唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (下)

19-04-11 day, Emperor Taizong was again ready to go hunting. At the moment he was about to mount the horse...


19-04-04 /摩根·戴维斯。网站:tinyurl.com/y3s38bl7。2、苏格兰节游行 Tartan Day Parade (Flickr-CC-BY-SA-2.0)每年的 4 月 6 日,都是...

唐太宗倾耳虚心、闻过则改 (上)

19-04-03 Gate, and made him a royal advisor responsible for pointing out the emperor's mistakes. One day...

Taiwanese Folk Tale: The Legend of Sun-Moon Lake

19-03-28 hardworking couple named Dajiange and Shuishe. One day, when the couple was working in the field under the sun...


19-03-27 (Rockland County)的官员日前宣布进入紧急状态,发出30天禁令,禁止18岁以下未接种疫苗的青少年出入公共场所。虽然官方并未宣布实际的执行措施,罗克兰郡执行主席艾德‧戴(Ed Day)表示,那并不是重点...


19-03-21 ’s Day Parade(Pxhere-CC0-Public-Domain)圣派翠克节,是爱尔兰人最重要的节日,每年都会隆重的庆祝一番。这个节日为的是庆祝爱尔兰的文化和天主教信仰,纪念一位成功...

The Eight Divinations and Wisdoms of Life in Zhouyi

19-03-21 Heaven.(8) The new day is prosperous with virtue.Everything changes from time to time, the next moment is...

The Difference a Good or Evil Thought Can Make to Your Destiny

19-03-13 employee in the eyes of his boss, who asked him to collect receivables on the day of the Dragon Boat...

Two Magpies Seek justice

19-03-06 living by renting out donkeys. One day, Zhang caught two magpie birds and locked them in a cage. He...

披萨店一纸字条  维护了很多人的尊严

19-03-05 夫妇的爱心也传递到连锁店总部。本月17日是美国的“随缘行善日”(Random Act of Kindness Day),“小恺撒”脸书专页发帖表示,他们的爱心餐车如今行旅美国和加拿大各地,致力为吃不饱...

Loyal Hound Gets justice for its Murdered Owner

19-02-27 During the Ming dynasty, there was a rich man named Qin Bang who loved to do business. One day, Qin...

Yan Zi’s Wisdom

19-02-27 killed." The people in the city were so afraid of the tree that they stayed far away from it.One day after...

The Centuries old Mysterious Brick that No one Dares to Move or Touch

19-02-13 challenged Yi Kaizhen one day, just prior to the start of the works on the Jiayuguan Pass.   Hao challenged...


19-02-08 情侣烹饪班 Valentine’s Day Cooking Class for Couples(Pixabay/Pixabay-License)二人世界,也可以一起下厨,品尝共同烹饪出的美食、体会...

The wonder power of filial piety

19-02-07 day of each month.  People knew of the situation of his family and were willing to give him food and...

人口超10万的纽约州城镇 可选择退出大麻合法化

19-01-28 出售大麻。《纽约邮报》报导,当地女议员乔治说:“我完全反对大麻合法化,所以这是完全正确的决定。”但她强调,并不反对医用大麻。《新闻日报》(News Day)报导,目前长岛的政府官员担心大麻合法化的前景...

How a Homely Wife Brought Prosperity to Her Husband

17-08-04 on her and even arranged for a marriage into a wealthy family. On the day of her marriage, after the...

The Wisdom of Shi Kuang

17-08-04 the country he proposed to the kings of Jin. One day, King Ping was feeling sorry for Shi Kuang...

在美国买二手车  一年中哪些时间最省钱?

17-07-27 (Veteran’s Day)和平均价格相比,可获得的折扣率:32.5%。3.感恩节(Thanksgiving)和平均价格相比,可获得的折扣率:30.6%。4.哥伦布日(Columbus Day)和平均价格相比...


17-07-24 Day国家芝士蛋糕日为每年的7月30日,所有人都可以在家里或餐馆庆祝这一节日。为庆祝国家芝士蛋糕日,所有的芝士蛋糕在全国193家蛋糕店内半价销售。芝士蛋糕起源于古希腊,为了供应雅典奥运所做出来的甜点...

