滥用福利影响绿卡和入籍 已领福利是否可补救?

18-04-28 和国籍方案,被驱逐出美国境内前被扣押的非公民,也可以申请此福利;4、在美国军队服役或是荣誉退伍军人的外籍人士,以及他们的配偶、寡妇和孩子;5、在Color of Law的法律保护下,合法永久居住在美国的...

Revive the Divinely Inspired Culture and Appreciate Its Significance (Part 3)  

18-04-16 teach people to be good and to act according to the law of the universe, so as to achieve harmony...

数据执法时代来临 奥斯汀炸弹客伏法

18-03-21 ordered online &amp; one senior law enforcement official says they came from Asia. <a href="...

  Confucius Teachings: The Virtuous Character of a Gentleman (Part1)

18-03-11 of virtue; the sly man thinks of comfort. The gentleman thinks of the sanctions of law; the sly man...

Researcher Reports Soviets Created Child-Trafficking Rings in the West for Blackmail

18-02-23 office and told to drop the case. Ruskin said, referring to political corruption of law enforcement, that...

President Trump Orders Federal Ban on Bump Stocks

18-02-23 ’ families, law enforcement, and policymakers.The National Rifle Association (NRA) also expressed...

Respecting Teachers and Cherishing Virtue (Part 1)

18-02-19 Confucius' teachings. Another student, Mi Zijian, maintained law and order by playing a stringed instrument...

  China's Tea Culture (Part 2)

18-02-03 follow a certain pattern. Creation-stasis-degeneration-destruction is the law of the universe....


18-01-25 (Nien-Tzu KUO,Esq)。美国达理律师事务所(facebook.com/www.tlalaw.nyc/),过去几年与纽约大学法学院(NYU,School of Law)合作,负责监督执行由法学院学生参与...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 way of Heaven and Earth, the law of all things, the mother of all changes, and the beginning of life...

  Seeing the Buddha

18-01-12 brightness. Their yearning for the Buddha's Law shone like gold. During their journey to look for the...

  Loyal and Valiant Yue Fei (Part 2)

18-01-12 enforced this martial law was the Yue army. Yue Fei's army was extremely popular, and wherever it went...

纽约州上班族终如愿以偿 2018年起工资最底时薪上调

17-12-29 签署的一项法案,该法案承诺纽约州的最低工资将在2018年底(部分乡镇延续到2021年底)逐年提高到每小时$15的标准。据一份“全国就业法律项目(National Employment Law...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory on Health (Part 2)

17-12-23 a daily life with standard routines and do not violate the law of nature..." Sun Simiao was also the...

Australian Intelligence Identifies Local Politicians With Suspect China Ties

17-12-17 Chinese do it publicly,” Chen said.“It seems they are above the law in Australia. They are braver than...

美众议员提出法案   欲严惩庇护非法移民官员

17-12-07 也表达了对“凯特法律”(Kate’s Law)的支持,该法以斯坦莱( Steinle)枪杀案受害者的名字命名,会对再次进入美国的被驱逐者实行更严格的处罚。  已被5次驱逐回墨西哥的非法移民扎拉特...

Revelations from Shang Shu (Part 1)

17-12-02 law and causing trouble. The government officials all violate the rule of law…” The first article in...

Western Universities Are Getting Chinese Communist Party Organizations on Campus—in China and at Home

17-11-25 required by law to create such Party branches, which can take part in decision-making to make sure the...

A Virtuous Emperor During the Zhenguan Period

17-11-24 , and under the law at the time, the edict could not be announced. Only edicts approved by the judicial...

James O’Keefe: A Truth Seeker in an Age of Media Bias

17-11-20 —there’s no value, there’s no morality, there’s no law, there’s no justice. It’s about a specific...

檀香山过马路 看手机要吃罚单  

17-11-03 檀香山风光 (图片来源:公有领域)【看中国讯】夏威夷首府火奴鲁鲁(檀香山)7月通过的《走路分心法》(Distracted Walking Law)上周生效。按照此法律,在檀香山过马路时看数字设备会吃...

