济公和尚的传说/The Eccentric Adventures of Monk Ji Gong

21-01-26 Eccentric Adventures of Monk Ji GongOne of ancient China’s most beloved folk heroes is the colorful monk, Ji...


19-09-06 Park Folk Festival 华盛顿广场公园民乐节,让民众一起在音乐的海洋中徜徉共舞。 时间: 9月8日(周日)1:00pm~4:00pm。 地点:华盛顿广场公园(Washington Square...

Huang Jialuo, Chinese translator for Louis XIV (Part 1)

19-06-19 folk customs and balance his education. At that time, French Roman Catholic missionaries believed that...


19-04-04 。4、布鲁克林民谣节 Brooklyn Folk Festival(Wiki-CC-BY-2.0)这个活动一直以来深受纽约青年人的喜爱,规模与影响力也越来越大。无论是提琴、吉他的演出,都很受欢迎。表演者...

Art Dealer Says Shen Yun Has ‘Never Been Done Anywhere’ Before

18-12-27 the dancers,” he said.The classically trained dancers perform ethnic and folk dances from China’s...

Mencius (Part 1)

18-11-21 ?’ The common folk say, ‘How does it benefit me?’ As a result, everyone will be competing for his or her...

The Consequences of Jealousy (Part 2)

18-08-24 common folk finally could relax and truthfully claim that “death cannot wipe out the crimes committed by...

The Great Learning in Ancient China (Part 1)

18-08-16 , virtue was the root of a country. Therefore, everyone including the emperor and common folk regarded...

The Wonder of Music Lies in Its Virtue

18-06-04 Communist Party (CCP) usurped state power, they replaced the lyrics of some good folk songs with lyrics that...


18-04-06 , Brooklyn。费用:免费入场,食物自付。网站:smorgasburg.com。4. 布鲁克林民谣节 Brooklyn Folk Festival这个民谣节一直以来深受纽约文艺青年们的喜爱,规模与影响力也越来越大...

Alzheimer’s-Fighting Chinese Moss Compound Synthesized in Lab

18-02-10 because the plant itself, which has been used in Chinese folk medicine for centuries, takes decades to...

  Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music

18-01-21 Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music Chinese folk music has a long and historical...

Shen Yun Orchestra and the Power of Music to Heal

17-09-23 folk and ethnic tunes. Many of these have, for centuries, conveyed the healing properties of...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 was also knowledgeable in folk songs and melodies from all over the country. He could also use the...


17-03-04 ,是全天、为期一周的艺术营。时间是4月10日至14日。从上午9点至下午3点。开放给年龄8到13岁的学生。费用为$310,盖瑟斯堡市的居民只需付$260。学生将通过绘画、手工制作独特的、通往“wee folk...

Ancient Vocal Master: Xu Yongxin

17-02-24 hometown, there are folk stories about her. The mountaintop she sang from is known as "Beauty...


16-12-25 和非洲等不同展示区,真的好像在全世界旅行一般。别忘记在民俗艺术(Folk Arts)区购买一些纪念品,看看令人兴奋的武术表演。在进入贺卡区之前,先确定相机已准备好,一定会让您进入节日的气氛中。由汉艺文化...

富国银行5,300员工盗开帐户受重罚 高级主管仍获高额退休金

16-09-14 经《财富杂志》报导出来后,在美国社会引起一片譁然。美国的大银行在2008年的金融危机以后纷纷承诺,他们的高级主管不可保留因有害行为获得的利润。然而,富国银行发言人马克‧福克(Mark Folk)接受美国国家...


16-03-01 类似于西安城墙,非常独特的体验。第五大道苹果店,Bohlin Cywinski Jacksons设计 ★★★★☆苹果的御用设计师。东方明珠旁边的苹果店也是他们设计的。Folk Art Museum...


15-12-25 :www.fitnyc.edu。15、美国百衲被与民俗艺术American Quilts and Folk Art  这种由不同色泽和形状的布块拼贴而成的薄被最先在贫民阶层风行,后逐渐成为美国民间的家庭手工艺品,充满民俗特色...


15-12-21 。         网站:www.fitnyc.edu。15、美国百衲被与民俗艺术American Quilts and Folk Art  这种由不同色泽和形状的布块拼贴而成的薄被最先在贫民阶层风行,后逐渐成为美国民间...


15-07-31 和9日上午6点至晚上10点,期间为参观者提供小吃、外卖或者一杯酒,然后在船上享受愉快的夜晚。纽约民俗音乐团体(Folk Music NY)将在8月8日晚表演, 9日晚提供社区百乐餐。申请地点:范布伦特街...


15-07-28 Works)”办公室。  据悉,纽约民俗音乐团体(Folk Music NY)将在8月8日晚举行, 9日晚提供社区百乐餐。不过,玛丽·瓦伦可不会分别提供食物或者饮料。侨报纽约网...