
19-10-17 )165号2楼,联系电话:212-941-0041。5、2019台湾文化传统日 2019 Taiwanese Cultural Heritage Celebration(中华总商会提供)本活动由纽约市政厅...


19-08-26 立人合唱团2019学年定于九月七日开学立人合唱团是一个维卅的华人成人合唱团。今年的合唱练习将于9月7日开始,定于每周周六下午2点到4点15分,练唱地点在北维州台湾基督长老教会(Taiwanese...


19-07-31Taiwanese Waves暑期时光,又将迎来今年的台湾之夜,喜欢华语音乐或者独立音乐和乐团的乐迷朋友们,这下可以好好欣享一下啦!与去年不同的是,今年的嘉宾著重女性,其中包括:有巧妙混血排湾族语及灵魂乐,唱出独特...


19-05-23 (Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0)今年的台美传统周(Taiwanese American Heritage Week),将由纽约台湾商会、大纽约区台湾同乡会等团体,联合举办相关的文艺演出...


19-05-23Taiwanese American Heritage Week)”,旨在为表彰台裔对美国的贡献;2009年,纽约市长彭博正式宣布成立了此活动,目前,它已经成为了美国最大的在美台湾人的庆祝活动。今年,主办单位依旧...


18-08-25 立人合唱团2018秋订九月八日开学维州华人成人合唱团──立人合唱团,将于九月八日开始新年度的歌唱练习,练唱时间是星期六下午两点到四点十五分,练唱地点在北维州台湾基督长老教会(Taiwanese...

Political Uncertainty in Beijing as Annual Seaside Political Meeting Draws Near

18-07-21 Shanghai, started a live broadcast on Twitter at around 6:40 a.m. on July 4, according to Taiwanese...


18-07-09 超过11万元,其次为收入中位数逾9万元的台裔家庭(Taiwanese),华裔家庭(不包括台裔)稍低于亚裔平均值,约7万2827元,而孟加拉裔则只有4万6806元。另在个人人均收入(per capita...

Beijing Pushing Taiwan and U.S. Allies out of the Pacific Islands, Says Congressional Report

18-06-29 Beijing banned Chinese tour groups from visiting the country, following its hosting of Taiwanese President...

5月27日 “台湾巡礼”登场联合广场

18-05-25 2002年起便开始举办“台湾巡礼”活动;2003年纽约市议会又设立了“台美传统周”(Taiwanese American Heritage Week),旨在为表彰台裔对美国的贡献。今年的“台湾巡礼”上,将有...

Pope Francis Appeases Chinese Regime, Depriving Persecuted Underground Catholics of Their Bishops

18-02-05 a betrayal of Taiwan but also the 240,000-strong Taiwanese Catholics, who unlike their Chinese counterparts...

Protecting the Environment Is China’s Latest Excuse to Bully Taiwanese Businesses

18-01-21 Taiwanese businesses that operate and invest in China face many risks: getting scammed, bullied and...

Pop Music Is Okay, but No Politics: Communist China Bans Katy Perry for Expressing her Opinions—With a Dress

17-11-25 Communist Party drove out of China.While her gestures might have endeared her to her Taiwanese fans, it was...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 ,” according to a report by Taiwanese news media United Daily News.To what extent Yang’s  expression of loyalty...

A Chinese Washing Machine Can Clean Both Clothes and Vegetables

17-10-27 A Taiwanese TV show recently surprised the audience by telling them that in Mainland China, many...

Beating of Students in Taiwan Puts Spotlight on Chinese Regime’s Influence

17-10-15 scandal: Taiwanese gangs are the cat’s paw of the Chinese regime, working for unification with the...

China Holds Show Trial to Convict Imprisoned Taiwanese Rights Activist

17-09-18 , a Taiwanese human rights activist who has been imprisoned in China since March of this year under charges of...

How the Chinese Leadership Could Take Shape at a Key Political Meeting

17-08-12 hotel. While note taking and recording were not allowed at the meeting, Taiwanese online news site Up...

郭台铭成了香饽饽 美中高层争抢

17-05-11 、经董事会及所有相关机关批准后,再正式公告。Taiwanese tech billionaire Terry Gou who promised Trump after elex he'd...

Rep. Rohrabacher Says Trump’s Taiwan Call Shows US Not ‘Pushovers’

16-12-12 speak to a Taiwanese leader since 1979 when the United States broke off diplomatic ties with the island...

欢渡中秋 大纽约台湾留学生迎新茶会

16-09-14 及发展自己的专业志向!」本次迎新活动由「大纽约地区台湾同学会联合会」(Federation of Taiwanese Students Association of New York, FTSANY)规...