Stepmother and Stepdaughter's Loyalty to Each Other  继母继女互相爱护 感动官府

17-10-27 married again, and had a son who was 9 years old.Zhuya County was rich in pearls. Therefore a law was...

Respect Heaven and Follow  the Heavenly Principles

17-10-06 power uses his authority to threaten others. He uses the law as a tool to force out the righteous person...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 2 of 2)

17-09-29 surplus. People lived in a peaceful and orderly world. Chinese people have believed in following the law of...

Gao Yao's Nine Virtues

17-09-29 Shun's time (2294 – 2184 BC). He enforced the law with fairness and care. As a result, there were no...

Abide by Tao, Promote Kindness, Use Virtue to Administer the Country (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-23 respected Tao, valued virtue, and promoted abiding by the heavenly law with virtue and running the country...

Chicago Had More Votes Than Voters in 2016 Elections

17-09-15 official in California, it is your responsibility under federal law to coordinate California’s statewide...

Wuda Kokushi

17-09-15 disregard a single thought. Moreover, who can doubt the fairness of the law of karmic retribution? 悟达国师的故事...

Peace and Stability Come from Faith in Gods and Respect for Heaven

17-08-27 safely. If humankind violates the law of Heaven, calamity will befall as caution. However, if people...

Emperor Yu Paid Great Respect to Heaven and Worked Tirelessly for the People

17-08-20 encouraged them to follow the law and be at peace with each other. Yu was greatly respected and welcomed by...


16-08-10 Consumer Law Center)的Andrew G. Pizor是一位帮助低收入和弱势群体的律师。他认为贷款服务商在此方面表现极差,往往会「遗失」文件或刻意怠工,「人们被愚弄几个月,然后叫他从头开始...


16-07-31 law (斯万森法则), 大意是随着太阳能铺设容量的增加,太阳能板的价格平均 3-4年会下降一半。2014年白思豪市长提出,到2050年纽约市温室气体减排80%的目标,约70%的温室气体排放来自房屋用电...

10种方式  帮购房者远程了解新社区

16-06-27 GPS, 用东西南北指示方向。 5.公共交通 美国每天有3,500万人使用公共交通工具。布鲁克林法学院(Brooklyn Law School)教授,城市企业创业中心主任David Reiss建议...


16-06-24 【看中国纽约讯】例来,纽约酒吧与餐馆在周日4:00am至12:00pm前,禁止出售含酒精的饮料,这项规定叫做「蓝色法令(Blue Law)」。不过目前,这一法令即将被取消,因为纽约州议院于上周通过了...

从物美到安可玛汀 中国人把山寨做到“极致”

16-05-27 美国零售商巨头Walmart。而安可玛汀在抄袭美国服装制造商安德玛(Under Armour)。美国焦孔达法律集团(Gioconda Law Group)的约瑟夫•焦孔达律师告诉CNBC,中国假货的规模...

阿里巴巴加入反假联盟 国际品牌不满

16-05-17 国际反假货联盟主席、纽约卡多佐法学院(Cardozo School of Law)教授科尔森(Barbara Kolsun)称,大约20多个品牌以及其他国际反假货联盟成员私下里通过电邮和电话中对...

10种方式  帮购房者远程了解新社区

16-05-08 公共交通美国每天有3,500万人使用公共交通工具。布鲁克林法学院(Brooklyn Law School)教授,城市企业创业中心主任David Reiss建议使用“公交分数”网站https...

Not Practicing Favoritism

16-05-08 I handle cases according to law tomorrow.” When handling cases the next day, Su Zhang brought the...

美国会听证: “中国广泛使用酷刑”

16-04-23 )、史东法学院(Seton Hall Law School)副教授玛格丽特‧路易斯(Margaret Lewis) 、西藏流亡僧人久龙‧吉美(Golog Jigme)、以及曾受迫害和酷刑的法轮功学员尹丽萍...

Taking Bribes and Perverting the Law Ruined a Promising Future

16-04-16 Taking Bribes and Perverting the Law Ruined a Promising Future In ancient times, there lived a man...