China to Offer Tax Break on Cars to Revive Economy

18-11-02 the trend, China’s top economic planning body is planning to cut the tax on car purchases from 10...

YouTube Scraps Most Popular Channel on China Politics From Search Suggestions

18-10-15 , according to an extensive body of research produced since allegations of the crime first surfaced in...

South Korea and EU Raise Alarm on Alleged Chinese Cyber Espionage

18-10-11 linked to Beijing.The EU’s executive body, the European Commission, is drafting documents about concerns...

Zhuge Liang's Two Family Letters

18-09-06 and ability to focus in order to cultivate body and mind. One cultivates character with simple...

The Consequences of Jealousy (Part 2)

18-08-24 during the Song Dynasty, a woman in Hanzhou was struck by lightning. The woman’s body had red words that...

The Consequences of Jealousy (Part 1)

18-08-16 Plugging the Hole in the North Sea with His Body Shen Gongbao is a figure in the Chinese classic novel...

Chinese Regime Recruits American Communists

18-08-05 influential body of thought and has changed the course of human history. It is more relevant than ever for...

Unexpected Wealth

18-07-22 body in the bushes, and walked away. No one had seen the incident. The courier became very rich and got...

Political Uncertainty in Beijing as Annual Seaside Political Meeting Draws Near

18-07-21 strategist for Xi and a member of the most powerful decision-making body in the Party, the Politburo Standing...

Yue Fei and Wuhan (Part 2)

18-06-26 pieces come together to form one body to reflect the brilliance of Yue Fei. The bronze statue of Yue Fei...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 in the human body, causing disorientation and incapacitation or potentially even causing organ...

Confucius, Virtue and Selecting a Place of Residence

18-05-28 coveted personal gain. People like Shu Diao, Yi Ya inflicted wounds on their own body and killed their own...

The Foundation of Education

18-04-16 root of a problem,” and their understandings of the universe, the human body, as well as all things on...

Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Cultivation Practice

18-04-06 treatment focuses on only a portion of the body and is quite mechanical. For example, a doctor simply gives...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 ” [meetings of the Party’s rubber-stamp legislature and top political advisory body]. Then, internally, he has...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 2)  

18-04-06 Historian, it says, "Heaven and Man are interlinked, like the relationship between body and its shadow...

Top Chinese Diplomat Misses Major Appointment, a Hint of Xi Jinping Winning Score Against Rival Faction

18-03-24 Kong-based South China Morning Post said Yang is likely to instead be appointed head of a new body merging...

美国退货有黑名单 有超市已开始严抓

18-03-23 零售商能够为相对较少滥用退货政策的消费者提供更宽松的退货政策。使用过The Retail Equation服务的商家还有J.C.Penney,Sephora,Nike和Bath&Body...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 Laozi's instructions to cultivate his mind and body, promoted the teachings of the Tao school in...

  Traditional Chinese Painting (Part 1)

18-01-29 basic human body forms, proportions, anatomy and the patterns of change in bodily motion. Mastering...

China's Tea Culture (Part 1)

18-01-28 discovered what happened in his body after he ate various kinds of foods. He traveled over mountains and...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 , Pangu, became a deity, his body parts and organs turned into the Sun, the Moon, stars, mountains, rivers...

Author of Smuggled Letter That Called Attention to China Labor Camp Abuses Dies

18-01-09 concrete details about his death and rushed to have his body cremated. They are concerned about the...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory on Health (Part 2)

17-12-23 cultivating mind and body with virtue, and by having both virtue and talent, Sun Simiao became a great figure...

Yan Shu: A Faithful and Sincere Person

17-11-21 , righteous mind, cultivate the body, regulate the family, rule the state, and pacify the world." In the...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 Consultative Conference, which is an advisory body to the Party.Candidates for the position of premier—which...

The Monk Who Overslept

17-11-11 , and you treasured your body and life very much. What's more unusual is that all four different...

Comfort and Complacency are Worse than Poisoned Wine

17-11-03 mind and body are interlinked with each other like the roots and branches on a tree. Maintaining...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 foundation,” and notes the payments were made while Hillary Clinton “served on a government body that...

Pope Francis Removes Anti-Communist Archbishop from Key Vatican Post

17-10-20 second-in-command in the Vatican body that directly governs Vatican’s missionary works.The Vatican and the People’s...

Buddhahood is Unachievable with Human Desires

17-09-29 , leaned her body against his, held his wrist and read the book with him. At this point Du Jingxing was...

Shen Yun Orchestra and the Power of Music to Heal

17-09-23 entire body was trembling, “but in a very loving way,” she said. “It was so beautiful, it was healing....

如何挑选珍珠 衬托你的美?

17-09-03 单一的色彩,从珍珠内部反射出来,再经过光的折射,非常迷人。也就是说,越是上品的珍珠,光感越强,光泽越丰富、细腻。如果有的珍珠只有腰部那一圈白色的光,这就算是一般品。此外,珍珠颜色还分主色(Body...

A Gentleman Is Strict with Himself and Tolerant of Others (Part 2 of 2)

17-08-27 a nation, and bring peace to the world." A gentleman should purify his own mind and body to virtuously...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 else dared to mourn King Zhuang's death, yet Yan Ying leaned onto the king's body and cried...

Advise Frankly and Preserve Moral Integrity (中文875字)

16-07-30 though I cherish my body, how could I damage the empire just to keep my rank and save my own skin?"...


16-05-05 body(跨过我的尸体)”,因为我和好多香港人会确保,这样的人不会连任。对我来讲,为香港好,他少做一日,香港好多一日,就这么简单。”他又批评梁振英无能,人格上有太多的缺陷:“他已经超越了无能(more...


16-05-05 全国人大代表朱幼麟星期三晚上选在外国记者协会举行记者会,他指今日香港社会的乱象全是因为特首梁振英施政不当所致。前全国人大代表朱幼麟:〝连任,只有三个字,没可能,用英文讲,over my dead body...


16-05-02 英国伦敦亚特兰蒂斯艺术馆举行的展览名叫“人体世界展”(Body Worlds),尸源就是来自上述那家大连外资企业。海伍德同时还是博谷二人之子薄瓜瓜在英国的法定监护人,他帮助谷开来在海外洗钱高达80亿美元...

神秘华裔富豪惨遭分尸 被曝生前涉贪腐大案

16-04-14 with a dead body),后又被加控一项二级谋杀罪名。资料显示,苑刚2007年移民加国,并透过投资地产及沙省农地赚钱,积累财富估计多达5,000万元(加元、下同)。苑刚于2010年在西温购下一幢...