
23-03-31 的“Pennies for Peace”(1995-1997)項目之後,他被廣泛稱為“Penny Artist”,他在該項目中收集了100萬個便士,形成一個巨大重達3噸的雕塑,現永久展示於日本廣島大學。自1985年...

泽西市学区预算增加 地税上涨

22-04-07 Artist)對增加學區預算抱持審慎態度,認為沒有證據顯示多花錢對學生有益,而是對領高薪的學區主管有利。“增加2400美元地稅不是小數目,不知道學生能否得到更好的教育,我擔憂的是多久才能見效。”...


20-12-24 后这至暗的时刻,有什么我们忽略的真相正在影响著现在和未来?我决心像个修行者,摒去喧嚣,穿越迷障,去洞见真实的世界。像艺术家般生活“LIVE LIKE AN ARTIST”(像艺术家般生活),“神韵Dancer...


19-04-13 Artist Resources、Materials for the Arts,以及支持拉普兰特的非营利性艺术组织所有。时间:4月14日(周日)下午5点。费用:免费,需上网预约订位。其他信息同上。  ...


18-07-24 》(The King,s Speech)、《艺术家》(The Artist)等奥斯卡获奖影片,以及《决战时装伸展台》(Project Runway)等数个获得艾美奖(Emmy Awards)的节目...

Traditional Chinese Painting (Part 2)

18-02-03 poem, preface, and postscript on a painting, the artist expresses his understanding of society, life...

Unmoved by Honor or Disgrace, Unfazed by Retention or Dismissal

18-01-08  Chen Jiru (1558 – 1639 AD), artistic name Meigong, was an artist, calligrapher and writer during...


17-12-07 /兰妮•海德丽。网站:tinyurl.com/y8xr6lkl。*《灾难艺术家》The Disaster Artist影片改编自格雷•戈泽斯特洛和汤姆•比塞尔著作的2013年同名书籍,是一部2017年美国...


17-11-30 Artist, Steve Palermo在西洋艺术的发展中,神话故事与圣经故事总令艺术家们著迷不已,进而创作出令世人惊艳的丰硕杰作。法拉盛文艺中心的艺术教师史蒂夫帕雷摩(Steve Palermo)在这次的...

Chinese Artist Draws Cartoon About China’s Kindergarten Abuse That Resonates With Netizens

17-12-02 cartoon, drawn by artist Guo Jingxiong, who goes by the moniker Daxiong, depicts a hideous monster holding...

Pop Music Is Okay, but No Politics: Communist China Bans Katy Perry for Expressing her Opinions—With a Dress

17-11-25 every artist who wants to perform in China, officials comb through their social-media and press reports...

Chinese Airline Transports Human Organs on a Large Scale, Raising Questions About Organ Harvesting

17-10-20 persists, the organization concluded.“Illegal Organ Harvesting,” artist Dong Xiqiang’s depiction of the...

In Search of Nighthawks: Edward Hopper's New York City

17-09-19 through archives and retracing the artist’s steps through Greenwich Village, where he lived for more than...

大都会名画欣赏 “华盛顿渡德拉威河”

17-06-26 Revolution. Painted in 1851 by German artist Emanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware became...


17-04-20 $5元 / 会员和学生免费。         其他信息同上。6、艺术家 V.S 策展人交流会谈 Artist Presenter Dialogues艺术家将有机会与法拉盛艺文中心的高阶主管,及来自其他机构...


17-03-01 :www.flushingtownhall.org。    4.艺术家 V.S .策展人交流会谈 Artist Presenter-Dialogues艺术家将有机会与法拉盛艺文中心的高阶主管,及来自其他机构的行政人员相互交流、谈论彼此的顾虑与需求...


17-02-20 )。                网站:www.flushingtownhall.org。    4.艺术家 V.S .策展人交流会谈 Artist Presenter-Dialogues艺术家将有机会与法拉盛艺文中心的高端主管...

Why ‘Ghostwriting’ in Chinese Reads as ‘Holding a Scimitar’?

17-01-28 artist Yoshitoshi. (Public domain)To write articles or draft speeches for others in English is called...

Take Virtue Seriously and Let Go of Past Resentments

17-01-07 appropriate code of ethics, a martial artist should follow the virtue of martial arts, and so on. The...

Secret NYC

16-09-06 ”, was created by Belgian artist Francoise Schein, and is composed of concrete rod along with LED lights...


15-09-13 ,还有Young Artist 评审奖励计划。也有工作日和周末的文艺演出、舞蹈、百老汇歌曲的带动唱、画廊展览、艺术课程、各种训练营和研讨会。所有相关资讯都可以从http...