
sectoral ['sektərə]

adj. 扇形的;


  • Sectoral committees would be formed to decide the percentage.
  • Is agriculture actually taxed by sectoral policies, or is It'subsidized?
    按照部门政策, 农业实际上是上缴了税还是得到了补贴 呢 ?
  • In the 1980 s this concept was used to buttress several so - called sectoral reciprocity proposals.
    80年代这一原则曾被用来支持几个 所谓 部分互惠建议.
  • Figure 4 . 1 provides an overview of sectoral trade taxes and subsidies in various developing countries.
    图 4.1 提供了不同发展中国家的部门贸易税和补贴的概况.
  • Mr. Medvedev said Saturday that a so-called "sectoral" missile defense system would be the most acceptable option for Russia.
  • They must decide for the good of the entire nation, not any sectoral or special interests.