
19-06-21 著同学们齐声高喊:“鸭毛加油!鸭毛加油!”百数十号少年任督二脉一打通后,其声势煞是惊人,也非常感人!时光飞快的流逝!多年后,有一日,我在办公室里埋首备课,一个青年立在窗前迟迟没出声,一抬头,轮到我愣...

The Cultural Ambassador Princess Wencheng (Part 1)

19-06-19 Tubo is now known as Tibet. In the 7th century AD, Qizong Nongtsan, also known as Songtsan Gambo...

Huang Jialuo, Chinese translator for Louis XIV (Part 1)

19-06-19 Huang Jialu’s assistants said: "Huang is making us Europeans desperate. He is always gentle, humble...


19-06-13 之,果然死了。玄德问孔明曰:『周瑜既死,还当如何?』孔明曰:『代瑜兵者,必鲁肃也。亮观天象,将星聚于东方。亮当以吊丧为由。往江东走一遭,就寻贤士佐助主公。』”(第五十七回 柴桑口卧龙吊丧 耒阳县凤雏理事...

  Laozi's servant

19-06-05 sun, and going west is naturally more and more desolate. Losing his patience, Xu Jia decided to take...

The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

19-06-05 , except my body has changed."The saying, "Predestined beyond three lives," is derived from...

加拿大边境登记新规生效 影响哪些人?

19-06-03 等基本信息。与此同时,美国海关也会将收集的陆空入美人士数据交给渥京,航空公司会收集出境乘客信息。政府不但可根据加拿大人出境数据,防止一些长期待在海外的加人滥老年金(OAS)、失业保险(EI)和低收入补贴...


19-05-31 Rhapsody) 》、奥斯卡最佳影片《乐来越爱你(La La Land)》,以及 《一个巨星的诞生(A Star is Born)》等。现场,还有小食品出售,如:看电影必吃的爆米花与鸡尾酒等。另外,还要提醒大家...

千人计划成员 美科学家李晓江实验室突然被关

19-05-23 :来自其他外国政府和外国机构的支持。旅美政论家陈破空表示,这些人大规模盗窃美国的知识产权,而且在滥用美国政府所拨给的款项。包括四类情况:(1)双重薪。这些人既在美国的大学或机构领取薪水,同时又从中国政府...

The Humble and Upright Yu Qian

19-05-23 character. This is where the phrase, which is popular in China, originates.Although Yu Qian held key...

Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for Generations

19-05-23 Returning Riches to its Owner Brought Fortune for GenerationsTraditional Chinese culture is about...

大地震11周年前 温家宝现身汶川

19-05-15 ,大地震发生后,时任总理温家宝先带国务院相关部门官员赶往灾区现场;胡锦涛立即给军队下令,要求总参和武警派负责人带领部队去配合温家宝和地方当局救灾。但胡锦涛其后得知派去救援的军人等迟迟未能进入地震灾区...

Repaying Others Who Have Helped Us and Being Honest and Trustworthy

19-05-09 should pay it back. Your father entrusted the business to me, it is my responsibility to keep the...

Predicting the fate of a person through musical vibrations

19-05-09 predict the fate of a person but it is rare to hear that the fate of a person can be predicted through the...


19-05-06 ,旁边的侍者,把他出门,送到停船的地方。李顺问侍者说:“这是什么地方?我担心韩滉要问起来,好回答他。另外是什么人给他寄的书信?”侍者答道:“这是东海广桑山,是鲁国宣父仲尼(孔子)得道成为仙官后,治理此山...

Retribution for Destroying a Buddha Statue

19-05-06 Buddhas and gods often experienced unfortunate consequences. Here is one such story.The Man Who Walks...

How to Handle People who Upset  you

19-05-06 : "Han Xin could let go of that great humiliation; comparatively mine is little. What happened has...

社区问答_687_ 简介一下购房保险

19-04-25 水险。在你的地里——前(后)院,人行道等处会发生滑倒跌伤,弄不好会成被告,所以个人伤害险一定要买,这个在独立屋发生的风险最大。买了宅基地,如果想重新翻修,请施工队,就有风险存在,施工合同险也要包...

