区号856和908的电话号码 10月24日起将必须加1拨打

21-05-14 2021年10月24日起,必须加上美国的国际区号1,否则将会收到录音提示拨号方式已改变。新泽西州“101.5新闻网”报导称,联邦通信委员会与美国国家预防自杀(National Suicide...

Trump’s Drug Pricing Czar Found With ‘Multiple Blunt Force Injuries,’ Ruled Suicide

18-11-21 a suicide, saying Best succumbed to “multiple blunt force injuries” without providing further details...

By Doing Good We Benefit Ourselves

18-10-11 kept it for himself? Mr. Zhang might have committed suicide over the huge financial loss, and in turn...

Confucius and Socrates: The Courage to Stand on the Side of Truth (Part 1)

18-10-02 such that he committed suicide at the bank of the Wu River. These men are all brave and fearless....

The Wonder of Music Lies in Its Virtue

18-06-04 suicide; so whoever hears this music, his state will surely decline.” Later, such music was regarded as...

China’s Top Military Official With Ties to Opposition Faction Taken Down

18-01-12 ties to Guo Boxiong. Zhang committed suicide in November while being probed.Fang and Zhang were old...

Ousted Chinese Military Boss Guo Boxiong Attempts Suicide in Prison, Says Hong Kong Magazine

17-10-16 had.A recent story in the Hong Kong magazine Chengming reported that Guo Boxiong has attempted suicide...

US-China Trade Policies Need to be Revamped

17-08-19 in the number of “deaths of despair”—deaths from drugs, alcohol, and suicide—especially for...

For the First Time, China Compensates Persecuted Victim’s Family

17-08-12 nationwide persecution of Falun Gong in China in 1999. He ordered that authorities can “count it as suicide...

New Documentary Highlights the Hidden Price of Making an iPhone

17-06-30 suicide by jumping from the roof of the hospital where he was receiving treatment. He was 27.Amidst...

脱北者惊报: 朝鲜火车站凳子下都是死尸

17-05-01 (expendable):〝政府回应说,他们只需要2000名自杀指挥官(suicide commanders)。〞在大饥荒中,她失去了50名士兵,政府拒绝提供帮助。这是她首次感到政府会崩溃,首次〝开始对朝鲜提出质疑...

网闻曾荫权狱中自杀身亡 港府未予置评 港媒辟谣

17-03-05 suicide)。报导内容引述一名不具名的监狱长透露,曾荫权周五早被发现死于狱中,经惩教署初步调查,相信是在昨天晚间服毒自杀,目前尚不清楚自杀是否与判刑有关。这项报导今天在香港被疯狂转载。但是,多家香港媒体分析...

Han Xin: The Most Famous General of the Han Dynasty (2 of 2)

17-02-11 committed suicide on the bank of the Wu River. The five year war between Chu and Han ended with Liu Bang...

Jealousy Harms Others and Hurts Oneself (I)  妒嫉之心 害人害己(上)

17-01-16 defeated. Pang committed suicide and his last words were, 「Too bad this war will make the brat [Sun] famous....

Lu Mengzheng’s View on Fates

16-12-27 almighty power, the King of Chu eventually committed suicide at Wu River. Even though he was a weak person...

Doing One's Duty Without Claiming Credit 尽责而不言功

16-10-18 defeated. Liu Ju committed suicide, and his two uncles died with him. The princes’s entire family, including...

心理健康 多社团关注

15-06-15 ”7天24小时预防自杀保密热线(The Samaritans Suicide Prevention Hotline):212-673-3000。而纽约市24小时保密心理热线“生命网”(Lifenet...

母仪天下 马明德(上)

15-01-31 (in today's Anhui Province). Liu Ying committed suicide once he arrived in Danyan County. The...