Trader Joe's 香肠可能含有塑料碎片 大批召回

NBC 新闻报道,Kayem Foods 回收的这批产品可能被销往全美各地,销售点包括 Trader Joe's食品连锁店。有顾客反应,在该公司出厂的香肠中有塑料碎片。虽然没有造成任何人员伤害,美国农部周一要求该公司收回市场上正在出售的产品。


•12-oz. packages of Trader Joe’s brand “Sweet Apple Chicken Sausage” with the case code 9605 and use by/freeze by dates of “4 22 15,” “4 25 15,” and “4 29 15.”

•8-oz. packages of al fresco brand “Apple Maple Fully Cooked Breakfast Chicken Sausage” with the case code 9709 and use by/freeze by dates of “JUN 13 2015” and “JUN 20 2015.”
    责编: Lisa

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