庆祝Unity AAPI 社区博览会第二届年度餐会

23-06-30 購買門票參加活動 享受美食聯誼大眾(Meals For Unity提供)【看中國工商記者歐陽駿紐約報導】Unity AAPI 社區博覽會第二屆年度餐會,將於2023年7月15日(週六),在紐約...

3月11「膳食聯盟(Meals For Unity)」派發免費午餐贈長者

23-02-22 (Adobe Stock)【看中國紐約訊】3月11日(週六),非牟利組織「膳食聯盟(Meals For Unity)」將在勿街62號中華大樓前,派發400份免費午餐給社區裡的長者們,數量有限...


23-02-18 華六千元,加州安基山學院黎方濟兩萬兩千元,在華人社區派發食品的機構UA3和Meals for Unity各五千元,共美金二十七萬五千三百元。李磐石和於金山說,希望2023年股市上升,可以恢復以往...


23-01-26 (商家提供) 【看中國紐約訊】非牟利組織Meals For Unity團結派餐與中華公所2023繼續攜手合作,將於本週六28日中午十二時在勿街62號中華大樓前派發400份免費午餐給社區長者,並送上...


20-04-03 , 了解更多信息,包括每日免费食物的菜单。地点:可以在网站上查询您家附近的免费食物提供地点。https://www.opt-osfns.org/schoolfoodny/meals...

Two Honest Officials with Good Upbringing

18-09-23 His clothing was ordinary. He ate simple meals, nothing extravagant. People thought that he was worthy...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 1)

18-05-12 pursuit of knowledge, forgets his meals, who, in the joy of its attainment, forgets his sorrows, and who...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-23 chickens and dogs, and smoke from cooking meals, could be seen for thousands of miles. "  Emperor Jing...


17-07-07 【看中国纽约讯】美国农业部推行的暑期餐计划 (The Summer Meals Program ),现已在纽约数百所指定的学校、社区游泳池、公园和图书馆及流动的餐车等地开始启动,凡是18岁...

Moral Integrity Without Greed

17-03-10 when he was in the Kingdom of Wei. He could only afford nine meals within twenty days, and had hardly...


17-02-24 自费,而且费用不低。请大家在要求检查前慎重考虑。疫苗注射疫苗注射是体检的一个重要项目。由于近年来美国陆续出现麻疹(meals)、百日咳(pertussis)等传染病爆发,美国提高了对疫苗的重视,年检时...

士兵“啃牛奶” 中共军网泄后勤保障秘密

17-01-31 配备了MREs(自加热食品套餐),即使在及其严寒的天气环境,也能吃上热食(hot meals)。(网路图片)谷俊山、徐才厚和郭伯雄先后落马 曝军队极度腐败在中共宣传士兵要不怕苦、不怕死,对艰苦付出...

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 was so poor that he could not afford three meals a day before his luck arrived. Then he became a high...

Be an Official for the People; Noble and Pure in Character

16-12-27 When children could not go home after school due to rain, Zheng sent people to bring them meals and...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (3 of 3)

16-12-17 lifestyle are unprecedented in history. He eats two meals a day, which are very simple. He wears the most...

Emperor Kangxi Was a Wise Ruler and a Paragon of Benevolence (2 of 3)

16-12-12 did not seek personal gain. He had two meals a day, and they consisted of unpolished rice and...

Past Deeds Determine Today's Experiences 欲知未来事 今生做者是

16-09-26 like a rich man or I will create even more sins. From now on, do not feed me expensive meals for human...

【英文对照赏析】 朋友相交 以义为重  True Friendship Requires Righteousness

15-09-20 Zhang Qianzai moved to a house near the prison. He went to the prison every day to bring meals to Wen....