纽约支票盗窃盛行 犯罪者尽显高招

22-12-29 清洗和竄改。「支票清洗」每年在全美造成多達8億萬元損失聯邦調查人員表示,這些慣用的竊盜手法叫「支票清洗」(check washing)。伊利諾州也是「支票清洗」案件的重災區。由於郵寄支票在美國...

Things You Need to Know About the 2020 Chinese New Year/2020中国新年小知识

20-01-24 wash their hair on New Year’s Day since it is seen as washing one’s fortune away at the start of the...

Huang Jialuo, Chinese translator for Louis XIV (Part 1)

19-06-19 and washing clothes, He even tailored dresses for his wife and did some needlework.From then on, his...

The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

19-06-05 scenery as they laughed and talked. In the afternoon they passed by a place where a woman was washing...

The Wisdom of Inclusiveness

18-02-23 his long hair after washing it. He had to stop several times while dining so as to greet his guests....

A Chinese Washing Machine Can Clean Both Clothes and Vegetables

17-10-27 rural Chinese washing machines are used to clean vegetables and gourds. Some might think this is...

三生有幸The Story behind the Chinese Saying, "Predestined Beyond Three Lives"

15-01-26 a woman was washing clothes by the riverbank. She was pregnant, and her belly was very large. Monk Yuanze...


15-01-20 。时间很宝贵,不是吗?8. Perfecting this maneuver. 脚的能力很灵活。懒人的生活哲学是:脚夹不上来,那就是没这个需要。9. Washing your clothes on...