
tripartite [traɪˈpɑ:rtaɪt]

adj. 三重的,分成三部分的; 三方;


  • Two talks are to cooperate to perhaps negotiate, tripartite talk is mediate.
    两方会谈是合作或者谈判, 三方会谈则是斡旋.
  • The trust legal relation includes the tripartite party: client, trustee and beneficiary.
    信托法律关系包括三方当事人: 委托人 、 受托人和受益人.
  • This tripartite face is a direction, do coordinate and lead a team.
    这三方面是把方向 、 搞协调和带队伍.
  • His...tripartite division of poetry into the Pure, the Ornate, the Grotesque.
    来自J. Gross
  • Ethnic groups on the other hand insist that they want all inclusive tripartite talks.
  • What we are doing is to facilitate in line with that tripartite agreement that was signed, said Momolu.