
20-02-15 对象。●捐赠服务通常不可抵扣。●务必保留捐赠确认信,做好记录。●注意有争议的捐赠声明,这些声明会影响捐款的可抵扣金额。4、Flexible spending account (FSA) and...

A Kind Heart is Rewarded for Saving an Abandoned Baby

19-01-17 person may commit all kinds of evils and accumulate bad karma; much like spending hard-earned savings...

China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 been negatively affected by a wider spending slowdown in China, as consumers are reluctant to spend...

Doing Good Deeds Earns a Deity's Respect

18-09-14 Indian Ocean to search for precious treasures. An innumerable amount of spending and countless lives were...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 3)

18-08-05 country instead of spending energy on family issues. Although Empress Zhangsun grew up in a rich family...

Emperor Han Wendi Stopped Building a Pavilion to Save People's Money

18-06-18 worried that my lack of virtue would tarnish his reputation. How could I think of spending more money and...

Trump Seeks to Claw Back $15 Billion in Useless Spending

18-05-12 “pay fors” for more spending. By cutting this useless spending, one can raise newspending...

Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2)

18-03-18 will improve quickly because he enjoys spending time with those who are more virtuous than he. To stay...

The Monk Who Overslept

17-11-11 end up spending most of their time in sleep and dreams and therefore accomplish very few major tasks...

Beating of Students in Taiwan Puts Spotlight on Chinese Regime’s Influence

17-10-15 in 2013 after spending 17 years in China as a fugitive, Chang was arrested, but prosecutors dropped...

The China Bitcoin Ban Explained

17-09-29 company is spending over $3 million to get into bitcoin mining.In fact, the Chinese crackdown is a great...

The Dramatic Downfall of China’s Leading Foreign Dealmaker

17-06-24 embarked on a spending spree, amassing portfolios of risky assets not typically associated with insurance...


17-04-05 (Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account)的钱可用于照顾儿童,残疾配偶,父母或其他精神或身体残疾人的相关费用。每年的FSA上限是$5,000,这金额不会被纳税。28.工会会费...


17-03-12 的亲属,可以考虑加入雇主提供的弹性消费账户(Flexible Spending Accounts,FSA),将钱存入FSA,专门用于照顾孩子或家人,这笔钱可以免税。2016年FSA免税上限是2,550美元...

Behind Xi Jinping’s Risky Grab of Chinese Billionaire Xiao Jianhua

17-02-17 spending two years purging officers loyal to Jiang; recent investigations and abrupt “retirement” of...


16-08-17 they are poor; when they are rich, they are as careful in spending their money –that is the real...


16-02-13 Spending Accounts, FSA):有些雇主会为员工开设FSA,将员工的部分薪资存入FSA,用于医疗保险未涵盖的项目,包括日间照料丶保健服务丶药品及处方药等。FSA金额不用计入税前所得。目前每年可存入...

美国报税  不要忘了六项最节税的扣除额

16-02-04 只有2,000美元,则总损失是5,000美元,最高用其中的3,000美元作为扣除额,那么当事人总计可节省3,750美元的费用。弹性消费帐户扣除额弹性消费帐户(Flexible Spending Accounts...


16-01-30 Spending Accounts, FSA):有些雇主会为员工开设FSA,将员工的部分薪资存入FSA,用于医疗保险未涵盖的项目,包括日间照料、保健服务、药品及处方药等。FSA金额不用计入税前所得。目前每年可存入...

中共黩武 军费10年增4倍 秘密开支尤甚

15-11-06 defense spending)。“透明国际”估算中国账面外的开支占到国防总开支的35%到50%。透明国际研究方法负责人Tehmina Abbas表示,所谓的“秘密军费开支”通常是指那些向公众隐瞒...

6月新娘首选 曼哈顿婚礼最贵

15-06-07 。  美国运通支出与储蓄追踪(American Express Spending and Saving Tracker)指出,除了衣着、化妆等费用外,来回机票、旅馆费用及礼品等开支,也让宾客出席婚礼的成本愈来愈高...


15-02-13 (Flexible Spending Accounts,FSA)的上限额。    众议员帕特里克·麦克亨利说:“当我首次成为父亲时,我有了新的认识。父母养育孩子时所面临的费用,显著增加。”“这种变化是需要改革...


15-02-12 纽约州联邦众议员孟昭文(Grace Meng)。(Getty Images)(纽约讯)雇员如果家中有小孩或者有需要照顾的亲属,可以设立弹性消费帐户(Flexible Spending...