
tomentose [tə'mentoʊs]

adj. 被绒毛的;


  • Young shoots, petioles, abaxial surface of leaves, inflorescence, calyces and pods densely tomentose.
    嫩枝 、 叶柄 、 叶背 、 花序 、 花萼和荚果密被毡毛.
  • Fruits ellipsoidal, 1.2 - 1.8 cm long, tomentose, main ridge with corky wing.
    果椭圆状球形, 长1.2-1.8厘米,被长绒毛, 主棱具木栓质翅.
  • Inflorescence paniculate, rachis tawny tomentose; female flowers borne on basal part of the inflorescence.
    花序圆锥状; 花序轴被灰黄色短绵毛; 雌花著生于花序轴下部.