神通乞丐扫帚一扫 水墨龙成

20-10-06 of paper. He saw the beggar pick up the broom, dip it in ink, and wave it at the paper. Instantly...

迎购物季 亚马逊新增Prime会员福利

19-11-10 服务。亚马逊说,“我们将继续将食品杂货送货(Delivery)和接送(Pick Up)服务扩展到更多城市。”除了为Prime会员免除每月$14.99的费用(食品杂货送货服务)外,亚马逊还为...

‘American Factory’ Sheds Light On Chinese-Style Management at a US Plant  

19-09-26 a year, and are often made to pick up shattered glass with scant protection. Many Chinese viewers...


19-07-07 ,华盛顿特区排在第52位。 “华盛顿特区的自行车使用量比美国大多数城市高,实际达到了4.6%。”COYA营销经理皮克(Bianca Pick)说。这使得华盛顿特区仅在整体使用方面落后于波特兰。“它在全美...

Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

19-05-23 , he never returned to pick up the gold. For security, Yang Zhan hid the gold coins in the soil of...

2019 Audi Q5

19-04-29 20180Q5命名为Top Safety Pick,并在所有碰撞测试中给予它最高的Good评级。Q5安全功能Audi Pre Sense Basic、Audi Pre Sense City和后视摄像头是2019年...

Proper Manners Begin at the Dining Table

19-04-03 hostDon’t pick your teeth in publicAs you may have noticed. Many of these manners, though they may be...

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 incredible thing, so he dispatched a man to the Liu family residence to pick up the 100,000 strings of coins....


18-12-17 是去PickYourOwnChristmasTree.org,然后输入您的州,北维吉尼亚州和附近的马里兰州都有很多好的农场。Virginia.org也有一个不错的农场清单。如果您想搜索马里兰州的农场,可能有一些单独的网站,建议您使用“挑选”(pick)而不是...

Trump’s Drug Pricing Czar Found With ‘Multiple Blunt Force Injuries,’ Ruled Suicide

18-11-21 seniors, who are hit the hardest—pick up the tab,” Trump said on Oct. 25 when announcing the...

Emperor Tang Taizong’s Leniency Based Principles

18-08-28 improved, people left their doors unlocked, and would not pick up anything on the street that did not...

Scientists Take First Ever Image of Planet Being Born

18-07-10 capture an image of a young dwarf star, PDS 70, using special filters to pick out the surrounding disc of...

新交通安全标准颁布 IIHS揭晓2018年最安全15款车

17-12-15 ,这些车款获得IIHS授予的最高安全评级“顶级安全最佳选择”(Top Safety Pick Plus)。在本次安全评测中,IIHS要求更完善的车头灯,并进行了新一轮的碰撞试验,根据所得成绩才可评估...

美国市场SUV热销 家用轿车销售遇冷

17-11-20 来看,Pick up(皮卡)依然是美国市场最畅销的车型,并强势占据前三名。但过往第二畅销的房车,现在已经被都会SUV给取代。在销售排行榜前十名内,目前仅剩三款房车入榜(Honda Civic、Honda...

Reincarnated into a Horse to Settle a Debt

17-10-20 left. Done with her cooking, the wife washed her hands and went back to pick up her bracelets, but they...

全新 Mazda CX-9 荣获 Top Safety Pick + 最高安全评价

17-07-27 【看中国讯】美国IIHS高速公路安全保险协会,每年都会公布年度Top Safety Pick,以及最佳Top Safety Pick+推荐车款,提供消费者当作参考依据。不少人就会问,到底Top...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 came into office—is pick fights with the intelligence community and now the law enforcement community....

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 agencies.“What this president has done—his first 100-plus days, even before he came into office—is pick...

Chinese Factional Interests Collide in Hong Kong Leadership Election

17-04-02 the “one country, two systems” rubric of non-interference by Beijing and not pick any candidate, this...

Be Noble and Incorruptible: Do Not Pocket Lost Gold

17-03-19 by, draped in fur clothing because he had no money to buy linen. Jizi called out to him, "Pick...

Solving the Secret Behind the Chinese Gold Market

17-03-18 They can pick it up directly in the U.K.,” he said. The central bank also uses commercial banks who buy...

实力定义价值 2017 New Malibu

17-03-03 earned a 2017 IIHS Top Safety Pick Award when equipped with available Driver Confidence Package....


16-10-01 pick up the car tomorrow morning at seven. Are you open then?我想在明天早上7点提车。那时你们开门了吗?Yes, we are, Mr....

美国超市系列|走进好市多,我就不想走~ 美国 Costco 买虾米?

16-09-06pick up 窗口直接领了披萨就走。Costco 必买!我的购物清单来到好市多,实在舍不得走,逛个三四个小时把每一道看的透彻才满意,好物立刻放到购物车里才甘心!好食妹觉得在Costco每样都满值得买的...

Valuing Virtue over Money  见利重义 拾金不昧

16-08-30 , "I will pick it up later." Several years passed, yet there was no communication from the...


16-08-17 ?                                                       Yi Ming  Wei Wen Hou, i.e., Marquess Wen of Wei, wanted to pick his right-arm man from two candidates...


16-04-12 444. peculiar to独特的,独有的 445. pick up捡 446. play by ear见机行事 447. popular with受...喜爱,爱戴 448. prior to...


15-12-26 的绰号。NO.9 蒂姆-邓肯虽然,直到高中,邓肯才碰篮球,但是邓肯仍然成长为巨星,目前的身家大约是1.5亿美元。(Although he did not pick up basketball until...

Zhao Sheng, the Tao Seeker(2) 赵升求道 摘桃

15-12-25 the Great Tao to the person who can pick peaches from that tree." The peach tree was growing in...


15-10-11 安全评级”(Top Safety Pick rating),车款在翻车事故(包括车辆正面和侧面的碰撞)测试中,至少要达到“可以接受” 的评分。在此基础上,如果评价良好的车辆还提供事故预防系统如自动制动,便可...


15-09-26 得分较低。尽管这家超市未能获得消费者推崇,但上个月,因为在市场和销售上的增长,它被《GroceryHeadquarters》杂志评为年度独立零售商。  Pick‘nSave  得分:69  分布...


15-08-22 ,也有可能是一趟实地考察岩溪公园(Rock Creek Park)之行。这些自行车正将由D.C.交通部提供。8月18日(周二),肯扬在教学首席皮克(Brian Pick)陪同下,巡视了D.C.东北区...


15-03-06 , immediately say “Excuse me.”若不小心碰撞到别人,立即说“对不起。”18. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and don’t pick...


15-02-23 外面世界的寒冷,这里的人多为小生意人,十分友好。一些商店专营小饰品和小礼物。天气不错的时候你可以从Café Pick Me Up这家咖啡店买一杯咖啡,然后在汤普金斯广场公园放松一下。【布里克街道...

守义还重金 子孙享余庆Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

15-01-26 pick up the gold. For security, Yang Zhan hid the gold coins in the soil of a flowerpot. Meanwhile, he...