1. (接电话方)拿起电话
Hello! This is Watson speaking.
2. (拨电话方)说明目的
Hello, this is Robert calling for Steve.
3. (接电话方)询问身分
May I ask what company you are calling from, please?
4. (拨电话方)自报家门
This is Robert calling from WSE Company.
5. (接电话方)询问分机
Do you know what extension he's on?
6. (拨电话方)查询分机
I don't know, could you please help me to check the telephone directory?
7. (接电话方)电话转接
Please hold and I will put you through.
8. (接电话方)对方正忙
Steve is on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold?
9. (拨电话方)电话留言
May I leave a message for him?
10. (接电话方)通话结束
Thanks for calling. I'll speak to him later. Good bye.