
bep ['bep]

abbr. beam equivalent pressure (分子)束等效气压; biomolecular engineering program 生物高分子工程计划; break-even point 损益(盈亏)分歧点(生产成本核算用语);


  • Method: NPT, CT , BEAM, BEP were performed in 41 normal elderly persons.
    方法: 对41名正常老人做系统的神经心理测验(NPT) 、 头颅CT摄 片(CT) 、 脑电地形图(BEAM)及脑诱发电位(BEP)检查.
  • AIM : To investigate three variations of brain evoked potentials ( BEP ) in army men with post traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ).
    目的: 探讨军人创伤后应激障碍 ( post-traumaticstressdisorder,PTSD ) 患者3种脑诱发电位 ( brainevokedpotential,BEP ) 的变异.
  • In the experiment of classifying Chinese documents, it is BEP value is about 83 %.
    在中文文本分类实验中, 可以达到83%的BEP值.
  • Many children and young people have benefited from the BEP and many beneficiaries have acquired professional qualifications.
  • The BEP has had a significant impact on the development and expansion of ECE in the UK since its inception in 1992.
  • De nos jours, le BEP a une dimension nationale : il couvre 470 upazillas sur les 482 que comptent les 64 districts du Bangladesh.