

v. 取代,接替( supersede的现在分词 );


  • This mechanism has such functions as integrating relations, resolving contradictions, superseding the old, improving efficiency.
    公务员流动机制具有整合关系 、 化解矛盾 、 新陈代谢 、 提高效能等功能.
  • The issuance, revision , superseding, and withdrawal of all documents should be controlled by maintaining revision histories.
    11所有文件的发放 、 修订 、 替换和收回应当通过保存修订历史来控制.
  • Based on which, the feasibility of SFRC partly superseding RC is probed into deck pavement . 3.
    在此基础上, 对在桥面铺装工程中采用钢纤维混凝土部分取代钢筋混凝土的可能性进行了探讨.