A Maidservant Becomes China’s First Female Diplomat

19-04-24 important along the Silk Road, which is today's Xinjiang Lli River Basin in Kazakhstan....

What is Fengshui?

19-04-22 ?  Like all great truths, it is simple and straightforward.  Most people think we are affected by Fengshui...

On the Ancient  Amazon River Civilization

19-04-17  The Amazon River is the largest river in the world by volume, with water coming from both southern...


19-04-16 附近丰富的化石给帕特森大学学生一个就近采集样本的机会。副教授哈利‧麦许(Harry Maish)数年来著两名学生帮助贝克尔研究,对出土的化石进行记录和搜索更多化石。“化石是海平面高度变化的一个杰出和明显的佐证...

利比亚强人再起 或一统江山

19-04-14 随后在2016年斡旋东西两派成立“民族团结政府”。但歧见甚深的杂凑,却始终无法运作。不承认该政府的哈夫塔于同年9月领导LNA夺得东部4个重要石油港口。在不断推进的军事行动下,利比亚三分之二的国土为其所控,而为IS...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 everywhere he goes. It is not for the sake of showing off, but for the sake of the country and his...

中国大学毕业生 就业率数据灌水

19-04-07 前必须提交假就业证明,否则不发给毕业证。中央社报导,例如,广东某所大学便要求毕业生,在5月底之前上交包括就业协议书、就业推荐表、高等学校毕业生登记表等3份就业相关资料。如果不交就不到毕业证书。一名...


19-04-04 。                             中国钱币,作为一个独具魅力的文化载体,在收藏域中异军突起,吸引了越来越多收藏者的关注。中国钱币收藏是一种品位高雅和收藏投资的体现,通过对钱币的收藏、鉴赏和研究,可以丰富人们的知识、提高审美水平...

Proper Manners Begin at the Dining Table

19-04-03 China is a nation that very much values rituals and good manners. It isn’t surprising therefore...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 lives. Your majesty is wise and a man of virtue. As a member of this open-minded court, I will be...

Five Classic Sayings of Guiguzi That Help Discern a Person’s Character

19-03-28 good at handling their money well. Money is something that you can’t bring with you at birth, nor take...

Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Legend of Sun-Moon Lake

19-03-28 The following is a legend from Taiwan’s aboriginal Thao people.Once there was a loving and...

The Eight Divinations and Wisdoms of Life in Zhouyi

19-03-21 Zhouyi, which is believed to be the oldest text and named after the Zhou Dynasty was among the...

The Legend of Taiwan’s Banping Mountain

19-03-13 in Taiwan. One side of the mountain ridge is so flat that it looks like it has been cut off with...


19-03-11 expedition desperately in search of a crime, when in fact the real crime is what the Dems are doing, and have...

Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 by the two birds. Qiao ordered nearby fishermen to dive into the water, and to salvage whatever is...

Put Down the Butcher's Knife and Become a Buddha

19-03-06 prove this and one such example is Milarepa who was a murderer as a young man then turned to Buddhism to...

12 Chinese Zodiac Signs and their auspicious colors to bring luck

19-02-27 , water, fire and earth.  Wood is said to overcome earth so, those under these zodiacs should wear yellow...

Yan Zi’s Wisdom

19-02-27 furious. He said: "This man is the first person who dares to violate my rule and he should be punished...

谤佛诬道 雷击遭报

19-02-25 ,每日著学生钓鱼捉虾,一日捉了一百多只,放在厨房,因有事出外,他的妻子朱氏不忍心烹杀许多虾鱼,便放生了。罗吉亭回来,将朱氏殴打不止,朱氏气极吊死,罗吉亭还是盛怒难平,践踏她的尸身,大骂不休。 忽然黑云...

华人卖车PayPal交易 已到账的钱最后却没了

19-02-24 已经转到自己的帐户,却没想到“煮熟的鸭子还会飞”,结果白白损失了3000美元。海外媒体报导,大约两周前,美国加州圣盖博市居民林先生,于网络上刊登卖二手车的广告,不久收到买家简讯,声称愿意先付款再车,但只...