosenstein memo in full, noting, “If any part of it is classified, it won’t surprise...


17-08-07 :718-965-8942。        网站:tinyurl.com/ybxz52ha。        ●《饥饿游戏:自由幻梦1(The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1)》(2014...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2) When asked "How can a person develop a good...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 purpose of music was to disseminate moral concepts via folk songs. These songs reached every part of the...

Man Searches for Dead Brother’s Body at Controversial Exhibition

17-07-27 have been imprisoned as part of the campaign and, conservatively, thousands have died, usually as...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 autumn, all the xiucai traveled to Jinling City, the capital of Jiangsu Province, to take part in the...

Unraveling Hong Kong’s Stock Market ‘Enigma Network’        A June small-cap stock crash confounds market watchers

17-07-12 experienced catastrophic crashes on June 27 and 28 were all part of a group of companies called out by Hong...


17-07-12 。        ●《回到未来(Back to the Future Part II)》 (1989)(flikr CC BY-SA 2.0)需要晚8点前入场,提供有限座椅,先去先得。可带毛毯、水,但不可带玻璃瓶...

The Photographer Who Loves America

17-07-08 otherwise and giving them a more honest, spontaneous presence in his photographs. They have become a part of...

New Documentary Highlights the Hidden Price of Making an iPhone

17-06-30 worker, reminded some in the audience that they too played a part in the tragedy being highlighted.“I...


17-06-10 部分的条件之后遵守ACA政策的人,减免对晚注册登记的罚款。对于65岁以上老人及残疾人士,Medicare  Part B医保涵盖看医生和门诊护理。Medicare发言人在解释政策变动时说,针对注册登记...

  The Beauty of the Guqin: Upright and Profound

17-06-05 ;an intellectual does not casually part with his guqin or se [another stringed musical instrument...

Fidel’s Cuba Leaves Indelible Scars

17-05-01 realize that every day I repeated that as a child, it became part of me—my body, mind, blood.”De León...


17-04-18 吗?您知道如何选择适合自己的联邦健保药品计划(Part D)吗?您是否知道:如果您退休后属于低收入群体,马州LIS药品计划可以帮助您支付药品费?您是否知道,怎样保护自己免于负担庞大的健保医疗费用?欲知详情请来参加讲座...

A Man of Virtue Treasures Time Like Gold

17-04-12 day to commit some part of them to memory. In fact, he was so interested in memorizing the classics of...

A Chinese Entrepreneur’s Plea for Rationality

17-03-25 are resources that are part of that property, and they are the only source of return on investment....

Congressional Hearing: Reforming China Through Increased Trade  a ‘Bipartisan Fantasy’

17-03-10 freely with China and time is on our side,'” said Smith in a statement made part of the hearing’s...

美国报税季 报税表格详解及所需材料

17-03-03 part time的, 单身没有小孩的话只需要要用1040EZ  form即可,有小孩的用1040A,自己有房子,每月付贷款的,就必须要填最复杂的1040表了。这些1040表只是总表,副表(Forms...


17-02-26 (第一部)》Henry IV, part 1《亨利四世 (第二部)》Henry IV, part 2《亨利五世》Henry V《理查三世》Richard III等等。...


17-02-13 冰川公园,是离蓝色的冰川最近的地方,一眼望去看不到尽头,太美太震撼!12、去肯尼亚看动物迁徙一生一定要去去肯尼亚一次,近距离观赏野生动物,感受最原始的生命力。13、参加泰国帕岸岛的满月part把全身涂满荧...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (2 of 2)

17-02-11 sent part of the troops to cross the Huai River to attack the Chu troops and then withdrew pretending...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 the infected part of his intestine, cleansed his insides, sealed the wound with stitches, and finally...


16-01-13 (灰姑娘)”,力争让外国影迷都能明白其中的奥妙:《大话西游之月光宝盒》 A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora's Box《大话西游之大圣娶亲(又名...