
glower [ˈɡlaʊɚ]

vi. 怒视;
过去式:: glowered 过去分词:: glowered 现在分词:: glowering 第三人称单数:: glowers
[同义词] 瞪眼;怒视: scowl stare glare frown


  • The presidency is less a performance: Who saw the gloom and glower behind Eisenhower's incandescent grin?
    总统职务与其说是公务员,倒更像是演员: 谁看得到艾森豪威尔炽热笑容背后的阴暗与愤怒?
  • The man - eater of other an astonishment first, begin to be inspected to explorer glower photograph next!
    其它的食人族先是一阵错愕, 然后开始对探险家怒目相视!
  • It is better for such countries to prosper inside the market system than glower outside it.
  • The glower returns when we move on to the subject of his father.
  • Now, rival battalions of the supposedly unified army glower at each other from opposite ends of town.
  • But on Saint Patrick's Day they have the sense to stay mum and just glower.