
23-05-11 皇冠垃圾回收公司经理吉尔瓦娜(商家提供)【看中国纽约报道】皇冠垃圾回收公司(Crown Waste Corp)是在皇后区、曼哈顿、布鲁克林和长岛拿骚县开展业务的经验最丰富、设备最先进的垃圾和滚装公司...

塑料袋禁令3月实施 民众购物需自备环保袋

20-02-25 从3月1日起,纽约州开始实施塑料袋禁令(Bag Waste Reduction Law),将在全州范围内禁止所有征收州税的商店使用一次性塑料袋,若顾客向店家索要纸袋,则需要支付5美分,鼓励人们自备...


19-04-25 将获得基本建筑证书(如:30小时OSHA、40小时Hazardous Waste 等)。华策会将协助毕业学员找到工会工作,工资通常为:$20/小时。可免学费者必需符合的条件:18岁以上、高中或GED以上文凭、精通...


19-01-19 的这些大胆举措,将减少我们社区的垃圾,保护我们的水资源,为所有人创造一个更清洁、绿色的纽约。”空瓶回收议案的扩展自从老库默州长30年前颁布《固体废物管理法》(Solid Waste Management...


19-01-10 hours Hazardous Waste 等)。学费全免的报名要求:18岁以上~24岁、高中或GED以上文凭、精通英文(需通过8年级以上的数学和阅读)。报名时间:至2月11日(周一)每周一早上9点半...

After a Relentless Refining Process, One Finally Becomes Something of Value

18-11-02 reworking. It's better for you to do it right the first time and not waste everybody's time.” The...

Ancients Discuss the Value of Time

18-06-29 hear the truth, then he would waste an entire lifetime. On the other hand, if one continues to seek the...

Protecting the Environment Is China’s Latest Excuse to Bully Taiwanese Businesses

18-01-21 to the Dongguan environment protection office, claiming that the factory was producing waste with...

  The Selfless Realm of Fan Zhongyan (Part 1 of 2)

17-09-03 sent people to warn Fan, "Since you are not a censor, do not waste your energy debating about...

Be Noble and Incorruptible: Do Not Pocket Lost Gold

17-03-19 The man replied, "You look like someone of high status. It would be a waste of time to tell you...

  Jiang Ziya Defects to the Zhou Dynasty

17-02-11 place for me. The construction of the Deer Platform would exhaust the people and waste economic...

Women Continue to Face Coercion, Crippling Fines Under Two-Child Policy

16-12-04 Aborted infants were subsequently dropped into waste bins or loaded onto wheelbarrows and dumped into...


16-10-03 废弃物回收站Gowanuse Waste Warehouse,地址:469 President Street, Brooklyn NY 11215。具体事宜可咨询:下东城生态中心(Lower East...


16-09-18 Outreach and Education, Solid Waste Management Division)的麦考伊(Christine McCoy)解释改用纸袋的理由。为何不用塑料袋?. 因为会攀附在塑料袋...


16-06-12 :“乡镇书记居然写成了私企老板,过几天会不会说是车子毛病,然后赔偿了事?”@waste心:“现在媒体报道太遮掩了吧,我朋友圈里说,可能撞死人了想逃逸被旁边群众拦住,然后车主打电话找黑社会把拦车群众给打了...

阿灵顿县居民请注意 垃圾袋不放回收桶

16-04-23 ?答案是:这是不对的。根据新政策,垃圾袋也是被禁止使用的。阿灵顿固体废物处理局局长(Arlington’s Solid Waste Bureau Chief)格拉博斯基(Erik Grabowsky...


16-02-13 很重要的一个问句了吧?一般说来,小伙伴们参加一个约会如果晚点10分钟之外就需要跟对方解释并道歉。在美国,花费时间甚至于等同于花费金钱,比如“to spend time,”“to waste time...


16-01-06 、Let's not waste our time.咱们别浪费时间了。282、May I ask some questions? 我可以问几个问题吗?283、Money is not everything....


16-01-05 废物处理 Waste Management (800) 732-9253家庭废物处理 Waste Management (800) 238-0172印刷式废旧电话薄回收 Yellow pages...