
20-01-07 的12周系列课程。时间:1月8日(周三)上午10点~下午1点。网站:tinyurl.com/tcx933m。其他信息同上。4、微软Word基础入门 Microsoft Word For Beginners...


19-12-22 :tinyurl.com/tf2bwm7。3、为成人和青少年介绍Word软件 Introduction To Microsoft Word For Adults And Teens您是否有兴趣学习使用电脑的Word软件...

台湾情治人员资料被盗 中共网络攻击大起底

19-08-10 攻击方式来入侵电脑。APT攻击,一般是利用恶意程序,或是软件公司的档案漏洞来突破资安防线,常会伪装成PDF档或是WORD档后,再附上该目标有兴趣的标题,来吸引被害人开启档案并乘机将Rootkit殖入被害人...

The Eight Divinations and Wisdoms of Life in Zhouyi

19-03-21 famous ancient classics of China.  Every single word in Zhouyi is very profound and vivid, containing...

The Small Donor and The Big Donor

19-02-06 a bottle of oil, is honored as "Big Donor". He decided to go and have a word with the monks.Wan...

Stories of Tolerance (Part 1)

18-11-28 requires one to be broadminded and kind.  Zi Gong once asked his teacher Confucius, “Is there a single word...

Facebook Shut Down AI After It Invented Its Own Language

17-08-04 was then back-propagated through every word in the bot output so it could learn which actions lead to...

How a Homely Wife Brought Prosperity to Her Husband

17-08-04 never find a husband. At the height of their despair, they received word of a potential suitor who was...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 participate in the exam, he wanted to offer you 20 gold pieces and four piculs (English word for a Chinese...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 campaign, although she was present for several meetings.”“Natalia didn’t speak a word of English,” said one...

Heaven Will Reward the Virtuous

17-05-01 to speak easily. He regretted having said a good word for Huang Cong. The emissary later told his...

Moral Character Is the Number One Consideration in Recommending People

17-04-18 and conduct, no matter how trifling. If a person truly has high moral character, a single word or...

霍金续写〝渐冻人〞传奇  揭开他轮椅的科技秘密

17-03-23 的电脑工程师为霍金设计了一个名为〝平等器〞的电脑程序,其中的文本文件是Word。这个程序可以让霍金从屏幕上选择词汇,只要他按动手中的开关选择词汇后,就会转入语音合成器,发出声音来。后来,剑桥调节通讯公司的...

党媒英文版推特爆丑闻 发布“低俗”字谜遭抨击

17-01-03 继中共官媒新华社有意给日本排球女将木村纱织“扩胸”遭至网民反感后,党媒《人民日报》又惹出事端。2017新年伊始,该党媒英文版推特上传一张word puzzle(字谜),其中的组合单词充斥淫秽、粗俗...


17-01-02 Office应用程序(Word,PowerPoint,OneNote)之中,保存到微软的OneDrive或其它云存储中,或转换为PDF文档。6.电话录音虽然要做到给电话录音,得需要一个特别应用程序APP,但很...

收藏| 美国大学最流行的5种记笔记的科学方法,让你事半功倍

16-12-14 等作为辅助来区分各项内容的上下级关系。比较类似我们在写论文时使用Word编辑的文档。如何使用:1. 把最笼统的分级从页面的最左边写起,然后根据分级依次缩进,同时可使用数字(如一,(一),1,(1),1)或字母...

微软262亿美元完购LinkedIn 专才更易找工作

16-12-09 和Office套件中整合LinkedIn身份认证系统和网络。2. 在Windows Action Center通知中心整合LinkedIn通知功能。3. 允许LinkedIn会员能够在Word中起草简历,更新...

China’s Growing Trade Deficit with US, Rising State and Corporate Debt: Very ‘Concerning’ Says Congressional Report

16-11-28 either, according to the report.Vice Chair Bartholomew said, “In deed and word, China has shown to be...

One Is Blessed to be Told of One’s Mistakes

16-09-26 , no one dared to utter a word, but this is perhaps not the result anyone wanted to see." "...

陈光标〝火烧屁股〞 冒充记者曝下属〝黑料〞

16-09-25 本人。另外,该曝料邮件附件中,除了一篇word格式的文章外,还有6张图片和2段航拍视频,但是既没媒体交代,也无作者署名,令人质疑。针对邮件〝曝料〞,有记者通过邮件的方式直接要求陈光标方面提供邮件来源,陈光标...


16-04-03 !16. You have my word。我保证。17. I hope I'm not in the way。我希望没有妨碍到你们。...


