
unsmooth [ʌnz'mu:θ]

释义 不光滑的; 涩;


  • Wang Xiao Ya phase broadcasts image exposure appearance is green unsmooth naive!
  • During the process of application, uneven tension and unsmooth banding would make the tape separation.
    无纬带在使用过程中, 如张力不匀或绑扎不平整,容易造成分叉.
  • Compared with conventional coupling bolts, the hydraulic radial - fit bolts can effectively prevent unsmooth stagnation.
    与传统联轴器螺栓相比, 液压螺栓能有效地防止卡涩和咬死.
  • An unsmooth surface such as a...tablecloth.
    来自Scientific American