
19-01-24 和伊朗的威胁,并与中国和俄罗斯等国正在开发的先进武器系统竞争。据福克斯新闻报导,川普总统日前在五角大楼的一次演讲中阐述了《导弹防御评估》(Missile Defense Review),这是自2010...

With Exit From INF Treaty, Trump Eyes Trilateral Nuclear Arms Pact With China, Russia

18-10-23 deploying the SSC-8 ground-launched cruise missile system. For years, Moscow balked at engaging Washington...

With Sonic Weapon Attack, China Demonstrates Experimental Program

18-06-04 person feel ill, or even damaging a targeted person’s internal organs.“Like gun, missile, and bomb...


18-04-19 美国军方最强大和最先进的武器。1. 三叉戟II(D5)飞弹(Trident II(D5)Missile)“三叉戟II”(D5)是潜射弹道飞弹,三叉戟飞弹的弹头用三级固体运载火箭发射,并用位在飞弹前端...

Chinese Navy’s Prototype Railgun Could Make Its Cruisers Dominant, Rings Alarm Bells for US

18-02-11 missile currently used by the U.S. Navy flying at Mach 0.7 speed (20 minutes), or at least 3 times faster...

Gorka Discusses US National Security

18-01-29 all international regulations on nuclear weapons and ballistic missile testing—at the end of the day...

Russia Obstructing US Action on North Korea

17-11-02 believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile programme is...

In Conflict Between US and North Korea, Which Side Is China on?

17-09-08 provocations, according to Chinese-state-run media.When North Korea fired a missile over Japan on Aug. 29...

Why Is China Stopping All Coal Imports From North Korea?

17-02-24 commercial trade to curb the country’s nuclear and ballistic missile program.The Chinese regime’s move is...

Report: China Tests Long-Range, 10-Warhead Capable Missile

17-02-06 China has tested a new version of a long-range missile that can contain 10 nuclear warheads...


16-03-12 )的副主管,“克莱门汀”是美国前弹道防御组织(Ballistic Missile Defence Organization, DBMO)和美国太空总署间联合开展的太空探测行动,克莱门汀探测器于1994年进入环...

NASA科学家告诉我们月球上有“其他人” 组图

16-02-17 Brandenburg的离子体科学家也说着相同的事情。他是克莱门汀号月球任务(Clementine Mission)的副主管,这是弹道防御组织(Ballistic Missile Defence Organization...

科幻成真 5年后美军战斗机将装备激光武器

15-12-22 Missile Range )进行激光武器活靶试验。美国空军研究实验室也在进行激光武器防御试验,尝试制造一种激光“盾牌”,拟采用一个360度全覆盖的激光罩罩住战机,来抵御类似导弹或其他飞机的进攻。这种激光“盾牌...


15-02-05 用导弹将美国空军一号从空中击落。  “今日俄罗斯”电视新闻网援引《纽约时报》的报道称,穆萨维透露道,曾计划用“针刺”防空导弹(Stinger missile)将美国总统搭乘的空军一号击落。报道称,这显然在...