
20-04-10 (New Century Film)的YouTube频道https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_3m3VSxzRMbnZt-rQ5H5Xg即可观看网络首映。届时将有多语种字幕...


19-11-12 11月10日(周日),下午5点~晚上9点。• 地点:阳光保健养生中心,20420 Century Blvd., Germantown, MD 20874,301-562-1999/240-477-6578...


19-10-04 影片《归途》剧照。(New Century Film)【看中国记者成容采访报导】在英国威尔士尼思(Neath)日前举办的第三届“威尔士国际电影节(Wales International Film...

中秋节好去处 周末纽约上州办大型庆中秋活动

19-09-12 (周六)早上11点~晚9点;15日(周日)早10点~下午5点。地点:New Century(517 Neversink Dr.Port Jervis,NY)。门票:成人5元/人,小孩2元/人,免费停车...

The Cultural Ambassador Princess Wencheng (Part 1)

19-06-19 Tubo is now known as Tibet. In the 7th century AD, Qizong Nongtsan, also known as Songtsan Gambo...


19-06-09 (周六)下午2点至5点;地点:阳光保健养生中心, 20420 Century Blvd, Germantown, MD, 21046。    有关此公益健康服务日活动更多信息,请联系:雷晓春...


19-05-21 背面图案:林肯年轻时的像、州轮廓、芝加哥远景、21颗星。图案上方的文字是ILLINOIS 1818。左面文字是Land of Lincoln(林肯之地)。右面文字是21st State/Century...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17 uninhabited forest.Twenty-first century people are mainly concerned with pursuing an easy and comfortable life...

庆祝三·八国际妇女节 纽约市展览异彩纷呈

19-03-07 Park,Brooklyn。5、她坚持:纽约市一个世纪的女性艺术家 She Persists: A Century of Women Artists in New York City展览超过40位女性艺术...

China’s Growing Influence on Hollywood

18-10-17 is not the first communist regime to understand the importance of film. Over half a century ago...

Chinese Regime Recruits American Communists

18-08-05 Century and the Future of World Socialism,” sponsored by the Communist Party of China on May 28 of this...

马里兰州蒙郡 暑期提供青少年免费午餐

18-07-25 (Germantown Library,19840 Century Boulevard, Germantown)。• 上午11:30 至下午1:00,森林橡树中学(Forest Oak Middle School,651...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 development around the world. He said, “21st century warfare is gradually shifting from conventional gun...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 favor of the cryptocurrency.Bubble DynamicsPrior to the 20th century, bubbles were few and far between....

Taking Delight in Having One's Mistakes Pointed Out

18-03-24 ; criticism and opinions and used them to correct and improve themselves. Emperor Shun, a 23rd-22nd century BC...

Chinese Navy’s Prototype Railgun Could Make Its Cruisers Dominant, Rings Alarm Bells for US

18-02-11 “dreadnought” of the 21st Century, said Cheng Shuoren, a Chinese military analyst quoted by the Global Times....

  Connotations of Traditional Chinese Folk Music

18-01-21 Zhou Dynasty (11[sup]th[/sup] century – 256 BC) very highly. However, Confucius critiqued a portion of...


17-11-25 的《共产主义的血腥世纪》(Communism's Bloody Century)也具体的提到了这一点。斯蒂芬‧考特金是普林斯顿大学的历史与国际事务教授。他强调: “共产主义以消除市场和私有财产为目标...

A Virtuous Emperor During the Zhenguan Period

17-11-24 democratic nations. What became a concept in the western world during the 17[sup]th[/sup] century was already...


17-11-21 和关心广西的各地朋友踊跃报名参加本次活动。新活动地址:20420 Century Blvd, Germantown, MD 20874。费用:$10.00/人活动联系电话:秋莲:240-855-6620...

In Search of Nighthawks: Edward Hopper's New York City

17-09-19 American realist of the 20th century, Hopper’s work can be seen at all of the major art museums in New York...