16-03-29 强烈的个人情绪,所写内容不受控制很难收回。如果你不能控制自己的情绪,左右大脑,就先不要写邮件,把想法写到word文档中,不必急着发送出去,渐渐的气也能消了。不宜喝酒争吵过后选择借酒消愁,平复心情,效果不会很好...


16-02-09 it is pretty strange.还有instead of saying “very angry”,you can use the word “furious”。那同理,如果我们想表达...


16-01-15 Technology,$24,860)佛罗里达州坦帕大学(University of Tampa,$26,330)德克萨斯州圣道大学(University of the Incarnate Word,$26,490...


16-01-01 ≖‿≖✧Word Choice单词选择1. 你的外套破了。Incorrect: Your coat is broken.Correct: Your coat is torn.2. 总之苏珊没犯错。Incorrect...


15-12-19 (University of Tampa, $26,330)•德克萨斯州圣道大学(University of the Incarnate Word,$26,490)•佛罗里达州诺瓦东南大学(Nova...

感人至深:When you say nothing at all(一切尽在不言中)(视频)

15-11-25 这就是神奇的默契without saying a word you can light up the dark不言一语 就足以把黑暗驱离try as I may I could never explain...

2015黑色星期五购物清单 最值得期待的十大笔记本折扣

15-11-21 ,Windows 10。工作用神器,处理Word和Excel之类的文档妥妥的没有压力。Staples: 东芝Toshiba Satellite 15.6吋 i7处理器笔记本电脑 Windows 10 黑五价...

iPad Pro好不好用?看科技记者怎么说

15-11-14 笔记本电脑。iPad Pro有很多应用程序(App),像是Microsoft Word等,都已经客制化到iPad Pro的大屏幕,不是一般iPad App的延伸版本。此外, iOS 9操作系统还有改进的多功...


15-11-04 电脑的日常应用如:观看网络电影电视丶音乐制作及下载与装丶Microsoft Word, Excel 及PowerPoint的操作,Gmail的设定和运用, USB 的使用等。电脑班教师经验丰富,兼具国...

英语口语中最常用到的50个成语 太实用了

15-10-04 就不会有结果,要水到渠成才行。心急锅不开。你着急,急也没用!用眼睛盯着它看也无济于事,事情不会因为你着急就会有较快的进展。4. A word to the wise.[字面意思]送给智者的一句话。[解释...


15-09-28 时走了许多弯路but so my word was trembling i had you 但说我拥有你时我在发抖now i am right on my way closer each day...

微软Office 2016的秘密武器:智能搜索

15-09-23 查看用户所有档案的活动,包括谁打开过、谁看过、谁编辑过以及这些人和你的关系,然后以卡片的方式呈现所有相关信息。举个例子:假如在过去一周内,有两组人打开公司服务器上的一个Word文件,Delve就会告诉...

微软发布Office 2016 最低要求Win 7系统

15-09-23   微软周二宣布Office 2016正式开始在全球范围内上市,其将包含Word、PowerPoint、Excel、Outlook与Access等软件的最新桌面应用版本,并允许人们“实时共同创作...

【英文对照赏析】 贤淑无私的长孙皇后

15-09-07 Emperor's anger. She did not say a word and left the room. When she returned, she was dressed in a formal...


15-07-19 Class)。课程内容:英语课程有ESL阅读、写作、数学、Fi-nancial Aids applicatio-ns;办公软件应用:Word、 Ex-cel、PowerPoint、 Access...


15-04-23 。我这边朋友都没有什么人天天上MSN或者SKYPE。联系就只能发短信和打电话。79.常用的BAD WORD[我觉得挺必备的。我们打网球的时候天天说。起码要知道。]80.请一定要带治感冒和胃肠感染的药!我带...

三星Galaxy S6将预装微软办公软件

15-03-24  周一微软表示,其办公应用软件(Word,Excel,PowerPoint和Skype)将可提前安装进一些通过谷歌安卓系统运行的三星智能平板电脑。这一举动将扩展至手机业务,新款三星Galaxy S6...


15-03-17 ;  ——office系列(至少要有word, excel, ppt);  ——学理工的同学们:最新版本matlab(这在美国是需要花重金购买的);  ——大家专业必备的软件(如chemsketch一类)  电脑瘫...


15-01-22 不同的应用开发类型。微软Outlook应用程序集成了完整的Word编辑引擎,以及类似iOS的删除和标记消息界面。 虽然与PC版本看起来相似,但比目前的邮件客户端简洁了很多。至于照片应用,用户可以将照片上传到...