This is not only because of the sparsity of the fringed.
这不仅是由于条纹稀疏. 来自辞典例句
It is necessary and possible to lead the concept of sparsity into of labor value.
将稀少性的概念引入劳动价值论既有必要,也有可能. 来自互联网
It discusses the exploitation of sparsity in large LP problems as used in practice.
对高阶线性规划问题实际应用的稀疏技术的开发作了探讨. 来自互联网
High - dimensional data mining faces the challenges of distributed data sparsity and overlapping feature subspace.
高维数据的挖掘面临着数据分布的稀疏性和特征空间的相交性所带来的挑战. 来自互联网
Data set size, dimensionality and sparsity have been identified as aspects that make cluster more difficult.
数据集合的大小, 数据的维数和数据的稀疏性都是制约聚类的不同方面. 来自互联网