A Glimpse into the Chinese Five Elements and Ill-Health

19-02-25 summer, the skin’s pores open to discharge heat, and the hot yang force eliminates any coldness in the...

Jordan Peterson Exposes the Postmodernist Agenda

17-06-30 —especially as it’s played out politically—is the new skin that the old Marxism now inhabits.”“Even the French...

非凡,注定稀有 2017款Jaguar XJ     WELL-MANNERED. QUICK-WITTED. 2017 Jaguar XJ

16-10-10 , STRENGTH & SAFETYThe beauty of the XJ is more than skin deep. Riveted without a single welded joint...

美国超市系列|走进好市多,我就不想走~ 美国 Costco 买虾米?

16-09-06 Skin & Nails:强韧头发、皮肤、指甲等蛋白质结构的软糖,大多是女性朋友在吃。• Melatonin 褪黑激素:调时差、提升睡眠品质,在台湾属管制/处方药品买不到,但在美国属食品,身边...

Advise Frankly and Preserve Moral Integrity (中文875字)

16-07-30 though I cherish my body, how could I damage the empire just to keep my rank and save my own skin?"...

保养品 换季了吗?

16-04-08 运用New Intuitive Skin Theory (肌肤脑细胞理论)为基础,添加全新“光采明亮复合物EX”与50多项珍贵奢华植物精萃。全新精质乳霜能深入层层肌肤结构进行修复,添加光采明亮复合物EX...


15-12-08 electrophysiology.Dermatologist 皮肤科医生  Dermatology  Skin and its appendages (hair, nails, sweat glands etc).Emergency MD 急诊医生...


15-10-08 (Nike)是少数因机能性运动服业绩受惠于中国市场而激增30%的特例。其他像深耕中国市场的百胜餐饮集团(Yum Brands )和化妆品传销公司如新(Nu Skin)便对中国市场展望感到悲观。百胜餐饮集团周三...

英语口语中最常用到的50个成语 太实用了

15-10-04 news travels fast.[字面意思]坏消息传得快。[解释]好事不出门,坏事传千里。7.Beauty is only skin deep.[字面意思]美貌只是肤浅的。[解释]美貌只是表面现象...

美资深议员查费兹 竞选众议院议长

15-10-04 11月赢得众议院监督及政府改革委员会主席的选举。他的观点倾向于共和党保守派的右派思想。1990年美国前总统里根与查费兹的前雇主、演说家Nu Skin会面后,查费兹加入共和党。...


15-09-27 skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust1 bows the heart and turns...


15-04-23 probability — someone expecting to live to 130, or someone thinking his benign skin spots are signs of...