
18-05-10 Mother’s Day Weekend Garden Party(PublicDomainPictures.net / CC0 Public Domain)伟大的“母亲节”也是在这春意盎然的5月。带上...

2018 纽约自行车休闲展 台湾单车游成风潮

18-05-09 )。骑遇福尔摩沙Formosa900,时间:11月10日(周六)~11月18日(周日)。日月潭Come! Bike Day ,时间:10月19日(周五)~11月18日(周日)。0K台湾台中自行车嘉年华...

Scientists Find the Most Effective Way to Remove Pesticides From Apples

18-05-07 An apple a day keeps the doctor away… until the pesticides get you.According to the Environmental...

世界地球日 塑料垃圾引关注

18-04-28 五彩塑料球   (图片来源:公有领域)  【看中国讯】4月22号是世界地球日(Earth Day)。每年的这一天,很多人会静下来思考地球的环境.2018年的主题是塑料污染。专家认为人们所熟知的太平洋...


18-04-26 的伴侣。然后为了庆祝赛季结束,在10月14日的甜点日(Sweet Treats Day)顾客将享受买一送一的冰淇淋。高尔夫球场还可以举办生日庆祝会,包括高尔夫球场入场券,饮料,冰淇淋,纸制品以及生日儿童...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 1)

18-04-25 responsible for guarding a region. Second Story There once was a monk named Xingyun. One day he saw a lotus...

19 Years Later, New Yorkers Remember Historic April 25 Appeal in China

18-04-25 22, to mark the 19th anniversary of a day that’s both sad and also a testament to great...


18-04-24 春雪有怀文 轶飞飞雪树头,太古周游,我思浩浩,天地悠悠。东风吹彻,孰与唱酬,我思茫茫,不见子猷。寻梅策蹇,寒江泛舟,我思澹澹,聊以忘忧。四望一白,如临姑射,我思涣涣,夫复何求。A Snowy Day...

Bitcoin Is a Bubble, and It’s Not

18-04-18 problem in the works, and until this day, bitcoin remains the most decentralized and independent network...


18-04-13 (周日)。地点:375 Greenwich Street 等多个地点。费用:$12起。网站:tribecafilm.com/festival。5.地球日 Earth Day纽约会有一系列的活动,庆祝...


18-04-06 。6.“格纹日”苏格兰裔游行 New York Tartan Day Parade“格纹日”,是北美苏格兰裔的庆祝日。在纽约 ,每年都会举办一年一度的庆祝活动,今年是从4月6日(周五)~4月9日(周一...

He Qinglian: In the China–US Trade War, How Much Will China Lose?

18-04-06 on the day he signed the tariff memorandum that his actions are to carry out his campaign promise...

China's First "Monk Emperor": Xiao Yan, Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty

18-03-31 finishing the ritual with his officials, he decided to stay overnight at the temple. The next day, he gave...

Taking Delight in Having One's Mistakes Pointed Out

18-03-24 Years of Zhenguan Era. One cannot dismiss his character of being open to accepting criticisms. One day...

Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2)

18-03-18 Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part 2) Focusing on Key Issues One day...

A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 2)

18-03-18 a live animal and released it. Sometimes, there were over ten red circles in one day! A few years later...


18-03-11 Patrick’s Day这是爱尔兰人最重要的节日,每年都要欢庆一番。纽约第5大道的圣派翠克大游行便可见一斑,这是爱尔兰族裔最喜爱、最大规模的庆祝方式之一。参与的人们都会将自己打扮成一个个服装各异的“小绿人...

   A Person Who Miraculously Changed His Destiny (Part 1)

18-03-11 well as to offer help to others. One day, he went to Ciyun Temple. While there, he met an elderly man...


18-03-03 3月纽约夏令营报名开始【看中国纽约讯】夏令营,在学校生活中是必不可少的一项活动。在美国,夏令营可以分为Academics(学业)和Non-Academics(非学业)两类;根据课程,还会分为Day...

A Blacksmith's Promise to Grant a Poor Scholar Five Hundred Strings of Coins

18-03-04 warehouse. One day, he sneaked into the warehouse and discovered tens of thousands of strings of coins....