  When the Occasion Calls For Doing Good, Do Not Hesitate

17-07-24 anxious. One day his mother fainted due to some illness. When she came to, she told Yao, "I met an...


17-07-14 在主要假期提供这种接送服务,包括:圣帕特里克节(St Patrick's Day)、墨西哥日(Cinco de Mayo)与万圣节(Halloween),以及在12月15日至元旦前夕的节日期间...

Unraveling Hong Kong’s Stock Market ‘Enigma Network’        A June small-cap stock crash confounds market watchers

17-07-12 China’s biggest dairy producers listed in Hong Kong, saw its stock drop more than 85 percent in one day...


17-07-12 各地。        费用:低至五折/免费。 6、法国餐馆周 French Restaurant Week为庆祝法国国庆 Bastille Day,纽约第8届法国餐馆周,汇集了纽约42家法国餐厅,为民众提供特价套餐,价格低...

亚马逊年度最大折扣开跑 中国会员也可参加

17-07-10 美国电商巨头亚马逊自2015年开始,每年7月中旬进行“会员日”(Prime Day)特价活动,去年会员日销售成绩创新高,甚且超过“黑色星期五”及“网络星期一”的折扣销售,今年迈入第三年,沃尔玛...

Learning Requires Consistency and Perseverance

17-07-08 encourage studying hard for one day and slacking off for the next ten days. In other words, they believed...

  A Noble Person is Principled with Lofty Goals

17-07-06 use adversity to their advantage." His students were all encouraged, and the next day their...

  2017年纽约梅西独立日烟花秀 堪称史上最大最精彩

17-06-29 休闲、露营烤肉、观赏烟花表演等等各种活动。而其中,朗朗星空的烟花表演,更是人们在一天欢庆之余的精彩期待。 美国独立日(Independence Day),是为了纪念1776年7月4日美国脱离大英帝国...


17-06-29 Construction) 2、美国独立日烟花秀 Independence Day Fireworks Festival自1776年7月4日《独立宣言》发布时,美利坚合众国便从此诞生。每年的这天,就成为了美国最盛大的国庆日...

Businessman Who Aims for Little Profit Becomes an Immortal

17-06-24 abundant life. They never wanted for anything.One day, his father asked him how business was going.“Most...

Timeless Music that Touches Nature and Heaven

17-06-18 Foraging birds would land and drop the food in their mouth to sing with Shi Kuang. One day King Ping of the...


17-06-13 ),将举行美网公开赛的开幕仪式,当天会有“亚瑟.阿什儿童日”(Arthur Ashe Kids’ Day)的庆祝活动,全美各地爱好网球的孩子们和他们的家长将参加网球互动游戏、欣赏音乐表演、庆祝美网公开赛的...

The Clash of ‘Party Character’ and Human Nature at Tiananmen

17-06-11 political patronage in the China of the day, had previously acted—as in the example of the campaign to rid...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found (Part II)

17-06-10 Director James Comey was fired. News media have emphasized contradictions from one day to the next in the...

《消费者报告》  前五名的防晒品

17-06-05 【看中国记者水爱莲华盛顿DC编译报导】阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)是非正式夏季的开始,这意味著华府一带的游泳池,正在准备开放。人们也一定在计划著去海滩度假了。所以,大家应该为夏日的阳光...

Cultivating Speech and Not Talking About Others' Shortcomings

17-06-03 listen behind a screen to see if they discussed anything that disregarded virtue. One day his mother...

Despite Allegations, No Evidence of Trump–Russia Collusion Found

17-06-03 the GOP’s legislative agenda.”On Jan. 20, Inauguration Day, the website Impeach Trump Now was...

What the Ancients Believed about Wanton Thoughts

17-06-03 he stayed at an inn. While there one day, he saw a gorgeous girl peeking over a wall into the...


17-05-28 Redwoods and Sausalito Day Trip。4. 中央车站(Grand Central Terminal),热门旅游:Grand Central Indoor Food Tour。5....

白宫大砍医疗补助 华人耆老未来“入托”难

17-05-26 ,一天很容易就打发了。”他说,如果联邦政府要大幅削减Medicaid预算,州政府就只能保住最急需最迫切的福利支出,成人保健中心就可能不保。记者致电艾尔蒙地市明星日间保健中心(Star Adult Day...