Experts Forecast Dark Days Ahead for China’s Trade

18-05-19 lower this year, “ indicating that the foreign trade situation is not optimistic,” they wrote.Containers...


18-05-05 。依据《外国毒枭认定法》(Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act),张健作为毒品贩售集团的首脑成员,执法机构可以追究他在全球的财产和利益。中国公民张健,在香港拥有一间...


18-04-28  伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(图片来源:Dori/WIKI/CC BY-SA) 【看中国讯】美国权威杂志“外交政策”(Foreign Policy)日前刊登了一篇独家报道,名为“中共正在美国多所高校建立...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 proposed U.S. tariffs.In addition, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also declared that “it will take...

Top Chinese Diplomat Misses Major Appointment, a Hint of Xi Jinping Winning Score Against Rival Faction

18-03-24 holding strong within the regime’s foreign policy apparatus. The Jiang faction make up the opposition to...

意不在孔子 美国会议员开始关注孔子学院

18-03-22 登记法》(Foreign Agents Registration Act,简称FARA)注册为外国代理人。虽未直接点名,但其中包括了由中国政府出资办理的孔子学院。《外国代理人登记法》是美国政府1938年...

China’s Viral Eye-Rolling Reporter Incident Reveals a Darker Secret

18-03-22 so-called “foreign journalists” to attend its press events, who are actually closely associated with the...

数据执法时代来临 奥斯汀炸弹客伏法

18-03-21 foreign & “exotic”  battery in each of his explosives. Multiple officials say batteries were...

The Difficulty of Ending Gun Violence in the United States

18-03-18 Jones is a retired U.S. State Department senior foreign service career officer who has published several...

Manufacturers and Steelworkers Defend Import Tariffs

18-03-11 since 2000 because of imports, which are heavily subsidized by foreign governments, according to the...

FBI呼吁 美国社会 防中共渗透

18-02-26 》(Foreign Policy)杂志去年报导,孔子学院明文的使命是促进文化外交,但他们是中国政府的宣传工具并限制教师授课的内容。在意识到这些学院对言论自由造成的威胁后,芝加哥大学和宾夕法尼亚州立大学在2014年...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 Former KGB General Oleg Kalugin explained it once, stating according to Foreign Policy that, “In America...

Phone and Internet Data Sent Through Undersea Cables Threatened by Chinese Monitoring

18-02-19 nation, and is thus a target of foreign intelligence services.”On its website, Acclinks states that it...

Admiral Who Pushed Hard Against Chinese Regime’s Aggression Chosen by Trump to Be Ambassador to Australia

18-02-19 there.In the country’s latest foreign policy whitepaper published last November, Australia’s Malcolm...

4 Things to Know About Carter Page, the Man at the Center of the Memo

18-02-10 Department of Justice (DOJ) had obtained a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to spy on...


18-01-26 )同意向众议员公开一份绝密文件,涉及到欧巴马政府时期的司法部和FBI利用《外国情报监视法案》(Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, FISA),严重滥用权力,对川普...

美对中贸易:重视执法、停止谈判   对太阳能板课关税祭旗

18-01-25 %逐年降到第四年的15%。对外关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)的贸易专家爱德华‧奥尔登(Edward Alden)对媒体表示,30%的关税将对中国太阳能板行业...

China’s Top Military Official With Ties to Opposition Faction Taken Down

18-01-12 staff department.He frequently made public appearances with visiting foreign defense officials and...

美国调查UFO 外星人真实存在

17-12-24 ,将这个项目命名为〝先进航空威胁识别计划〞。研究对象包括,美军飞行员目击的不明物体、近距离接触UFO事件等。 美国《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)杂志早在2012年就披露,美国五角大楼所研发的国防...

In China, Investigation of 8 Banking Executives Exposes Widespread Corruption

17-12-05 China recently opened its financial system to more foreign ownership, allowing foreign investors to...