聚焦安全防护与互助 大纽约台湾同学会长联会

16-08-28 of Taiwanese Students Association of New York, FTSANY) 总召陈邑安则在会中宣传紧接着将于9月9日举办的迎新茶会等活动。整个会议进行相当充实,史蒂文斯...


16-07-30 美加侨营台湾美食餐厅联合行销活动热情开跑中华民国侨务委员会自2013年起于海外积极推动侨营台湾美食餐厅评选,今(2016)年持续邀请通过评选的侨营台湾美食餐厅(Overseas Taiwanese...


16-05-18 ://www.ymculture.org.tw/art/art01.html。美东台湾人夏令营开始报名第47届的“美东台湾人夏令会”(Taiwanese American Conference / East Coast),即将于2016年...

2016大纽约学联新旧干部交接 传承服务与学习

16-04-20  大纽约学联交接送旧,教育组张佳琳、王宪筠与新任总召陈邑安、前任总召许诗琳及新旧干部合影。【看中国纽约讯】4月15日,大纽约地区台湾同学会联合会(Federation of Taiwanese...


16-02-27 大华府地区2016年二二八公义和平纪念会2/28举行二十年来大华府地区每年举办的“二二八公义和平纪念会”,今年谨订于2月28日(周日)举行。地点在华府台湾基督长老教会 (Taiwanese...

新锐时装秀 飙创意展多元风格

16-02-10 台北经济文化办事处,应教育组特别之邀,8位时尚设计新锐举办了“2016纽约台湾设计新锐时尚展”(Taiwanese Fashion Designers of America 2016),吸引大纽约地区...

2016纽约时尚周  台湾新锐设计展

16-02-03 晚7点,驻纽约台北经济文化办事处教育组,为配合纽约二月分的时尚周(Fashion Week),邀集8位时尚设计新锐,将举办“2016纽约台湾设计新锐时尚展”(Taiwanese Fashion...

纽约台湾《镜观》 31位新锐热情登场

16-01-26 一时,“2016纽约台湾建筑新锐联展《镜观》”(Scope: an imagination evoking medium:Young Taiwanese Architectural Designer...


16-01-14 。(图/经文处提供)筹备多时的“2016纽约台湾建筑新锐联展《镜观》”(Scope: an imagination evoking medium:Young Taiwanese Architectural...


16-01-13 )合影。【看中國紐約訊】筹备多时的“2016纽约台湾建筑新锐联展《镜观》”(Scope: an imagination evoking medium:Young Taiwanese...


15-11-26 of Taiwan ,CCT)、驻纽约办事处教育组、纽约大学台裔学生会(NYU Taiwanese American Student Society, NYU TASS) 、帕森艺术学院台湾学生会...


15-11-17 由康乃尔大学台湾学生会(Cornell Club of Taiwan ,CCT)和驻纽约办事处教育组及纽约大学台裔学生会(NYU Taiwanese American Student Society...


15-09-13 (Taiwanese Students Association, TSA)于此举办了一场迎新烤肉会。活动总计有50多名新旧生同学参加,驻纽约台北经济文化办事处教育组张佳琳主任特别前往欢迎新生,烤肉会中同学并共叙家常...

大纽约台湾同学会长联席会 23校代表提前欢渡中秋

15-09-07 ”。“大纽约地区台湾同学会联合会(Federation of Taiwanese Students Association of New York, FTSANY)的总召许诗琳也出席会议,鼓励各校宣传紧接着将于9月...

大纽约台湾同学会长联席会 23校代表提前欢渡中秋

15-09-02 认为:“我们台湾同学在海外应该更团结、相互合作,今天认识大家后,希望未来也能与其他学校多交流”。“大纽约地区台湾同学会联合会(Federation of Taiwanese Students Association...

宾州州立大学 台湾同学会热闹迎新

15-08-29 【看中国纽约讯】2015年8月22日,宾州州立大学(Penn State University,PSU)台湾同学会(Taiwanese Students Association, TSA)在宾州...


15-08-27 驻纽约办事处教育组张佳琳出席宾州大台湾同学会迎新会合影。【看中国纽约讯】2015年8月22日,宾州州立大学(Penn State University,PSU)台湾同学会(Taiwanese...

陈水扁保外就医获准 多家外媒报导

15-01-05 ”(Imprisoned Taiwanese ex-President Chen given medical parole)报导,陈前总统因涉及龙潭购地收贿等案遭判刑定谳,合并应执行刑20年,今天获法务部核准保外就医。彭博...