Protected by an "Ethereal Sarong"

17-09-18 evening.Immediately after Mr. Gao saw Li Fan, he said, "I have good news for you. After I got home from your...

Chicago Had More Votes Than Voters in 2016 Elections

17-09-15 official in California, it is your responsibility under federal law to coordinate California’s statewide...

Wuda Kokushi

17-09-15 water to wash your knee, and you will be healed." The next day, Wuda Kokushi went to the spring...

The Power of Kindness

17-09-08 completely mistaken," replied the old man. "Your parents raised you, hoping that you would be...

The Selfless Realm of  Fan Zhongyan (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-08 asked Emperor Renzong, "What would you do if there was no food in your palace for even half a day...


17-09-08 但是没有得到解决,请致电1-800-908-4490向我们寻求专门的协助。我们有团队可以提供协助。关于资料泄漏和您的税金(About data breaches and your taxes)不是所有资料泄漏或电脑...

  The Selfless Realm of Fan Zhongyan (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-03 sent people to warn Fan, "Since you are not a censor, do not waste your energy debating about...

President Trump Visits Hurricane-Struck Texas, Praises First Responders

17-09-03 how great your representatives have been in working together. It’s a real team,” President Trump...


17-08-26 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期部分活动内容如下:1、美国联邦小企业局举办讲座:建立商业品牌(Branding Your Business)中文翻译时间:8月28日(周一)2:00pm-4:00pm。主讲人...

A Gentleman Is Strict with Himself and Tolerant of Others (Part 2 of 2)

17-08-27 keep your word. When you do something, make sure it is completed." Confucius also said, "...

伍允龙谈李小龙 -专访《龙的诞生》主角

17-08-25 prepare for this interview, I looked at your bio. It seems like there’s a lot of parallel between your...

Emperor Yu Paid Great Respect to Heaven and Worked Tirelessly for the People

17-08-20 a sound. Therefore, at all times we must put virtue as the top priority. If your officials have virtue...

Shame Leads to Self-Discipline 知耻自律

16-08-14 of death. Minister Shen said to King Wen, "Your departed father, King Wu, consulted the heavens...

To Rule a Country, One Needs to Get Rid of Societal Mice and Fierce Dogs

16-08-14 from you!' A country is similar to a liquor store. If you want to make your country developed and...

Seeking No Power and Pursuing No Fame

16-08-14 my student. Don't you know your teacher? I have been doing scholarly research all my life. I...


16-08-09 Broadway, 30th Floor, Room 3,  NY, NY 1007。 8月18日(周四)个人企业融资(Financing Your Business)文艺复兴(微型贷款)Renaissance...

The Wise Use of Writing  Skills Saves People's Lives

16-08-07 for forgiveness. The king said, "Considering that you serve your mother with much filial piety...

Emperor Taizong Governed with Five Points in Mind

16-08-07 disclosed the reason. You are welcome to talk about it frankly." The officials all said, "Your...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 be on your guard."The King did not listen and trusted Luan Ying just as before. At the same time...


16-07-30 to the Buddha statue on your back, not you!!"The greatest misfortune is that people do not know...

Advise Frankly and Preserve Moral Integrity (中文875字)

16-07-30 emperor kept talking about his plans. Ji An said, "Your Majesty, although you superficially appear to...


16-07-29 ,能否抓住时机是看你平常的步伐是否可以在适当的时候发力,走在竞争对手之前。抓住时机的重要因素知己知彼(Know your Personality),做任何决定之前,要先知道自己的条件,然后才知道自己有甚么选择...

Convincing People with Virtue (2/2)

16-07-24 thank you for your grace and generosity!” Zhuge Liang then invited Meng Huo to the banquet to celebrate....

Prefect Kong Yong Peacefully Resolves an Armed Insurgency

16-07-24 exterminate your people. Now, following the emperor's order, I'm here to serve you as your official....

Convincing People with Virtue (1/2)

16-07-19 convinced. He said, "Victory or defeat is common in battle. I was not careful and fell into your trap....


16-07-17 “每天”的意思),为了此咖啡公司舒尔茨募资超过160万美元。舒尔茨在他的书《全心灌注》(Pour Your Heart Into It)中提到:“为了筹募资金,这一年中我与242人谈过但被217人拒绝。不断地听到许多声音...

激发未来想像力 纽约台湾新创论坛

16-07-15 : Make It Anywhere - Design Your Career」,邀请纽约地区不同领域设计、科技、商业的新创人士一起分享专业,现场吸引百余位台湾年轻人聚集一堂,台上台下讨论热烈,激发对新创、科技...


16-06-28 和其他closing doc和钥匙一起带回家。  3. HUD指道手册  在拿到诚信估价单时,您还会收到一份新的 《选购您的房屋贷款: HUD 成交费用手册》(Shopping For Your Home Loan...


16-06-26           Your children are not your children.  你的儿女,其实不是你的儿女。    They are the sons and daughters...

Gods See to It That the Wicked Suffer and the Good Avoid Disaster

16-06-18 voices replied in the sky: “Yes! We will follow your orders!” Hearing those voices, the local residents...

Zhang Tingyu Inhibits his Son In Order to Achieve Greater Virtue

16-06-13 give him third place because he is your son.” But Zhang Tingyu repeatedly asked the emperor to...

Deities Cannot be Fooled With 神灵不可欺戏

16-06-05 summon. Please give me your orders." Taoist Zheng said, "Several friends of mine want to meet...


16-05-19 过百岁,却依然坚强地生活着,奔跑着。从艾达—基林老奶奶身上,印证了一句话:速度和激情从来不是年轻人的专利!You die on your feet rather than live on your...

The Rewards of Helping a Person in Dire Straits

16-05-18 character. Having good moral character is not as important as having forbearance. Although your lifespan is...


16-05-09        Mon. May 16How SBA’s Can Help Your Business3.       Mon. May 23Business Plan Writing4.       Mon. June...

一乘单骑游纽约 5月自行车月

16-05-04 在哥伦比亚圆环集合中央公园月夜骑行Central Park Moonlight Ride每月第一个周五哥伦比亚圆环前集合本月时间:10pm自行车自助修理Fix Your Bike...


16-05-03 可查询,。8、自行车自助修理 Fix Your Bike Workshop         时间:6:30pm~8:30pm...

Resolving Resentment with Forbearance and Forgiveness

16-05-01 again. The gods told him in his next dream, "In your previous life, you stabbed Wang Mazi 26 times...

Taking Bribes and Perverting the Law Ruined a Promising Future

16-04-16 the level of deputy minister) on it. Today here you are and your surname is Xu. You will undoubtedly...


16-04-11 Lord replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your...