Western Universities Are Getting Chinese Communist Party Organizations on Campus—in China and at Home

17-11-25 board of trustees.The directive follows recent news of tightening control over foreign firms, as well as...

A Virtuous Emperor During the Zhenguan Period

17-11-24 , were major international cities at the time. The Tang dynasty was open to foreign trade over both land...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 appointment of diplomat Yang Jiechi may signal the continued strength of the Jiang faction in the foreign...

McDonald’s New Name in China Draws Ridicule

17-11-11 other foreign companies, whose names are currently direct transliterations of the English name into...


17-11-09 卡也可以在日本JCB信用卡的网络上使用,重点是Discover还不收境外消费的手续费(Foreign Transaction Fee)。在美国信用纪录很重要,一般来说申请信用卡都需要有信用纪录。这几类...


17-11-06 卡也可以在日本JCB信用卡的网络上使用,重点是Discover还不收境外消费的手续费(Foreign Transaction Fee)。在美国信用纪录很重要,一般来说申请信用卡都需要有信用纪录。这几类...

Russia Obstructing US Action on North Korea

17-11-02 could be difficult, says an expert in Russian foreign policy.Trump told Fox Business that while China...

Culture and Spirit During the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (part3)盛唐文化与盛唐精神 (下)

17-10-27 adopted a friendly foreign policy: "Gently Embracing Thousands of Nations." The Reign of Zhen...

As FBI Chief, Special Counsel Robert Mueller Watched and Allowed Clinton Deals With Russia

17-10-27 violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA.”Tony Podesta is a registered lobbyist for...

Culture and Spirit during the Apex of the Tang Dynasty (Part 2)

17-10-20 minorities as well as foreign nationalities in the west. The music and dance are a true reflection of...

Beating of Students in Taiwan Puts Spotlight on Chinese Regime’s Influence

17-10-15 dangerous gangs in the world” by the journal Foreign Policy. The Chinese Unity Promotion Party, which...

Why Trade With China Is Not Free

17-10-06 less competitive in two ways.First, it lowers the Chinese exchange rate, making foreign products more...

U.S. Trade Rep. Declares China an ‘Unprecedented Threat’ to World Trade System

17-09-23 regime against foreign competition, they are also often the culprits in stealing technology and other...

In Conflict Between US and North Korea, Which Side Is China on?

17-09-08 , Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying called for restraint from all parties and for everyone...

美制裁涉朝中俄 十家公司和个人

17-08-26 美国个人与这几个被指定的公司和个人进行交易。本次宣布的制裁对象中包括了一家名为“明正国际贸易有限公司”的中国企业。美国认为,这家企业是朝鲜国有外贸银行(Foreign Trade Bank)的幌子公司。...


17-08-24 外国贸易银行(Foreign Trade Bank)的幌子公司。自2013年以来,该银行一直是美国为切断与该国核武器计划有关的资金而实行制裁的目标。另一方面,美国司法部22日提起诉讼,要求对中国丹东诚泰...


16-08-08 对于拥有美国房产的海外投资者来说应该都对「FIRPTA」不陌生。「FIRPTA」是1980年开始实行的「外籍人士投资房地产的税务法案」的缩写(Foreign Investment in Real...

雇「太子党」涉腐败  摩根大通付2.7亿和解

16-07-30 2.71亿美元,就其在亚洲的招聘行为的刑事和民事诉讼与调查方达成和解。知情人说,预计双方有可能在今年晚些时候达成和解。摩根大通将承认招聘行为违反美国《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corruption...

非法聘用太子党 摩根大通料要付2亿美元

16-07-23 为的刑事和民事诉讼与调查方达成和解。这名知情人说,预计双方有可能在今年晚些时候达成和解,摩根大通将承认招聘行为违反美国《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corruption Practice Act...


16-04-12 foreign to非...所原有 216. free of /from未受...;免费 217. free with康慨,大方 218. from time to time 有时,不时 219. full up...