中共意识形态遭全世界围堵 好莱坞掀起反共热潮

19-10-29organ harvest)相同,此语暗讽中共活摘器官。10月10日,《南方公园》又推出名为《注射》(SHOTS)的第23季第3集。该剧制作人通过向中共“正式道歉”的方式,对中共大加讽刺,并利用剧中人物大骂...


18-11-15 )由Convergence Arts策划的爵士女力系列音乐会Lioness。Amanda Monaco四重奏为萨克斯风、吉他、哈蒙德风琴(Hammond Organ)以及爵士鼓的组合。他们将60年代的硬波普爵士(hard...

Congressional Hearing: US Tech Giants Fueling Emerging Xinjiang Human Rights Disaster

18-08-16 expert said the repression in Xinjiang likely includes mass, forced organ harvesting from Uyghurs.Sen....

Feinstein’s Close China Ties Under Scrutiny After Chinese Spy Discovery

18-08-13 adherents into jail.Under Jiang, torture, rape, murder, and even organ harvesting from detained...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 in the human body, causing disorientation and incapacitation or potentially even causing organ...

妊娠期应避免的11种食物和饮料 中

18-05-18 。大多数含有生鸡蛋的商业产品都可以安全食用,但您还是要阅读标签以确保安全。孕妇应该经常食用水煮硬蛋,或者食用巴氏消毒的鸡蛋。器官肉器官肉(Organ meat)是几种营养素的重要来源。这些包括:铁、维生素B12...

19 Years Later, New Yorkers Remember Historic April 25 Appeal in China

18-04-25 Ethan Gutmann of forced organ harvesting in China report that large numbers of Falun Gong prisoners of...

China’s Top Military Official With Ties to Opposition Faction Taken Down

18-01-12 a member of the powerful Central Military Commission (CMC), the Party organ that oversees the military, and...

Chinese Airline Transports Human Organs on a Large Scale, Raising Questions About Organ Harvesting

17-10-20 article boasted of cross-country delivery for organ transplant surgery, from the northwestern reaches of...

Chinese Billionaire Dissident Guo Wengui Unleashes Accusations of Organ Harvesting by Top Officials

17-09-29 to date could be the revelations of organ harvesting undertaken by top officials to keep themselves...

Investigator of China Organ Harvesting Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

17-03-02 15 years, and that the number of organ transplants is six to 10 times higher than the official...

Chinese Public Prosecutor Admits ‘No Laws Against Falun Gong’

17-01-01 “re-education” classes, extreme torture, and, researchers say, organ harvesting.Chinese lawyers who represent...

Rep. Rohrabacher Says Trump’s Taiwan Call Shows US Not ‘Pushovers’

16-12-12 four separate House resolutions condemning the organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience in China.In...

节日长假 大费城娱乐看点

16-11-28 (pipe organ)。它是当时世界上最大的管风琴,在2009年由13节火车车厢运到费城。虽然历经一个多世纪,现在仍然不失原色,是世界最大的仍在使用的管风琴。费城市中心著名的Rittenhouse广场...

Chinese Regime’s Political System Up For Discussion on Social Media Hopes for the rule of law are being expressed through advocacy of a presidential system

16-09-19 , would be significant. The Standing Committee of the Politburo has been the main organ of Party and...


16-03-05 ”器官的自由意愿,因为他们已经被政府强制关押和控制。二零一四年二月,中共宣称将不再强摘死刑犯器官。医生反对强制摘取器官组织(Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting...

加拿大温尼伯电影节公映《活摘》 震撼观众

16-02-25 一年一度的加拿大温尼伯Real to Reel电影节于二零一六年二月二十一日圆满落幕。真相纪录片《活摘》(Human Harvest:China’s illegal organ trade)(又名...


15-12-08 医师  Rheumatology  Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases of the joints and other organ systems, such as...

澳媒:习近平誓言改变 国际力量推动要肇事者上国际法庭

15-04-08 虐待。加拿大制片人利昂·李(Leon Lee)制作的纪录片《人体收割:中国的器官贩卖》(Human Harvest:China's Organ Traffickin)跟随了这些研究人员八年...


15-04-08 , Organ Harvesting, and China's Secret Solution to Its Decedents' Problem)一书,受访者不只是包括逃离中国的法轮功学员...