  Ancient Stories about Being a Good Neighbor

18-03-04 He farmed the land every day and wrote poems to express his aspirations. He was content with a simple...


18-02-19 ,但雨量仅在2-10毫米之间,依然无法解决开普敦的干旱问题。当局宣布,开普顿居民仍需节约用水,否则5月11日将面临全面停水的“归零日”(Day Zero)。据CNN报导,尽管当地气温很低,当雨水从天而降...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 expertise in astronomy and was accomplished in watching the stars to predict the future. One day, he...


18-02-09 Valentine's Day二月分最浪漫的节日非情人节莫属。每年的2月14日,纽约曼哈顿的时代广场都会举办最热闹的情人节活动,数万人都会一起庆祝他们的甜蜜:现场求婚、结婚典礼、爱情誓言等等。届时,还有一颗大大的红心...


18-02-02 左右。通常情况下,纳税申报必须在4月15日之前提交,但因为今年的4月15日是星期天,接下来的星期一是华盛顿特区的“解放奴隶纪念日”(Emancipation Day),报税文件可能在4月17日才会被送交至国税局...

Gorka Discusses US National Security

18-01-29 all international regulations on nuclear weapons and ballistic missile testing—at the end of the day...

China's Tea Culture (Part 1)

18-01-28 ;When Shennong was looking for medicinal herbs he tasted hundreds of kinds of herbs and grasses. One day...


18-01-25 )~28日(周日)。地点:贾维兹会展中心(Javits Convention Center)。地址:655 W 34th Street,NY。网站:nyttravelshow.com。费用:一日票(Day...


18-01-23 streets will be closed off during rush hour every day, from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. <...


18-01-12 /y9j7vqud2.马丁路德金日 Martin Luther King Day在美国,1月的新年过后,紧接著便会迎来另一个假日——被誉为“自由斗士”的“马丁·路德·金纪念日”。这天是为了纪念平生都为自由而奔走宣传的黑人...

Author of Smuggled Letter That Called Attention to China Labor Camp Abuses Dies

18-01-09 little plastic ghosts and foam headstones, working 15 hours a day for a meager 10 yuan (around $1.50...

Unmoved by Honor or Disgrace, Unfazed by Retention or Dismissal

18-01-08 reigned from 997 – 1022 AD. One day Emperor Zhenzong issued the order to promote Prime Minister Xiang to...


18-01-04 纽约公立学校 第三届“大学认知日”纽约市公立学校的第三届“大学认知日”(College Awareness Day)。旨在全市各级学校推广大学文化、鼓励学生询问和了解系列大学。届时,全市的学校将组织...

  Ancient Stories of Unselfishness and Righteousness

18-01-01 Emperor. One day he told the Emperor, "You may find out more about Fan’s character from Zhao...


17-12-29 等。不过,据今年的气象预报称,今年纽约市或将迎来近几年来最冷的一个跨年夜。12月28日(周四),每年时代广场的新年两大盛事:时代广场联盟组织的新年许愿活动,以及一年一度的“除秽日”(Good Riddance Day)活动...


17-12-22 。 5. 除晦日 Good Riddance Day 纽约时报广场“除晦日”,已经成为新年倒计时预热活动之一,以及辞旧迎新的传统项目了。它帮助纽约人告别旧年的坏运气,迎来新的一年的好运。不开心的回忆、生活...

  Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 1)

17-12-23 elderly and the poor. I beg mercy from Your Majesty!"  One day, after praying, he dozed off under the...

史上最高!圣诞节1亿人出游 车流增3倍

17-12-21 730万人,创历史最高纪录。同时,某些路段的交通拥堵状况也会因此达到正常车流量的三倍以上。据AAA统计,今年国殇日(Memorial Day)、独立纪念日(Independence Day)和感恩节...


17-12-21 ,聚焦人工智能研究。外界分析,这是谷歌退出中国多年后的又一“重返”动作,舆论同时担忧,谷歌此举是否向中国当局做出妥协。综合媒体消息,在日前于上海举行的开发者日(Google Developer Day...

In China, A Successful AIDS Lawsuit Stands in Contrast to the State’s Treatment of AIDS Patients

17-12-17 state-run news website The Paper on Dec. 6, a few days after World AIDS Day, which falls on Dec. 1. In fact...