
tabby [ˈtæbi]

n. 平纹,斑猫;
v. 使起波纹;
adj. 平纹织物的,起波纹的;
复数:: tabbies


  • The Duke...dressed in a pale blue watered tabby.
    来自Horace Walpole
  • She basked in the prosperity of the school like a purring tabby cat.
  • Then I have four cats, Tabby and her three kittens.
    所以我有四只猫了, 它们是斑猫和她的三个孩子.
  • The styles of the products include stripe, twill and tabby.
    有条纹 、 平纹、格子多种款式.
  • A fat orange tabby blinks before the fire.
    来自S. J. Perelman
  • It was then that the tabby kitten rubbed against her leg.