A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 Decree in hand, traveling on a horse carriage… This woman, who had begun life as a humble maidservant...


19-04-23 )(1976年),《奇袭恩德培》(Raid On Entebbe)(1977年),《恩德培行动》(Entebbe)(2018年)等影片。获取共党机密 缉捕纳粹要犯摩萨德其他为人乐道的行动,包括:窃得前苏联总书记...

What is Fengshui?

19-04-22 naturally manifests on our face as a smile. A smiling face takes the shape of an ingot, and wealth for sure...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 a prince, Emperor Taizong enjoyed hunting on horseback very much. His interest in hunting stayed high even...

美专家组委员会 应对当前危险

19-04-07 【看中国讯】美国3月25日成立“应对中国(中共)当前危险委员会”(Committee on the Present Danger:China),意在解体中共。在美国历史上,此类委员会一共组建和发起...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 appointed as his political advisor. On July 2, 626 A.D., a Palace Coup at Xuan Wu Gate took place. Li Shimin...

Five Classic Sayings of Guiguzi That Help Discern a Person’s Character

19-03-28 environment we grow up in and the people we associate with can have a huge impact on a person. There is...

Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Legend of Sun-Moon Lake

19-03-28 again. He congratulated them on eliminating the dangerous creatures and told them that they could become...

The Legend of Taiwan’s Banping Mountain

19-03-13 and put an advertisement on a signboard to solicit business. It read, “Delicious dumplings! One for...

The Difference a Good or Evil Thought Can Make to Your Destiny

19-03-13 employee in the eyes of his boss, who asked him to collect receivables on the day of the Dragon Boat...


19-03-07 :cn.asiaweekny.com。6.纸上的艺术 Art on paper这是一个与纸有关的艺术展。包括:绘画、雕塑、摄影等等。来自各地的画廊和策展人展示著各类艺术,以及新兴的艺术。展览趣味十足,相信颇受年轻朋友们的喜欢,也特别...

Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 of bubbles started to form on the surface of the water. The wardens were surprised and immediately...

Loyal Hound Gets justice for its Murdered Owner

19-02-27 hijacked by a group of bandits. These fierce bandits murdered all of the travellers on the boat.Qin Bang...

A Glimpse into the Chinese Five Elements and Ill-Health

19-02-25 body. However, if air conditioning is turned on, both the heat and the cold remain in stagnant...

A Rich Woman of the Song Dynasty Helps her People and the Kingdom

19-02-13 taxes on the people, she donated 100,000 strings of coins to pay for the poorer people in the county who...

The Centuries old Mysterious Brick that No one Dares to Move or Touch

19-02-13 located on the highest point of Jiayuguan mountain, just 5 Kilometers west of Jiayuguan city in Gansu...


19-02-12 济政策研究所( Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy)的分析师表示,把SALT扣除单独拿出来批评是不准确的。实际上,新泽西州的纳税人会在其他地方得到减税...

Reflections on a Classic Saying of Laozi

19-02-07 answer is that when you ask how large a cup is, it depends on its capacity. French writer Victor Hugo...

The wonder power of filial piety

19-02-07 palm and two feet were grown the opposite way round to normal.  He could only pivot on his right hand...

The Small Donor and The Big Donor

19-02-06 and said with a grin:"Shame on you! I donate a cartload of oil to the temple every year, but I...

Benevolence Begins With Oneself (Part 1 of 2)

17-08-05 sincerity. The difference between a person of virtue and a sly person depends on whether he cultivates his...

Facebook Shut Down AI After It Invented Its Own Language

17-08-04 advanced AI system was capable of negotiating with other AI systems so it can come to conclusions on how to...

How a Homely Wife Brought Prosperity to Her Husband

17-08-04 on her and even arranged for a marriage into a wealthy family. On the day of her marriage, after the...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 responsibility was to take care of the people on behalf of the Heavens. He was not above the public and should...


17-08-03 is on your side” 的广告,我就在想:为什么在线报价的差别这么大?我怀疑原因之一是对“驾龄”的理解。有些保险公司的问题是:“你在美国或加拿大领驾照多少年了?”而有些则是问:“你有驾照...


17-07-31 美食节 Taste On the Beach这里丰盛的美食已超越了美食节。热闹非凡的长岛又迎来了第六届长岛国际电影节。多达50部世界各地的独立电影作品将会在海潭上放映。届时,众多各种各样的菜式...

Yang Loses His Life Due to Karmic Retribution

17-07-28 want the seal back, but I also want your life because you assaulted an innocent woman on a certain date...

Man Searches for Dead Brother’s Body at Controversial Exhibition

17-07-27 involving meditation exercises and based on principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. Falun...

A Person's Future Changes with One’s Thoughts and Actions

17-07-27 there wasn’t one who he was on friendly terms with, plus many of them were snobbish, sly people. He...

  The Power of Buddha Law

17-07-23 ;Buddha Law is like pure water. It can wash away all the dirt. No matter what is on the earth, once it is...

Russian Lawyer Tied to Democrats, Lynch, and DNC-Linked Trump Dossier Company

17-07-24 The case of the Moscow attorney, Natalia Veselnitskaya, who met with Donald Trump Jr. on June...

  One Benefits from Modesty and Is Ruined by Complacence

17-07-12 port, multiple boats can line up in a row on the river." Zilu asked again, "What do you mean...

Unraveling Hong Kong’s Stock Market ‘Enigma Network’        A June small-cap stock crash confounds market watchers

17-07-12 intraday and 13 stocks fell at least 50 percent on June 27.Although the impact from the sudden crash was...


17-07-09 Free Summer Outdoor Movies        ●《锦城春色(On the Town)》(1949)        时间:6月26日(周一)日落时分大约晚8、9点开始放映,草坪在晚5 点...

Learning Requires Consistency and Perseverance

17-07-08 learning and promoted tireless effort, with a stress on being diligent and consistent. They did not...

The Photographer Who Loves America

17-07-08 the shutter button on his camera. “The Americans” was first published in 1958, nearly 60 years ago....

The Chinese Emperors' Edicts of Repentance

17-06-30 be enraged? Then these rulers would cleanse their bodies, go on a vegetarian diet, and worship Heaven...

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 of the 1960s,” said Peterson.The postmodernists built on the Marxist ideology, Peterson said. “They...

New Documentary Highlights the Hidden Price of Making an iPhone

17-06-30 Lincoln Center on June 12. The film’s opening scene, showing the the haunting funeral of a young factory...