Ancient Stories about Being a Good Neighbor

18-03-04 neighbor was very moved. Later, people called Sima Hui "Sir Water Mirror." It was a compliment...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 lowest level so as to take in all the water from streams and creeks. Confucius said, "If you are...

China's Tea Culture (Part 3)   中华茶文化 (下)

18-02-11 nature of tea is no more than boiling water to make tea." He hit the nail on the head, and pondered...

藏在植物中 温和的精华 纯露

18-02-03 文| More Huang纯露(Hydrosol)是精油生产时的副产品,也称为花水 (Floral water)、植物水 (Plant water)。一般来说,我们会认为副产品是品质比较次要的物品...


18-01-29 女主角等奖。入围最佳影片奖的有:《水形物语》(The Shape of Water)、《以你的名字呼唤我》(Call Me By Your Name)、《至暗时刻》(Darkest Hour)、《逃出绝命...

China's Tea Culture (Part 1)

18-01-28 Today we make a beverage use boiling water to make tea from tea leaves. In ancient times, our ancestors...

  The Concept of "Male Left, Female Right"

18-01-21 considered Yin. As for water and fire, water belongs to Yin, as it is cold and moist, while fire belongs to...

Protecting the Environment Is China’s Latest Excuse to Bully Taiwanese Businesses

18-01-21 ” project to improve air and water quality, which included measures to reach specific numerical benchmarks...

  Seeing the Buddha

18-01-12 frightened out of their wits, but the head person heard the sound of water ahead. He knew that must be the...

  Reward or Retribution Comes Exactly as Planned (Part 1)

17-12-23 monks. He also killed people, wasted clean water, and wasted food. In this life time, he is destined to...

  Emperor Kangxi - A Master of Pen and Sword

17-12-15 revolt of the three feudatories in Yunnan, Guangdong and Fujian; River Work; and Water Transportation. He...


17-12-15 ,提供了安全购买和交换物品的地方。所有的地点都在派出所,当交易双方见面时,附近会有警察。这些交易地点是:特别行动组海港巡逻队(550 Water Street, S.W.),第三区(1620 V...


17-12-07 •哈契森/扎克•艾弗隆。网站。*《水形物语》 The Shape of Water又名《水底情深》,是一部2017年美国奇幻爱情片,由吉尔莫•德尔•托罗执导和监制...


17-11-01 等,每一家都好吃的口不离筷! 时间:11月6日 (周一)6pm~9pm。地点:The Water Front, 269 11th Ave。网站。费用:$108.88起。3....

秋高气爽 今年去哪里赏枫?

17-10-10 Park这个公园位于Gloucester郡的Washington Township,是新州最大的市立公园。公园占地330英亩,景观包括湖泊、池塘及各式步道。Delaware Water Gap...

Shen Yun Orchestra and the Power of Music to Heal

17-09-23 corresponded to the five traditional Chinese elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, and that these...

纽约渡轮 悠哉 一日游

17-09-20 在曼哈顿坐车,大概跟拔牙一样痛苦。要来往纽约的几个重点旅游区,有探险精神的游客可以尝试发达的地铁网。但是这里还有一个风景更好的方式:水上计程车。纽约水上计程车(New York Water Taxi...

Wuda Kokushi

17-09-15 about it. There is pristine spring water below the mountain cliff. Tomorrow morning, use the spring...

President Trump Visits Hurricane-Struck Texas, Praises First Responders

17-09-03 reservoirs built to handle drainage water were beginning to overflow on Tuesday. They urged residents to...

Emperor Yu Paid Great Respect to Heaven and Worked Tirelessly for the People

17-08-20 path the water took to the ocean.  Yu devoutly worshiped heaven, and his ceremonies were always very...

To Rule a Country, One Needs to Get Rid of Societal Mice and Fierce Dogs

16-08-14 damaging the temples. If they want to use water to drown the mice, then they are afraid of damaging the...


16-08-14 水上公园(Water Park),照常开放到8月28日,9月3、 4、 5三天(周六、日、一)劳动节的长周末也会开放。盖城室内游泳中心维修期间,会员可免费使用水上公园。由蒙县公立学校拥有由盖城市府经营的室内...

