
stupefying [ˈstu:pɪfaɪɪŋ]

v. 使发呆,使昏昏沉沉( stupefy的现在分词 ); 使惊讶;


  • Thoroughly tractable men trained from boyhood to endure hours of stupefying memorization.
    来自B. Duffy
  • The great fresh open, after the stupefying warmth indoors, made them behave like wild things.
    她们在室内时, 温暖使她们麻木了,如今来到广阔无垠、空气新鲜的旷野, 她们的行动简直象野物了.
  • Sitting in a cubicle is'stupefying'and isolating, only a social need.
    在工位上坐著令人麻木、与世隔绝 ﹐ 只会让人更加渴望社交.
  • Sitting in a cubicle is stupefying and isolating, only a social need.
    在工位上坐着令人麻木、与世隔绝, 只会让人更加渴望社交.
  • Is their neurobiological research on the stupefying effects of readability?
  • The fact that alcohol is legal and this plant isn't, is beyond stupefying for any rational person.