美国司法部 起诉五中国骇客

20-09-28 :张浩然(Zhang Haoran),35岁;谭戴林(Tan Dailin),35岁;蒋立志(Jiang Lizhi),35岁;钱川(Qian Chuan),39岁;付强(Fu Qiang),37岁...

习近平读错字 李克强读漏字 都心神恍惚?

20-09-09 读错字,包括将特殊的“殊”读成“出”,将混淆的“淆”读成佳肴的“肴”。还有网友在该推特下面留言表示,习近平发言中,还将“歼(jian)灭”读成“qian灭”。习近平说,“打了几场局部地区聚集性疫情...

  假中介代缴学费  两名留学生被控重罪

19-08-10 。之前,加拿大就发生过一名华人女子购买特价机票,结果被加航永久禁飞索要赔偿的事情。据加拿大媒体6月初报导,一位25岁的加拿大华人钱安女士(Ann Qian音译),在微信上看到有广告称可以帮忙购买折扣机票,结果在她...

The Humble and Upright Yu Qian

19-05-23 The Humble and Upright Yu QianYu Qian lived in Qiantang City during the Ming Dynasty (now Hangzhou...

Mencius (Part 1)

18-11-21 deliberate righteousness. Why discuss benefits?”  The prominent historian Sima Qian (145 – 86 BC) in the...

The Potter Yu Shun Influenced the Land of Dongyi (Part 2)

18-11-02 has a chapter “Annals of the Five Emperors” in which the author, Sima Qian, evaluated Emperor Shun as...

By Doing Good We Benefit Ourselves

18-10-11 by Xu Xiling and Qian Yong from the Qing Dynasty 行善无求 济人自济 清朝时,江宁府(现在的南京)长江以北有一个姓张的经纪人,过江前往江宁收债。到年关...

Doing Good Deeds Earns a Deity's Respect

18-09-14 medicine. He authored many books, including Qian Jin Fang and Qian Jin Yi Fang. These books have been passed...

Great Empresses of China – Role Models for Traditional Women (Part 1)

18-07-25 properties. “Qian” (The Creative, Heaven) and “Kun” (The Receptive, Earth) are typical examples of yin and...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory on Health (Part 2)

17-12-23 ), which were placed as the starting volumes of Qian Jin Yao Fang. Qian Jin Yao Fang is the earliest...

  Sun Simiao and His Cultivation Theory Related to Health (Part 1)

17-12-17 renowned medical books, Qian Jin Yao Fang (Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Liang of Gold) and Qian Jin Yi...

Former Chinese Ambassador to the US Unexpectedly Makes China’s Elite Politburo

17-11-11 Premier Qian Qichen (1983–1998; 1993–2003), former Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan (1998–2003), former...

  Governing a Country with Virtue and Appointing Officials Based on Virtue

17-04-02 Nation does not dare to invade our nation. I have another official named Qian Fu whom I have appointed to...


16-09-22 大约每天发生一起,总共导致199人丧生,400人受伤。此外,每5名死者中就有2名死于爆炸事故,而且很多事故涉及剧毒物质,五成以上的事故是发生在运输化学品的过程中。该组织活动人士程茜(Cheng Qian,音译...


16-01-09 性需求与投机性需求共同推动了人民币贬值。”Vanguard Investments HongKong资深亚洲分析师Qian‧Wang表示,中国最大的风险并非是经济,真正风险是政策不确定性和汇率。Wang说...


15-01-06 L.钱(Qian L. Yang) 说: “当我们看到他的名字的时候,我们知道他是来自中国大陆,我们知道我们必须去。”杨警官来自中国的中部,担任多伦多警察局与中国社区服务的联络员。 “我们有相同的背景...


14-09-29 a daughter-in-law with the maiden name of Qian. One day Qian left to visit her parents. Soon after she left, an...