Philip Ng on Bruce Lee -- A Talk with the Star of Birth of the Dragon

17-08-25 “Fight of the Century”. Some of these events go on to become legends, but more often they just fizzle...

伍允龙谈李小龙 -专访《龙的诞生》主角

17-08-25 the Century”. Some of these events go on to become legends, but more often they just fizzle out....

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 into place in many parts of the world throughout the 20th century “with absolutely murderous results...

纽约市街名的故事 The Stories Behind NYC Street Names

17-07-05 growing City, but by the early 19th century had become polluted. The pond was filled in 1811, and Canal...

Chinese Filmmaker: Life in China is More Brutal Than Any Screenwriter’s Imagination

17-05-06 century, especially in China, even if the film was made. They said they could not invest in this movie...


17-03-23 ”(21st Century Community Learning Centers)。伊丽雅表示,学生需要获得课外的学习和活动,社区学习中心向那些在表现上比较弱势的学校学生,提供补充性的帮助,包括青年发展项目...


17-03-22 ) 编写,并由两度获托尼奖提名的安迪•卡尔 (Andy Karl)(代表作《20世纪的故事》(On the Twentieth Century))担任主演。      音乐剧《土拨鼠之日》讲述了主人公菲尔...


17-03-18 (周五),地点:Germantown,19840 Century Blvd.4月21日(周五),地点:Silver Spring Library, 900 Wayne Ave.5月6日(周五),地点...


17-03-17 去年12月高出7%,比去年1月高出了13.8%。Century 21 Adams Barnes房地产网站老板亚当斯(Tom Adams)认为,这种现状对首次购房的千禧一代来说非常不利。开发商建房...


17-02-08 中国公司:青岛航帆贸易有限公司(Cosailing Business Trading Company)、宁波新世纪进出口有限公司(Ningbo New Century Import and Export...

Hua Tuo, a Miraculous Healer in Ancient China

17-02-06 fields of medicine, a fact which reflected the high level of medical knowledge during the 2nd century of...

反对堕胎 川普欲推翻罗诉韦德案判决

17-01-22 ,支持者和反对者常常会齐聚华府示威。自罗诉韦德案的裁决作出后,堕胎合法化导致美国堕胎案例激增,1990年一度达到160万起,之后开始下降。非营利研究机构“世纪基金会”(Century Foundation...


16-06-24 14至19世纪雕漆艺术展 Cinnabar: The Chinese Art of Carved Lacquer, 14th to 19th Century  45件大都会馆藏精品将展示雕漆的经典传统...

大华府 社区活动看板

16-06-15 将介绍「养宠物需知」6月19日(周日)下午2点,马里兰州德国镇图书馆将举办「养宠物需知」讲座。地址是19840 Century Blvd, Germantown, MD 20874 。 马州蒙哥马利县慈善...


16-03-06 的职业移民申请人。下面是该法案征求意见稿的主要内容:该法案对移民局长期来有关美国21世纪竞争法案(American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century...


16-01-23 :www1.macys.com 21世纪 Century 21 21世纪(Century21)地下两楼有一个区域特价,而且买一(贵)送一(便宜)。小编朋友买了一件长袖衣服($6.99)送了一件背心($4.99),非常开心。像小编...


16-01-19 必须认识到进步风险并控制它另据英国《卫报》报导,霍金的言论获得英国皇家天文学家里斯勋爵(Lord Rees)等人的赞同。里斯勋爵在2003年曾出版《我们最后的世纪》(Our Final Century)一书...


16-01-10 century fox一开场,几只探照灯就唰唰唰照个没完。这个标识大家应该再熟悉不过啦~这首序曲由阿尔弗雷德.纽曼创作,他后来成为联艺公司的音乐总监。二十世纪福克斯成立于1935年,由默片时代的大公司福克斯...


15-10-24 Express绝大多数商家也接受。中国银联卡:银联卡在纽约的主要大型商场,如苹果店、梅西百货(Macy’s)、21世纪百货公司(Century 21 Department Store)和奢侈品店都可以...