一个项目搁浅 中共为何反应如此激烈?后果有多严重?

16-08-12 能否改革英国基础建设》,预期中国在未来十年中,在英国基础建设行业的投资总额将达1050亿英镑。目前,英国最大的水利公司泰晤士水利(Thames Water)的10%股权由中国国有的中国投资公司持有。该报告...

Honest Words for the King

16-08-07 sync is like cooking a broth. You need water, fire, vinegar, sauce, salt, plum, and other condiments....


16-07-29 免费入场券,一人仅可领取一张票,晚上6点15分开始派票。        网站。3.中央公园水仗 Water Fight中央公园独特的游戏:打水仗(Water...


16-07-22 33rd and 34th Streets, New York City, NY 10118 2 New York Water Taxi Statue by Night从水上看纽约的全景!一个小时的游轮...


16-07-15 作到90岁。这种正在被装瓶并销售给朝鲜2700万民众的水可以“预防癌症和衰老”。仙水?一份朝鲜政权发布的金正恩的救命液体质量报告中显示:“本地村民称之为‘清水’(clear water)的液体能够补充...


16-07-11 。         网站。6.纽约水城日 City of Water Day        大家到知道,纽约是个港口城市,被水环绕,为了庆祝纽约拥有这样丰沛的水资源,每年在夏天最热...

7月的纽约就是全美最好玩的地方, 没有之一!

16-07-04   summer ——————————————————7/16 海滨日waterfrontalliance.org每年纽约最热的时候,都会在海边举办水上活动,称作 City of Water Day。主要地点在总督...

7月活动 | hello,纽约夏日!

16-06-23 水城日(City of Water Day)。今年的水城日是7月16日,在多个地点有活动,不过最主要的是在总督岛与新泽西霍博肯的Maxwell Place Park。活动包括搭乘游港的船只,划船,划皮艇...

优惠看经典 百老汇购票小窍门

16-06-15 海港(Front & John Streets, 靠近the Resnick/ Prudential Building大厦后,在 199 Water Street):周一至周六11am~6pm...


16-05-30 比起室内装修,好的外墙是更大的技术活。说到技术,外墙装修最重要的一点就是water management。水是房屋最大的敌人,美国除了几个西南的州,其他地方每年那么多降水,保证房屋不被水损坏是外墙必须做到的...

Lang Yi Predicts the Future

16-05-28 , and flooding water would come from the cracks in the ground. After reading his admonition, the emperor...


16-05-21。马州盖城水上乐园5/28正式开放5月28日的中午起,大家又可以到马里兰州盖瑟斯堡的水上乐园(Gaithersburg Water Park)去玩水了。这个水上乐园一直要开放到9月劳动节后才结束...


16-05-18 的Summit Hall Farm的博尔公园(Bohrer Park)参加第三届游泳和跑步的“水陆两栖” 活动。活动是从8点开始到11点结束 。报到地点是Water Park,靠近博尔公园的活动中心...



纽约将减免每户水费$183 惠及66万家庭

16-04-27 今夏减免本市住宅用户183美元或250美元的水费。这项减免产生的原因,是因为市政府取消以往向水务委员会(Water Board)征租(rental payment)的惯例,使水务委员会节省了开支...

周五地球日Citi Bike免费骑 私家车限行(图)

16-04-22 举办了首个“不开车地球日”。城市部分地区的二氧化氮指数降低到40%。  此外,在地球日当天,纽约市水上计程车(New York Water Taxi)会为有纽约市身份证的居民提供一天免费乘坐的福利...


16-04-16 lead in the water),其数值为每十亿水中含铅量为15份(15 parts per billion)。家庭用水测试如果超过了水含铅行动水平的10%,那么水公司就必须采取措施以减少铅的含量...


16-04-12 坚持 253. hold water站得住脚 254. how about ...怎么样 255. how come怎么会 256. hungry for渴望 257. ignorant of不知道 258....