中兴高层换岗 能否逃过制裁

18-07-07 对中兴公司7年的出口禁令。 报导称,美国商业部工业和安全局(Bureau of Industry and Security,US Commerce Department)授权中兴通讯的恢复一些商业活动的期限...


18-06-28 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期(從6月22日起)部分活动内容如下:1.SBA郭曼丽六月份讲座联邦中小企业管理局(US Small Business Administration,SBA)经济发展专员郭曼丽...

投资移民签证时间长 国会将怎么办

18-06-29 知道(绿卡)要等多长时间,可能在10到15年之间。”费尔斯通正希望多数中国投资者愿意和项目地区中心“US Immigration Fund”(USIF)合作,同意自己的钱被转到TSX Broadway旅馆...

Even With New Deal, ZTE Is Damaged Goods

18-06-17 CNBC.Financially, ZTE appears to be able to withstand the new fine. As of March 31, it had 26.9 billion yuan (US...


18-06-13 【看中国纽约讯】纽约近期(6月15日起)部分活动内容如下:1.SBA郭曼丽六月份的讲座联邦中小企业管理局(US Small Business Administration,SBA)经济发展专员郭曼丽...


18-06-08 SBA郭曼丽六月份的讲座【看中国纽约讯】联邦中小企业管理局(US Small Business Administration,SBA)经济发展专员郭曼丽女士,为帮助小企业创业与发展,于6月又将举办...

Reinforce Virtue to Ensure Harmony between Husband and Wife

18-06-05 Constant Virtues are the moral standards that our ancestors passed down to us to help maintain familial and...

Takeover of Portuguese Utility Firm Latest Power Grab by China

18-05-28 two big carmakers are owned by Chinese investors,” Swedish MP Said Abdu told the magazine.Recent US...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 3)

18-05-27 own experiences, “We studied under the direction of Zhou Dunyi. He often told us to find what...


18-05-25 【看中国讯】2018年全美有哪些城市最适合居住呢?近日,《美国新闻与世界报导》(US News&World Report)对全美125个最大都会地区进行了调查,内容包括生活成本、就业市场...

19 Years Later, New Yorkers Remember Historic April 25 Appeal in China

18-04-25 about the truth and what kind of people we are.”“The policemen standing before us were nervous at first...

Bill Gates Backs Company that Plans to Video Record Everything on Earth, All the Time

18-04-25 state has run amok. Technology that’s enabled us to send selfies 24/7—not that valuable—has also enabled...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 1)

18-04-18 without regret. The ancient Chinese parenting method is of great value to us today. The following are some...


18-04-11 玩具反斗城(Toys R Us)的创始人查尔斯‧拉萨勒斯(Charles Lazarus)在3月21日寿终正寝,享年94岁。虽然他在1994已从玩具反斗城总裁的职位退休下来并不持有任何股份,在临终前...

Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Cultivation Practice

18-04-06 , wheat, and other foods daily to keep us alive. We cannot escape illness, which brings us pain and...

又一实体零售品牌挂点: Nine West申请破产,出售知识产权

18-04-06 零售商的业务。根据标准普尔全球公司的数据,零售业破产量在2017年创下六年新高,有50家公司申请保护。今日最知名的破产零售商是Toys“R”Us,该公司正在清算资产并关闭全美700多个店面。图片来源...


18-04-03 玩具反斗城(Toys R Us)和婴儿反斗城(Babies R Us)近日开始进行倒闭大抛售,并宣布了有关礼品卡,在线订单,礼品注册,退货,折扣,优惠券和忠诚奖励积分的新规定。以下是消费者...


18-03-31 全部永远属于购买人。 2.美国房子价格不高,甚至低于中国很多城市 据美国统计局(US Census Bureau)数据显示,截至2018年1月,美国新房源销售价格中位数为32.3万美元,二手房销售价格中位数...

Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2)

18-03-18 away from kind people is harmful. One is drawn to sly men, which ruin everything." This tells us...


18-03-04 ,当人居住在空气污染严重的地区和环境中时,会感受到压力,引发焦虑,导致暴力犯罪、抢劫和入室盗窃等刑事案件增加。科研人员花费了9年时间调研了美国环境保护局(US Environmental...

A Blacksmith's Promise to Grant a Poor Scholar Five Hundred Strings of Coins

18-03-04 his old friends. This story tells us that heaven determines one's fortune and wealth, and not...

Claims of United States Being the Worst Country for Mass Shootings are Wrong: Study Shows

18-03-04 ’ But, even if one puts it in terms of frequency, the president’s statement is still false, with the US...

  Ancient Stories about Being a Good Neighbor

18-03-04 with his neighbors in a poem. "We often get together, and each of us expresses our views openly...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 our State of Zhao because of myself and General Lian. If the two of us disagreed and Qin heard about...


18-02-15 is my hope that these values will guide us in our efforts to leave fulfilling lives of opportunity...

At Table With Trump, 15 European Business Giants Praise Tax Reform and Pledge Billions in New Investments

18-02-03 for all of us here.”Trump’s tax reforms resulted in a windfall for companies operating in the U.S....

  China's Tea Culture (Part 2)

18-02-03 Dao." In fact, the essence of the "Dao" is to tell us that the existence of all matter in the...

Gorka Discusses US National Security

18-01-29 US is once again a world leader, but is doing so pragmaticallyWASHINGTON—Military and intelligence...

China's Tea Culture (Part 1)

18-01-28 a fine Chinese tradition. So today let us talk about "tea." Regarding the origin of tea, there...

美对中贸易:重视执法、停止谈判   对太阳能板课关税祭旗

18-01-25 美国贸易署(US Trade Representative)1月19日在公布的年度中国世贸(WTO)观察报告中指出,中方自2001年加入世贸组织后,利用其成员资格在国际贸易上获得巨大利益,却无诚意...

  Seeing the Buddha

18-01-12 , we can hire someone to lead us to see the Buddha." Hence these blind people went to different...

  Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 2)

18-01-12 food. If you are prepared to share the comforts and hardships with us, then please stay; otherwise I...

美节日购物季火爆 经济强劲创销售佳绩

17-12-30 Shoes和Toys R Us等名店。今年有近7千家商店宣布关闭,超过2008年最多时的6200家。...


17-12-21 的奥巴马医保个人保险条款也在税改法案中被废除。美国国会税务联合委员会(US Congress Joint Committee on Taxation)估计,最终版本的税改法案将在10年内增加1.456...

In China, A Successful AIDS Lawsuit Stands in Contrast to the State’s Treatment of AIDS Patients

17-12-17 detained, and all of the lawyers who used to stand up for us are being taken off [such cases] for a variety...