
cleat [klit]

n. 夹板;
复数:: cleats


  • With one out, Napoli zipped a throw to Beltre, who neatly used his cleat to block the diving Holliday from reaching the base.
  • Though you have a cleat self - knowledge and have thought about possible occupations.
  • To supply , support , secure, or strengthen with a cleat.
    把船固定在缆柱, 系索拴, 或夹板上.
  • Do you generally cleat your desk at the end of each day?
    一般来说.你每天工作结束后.会清理你的办工作 吗 ?
  • It was not immediately cleat whether there were other casualties.
  • The ship rolled wildly, so that at meals the stewards had to cleat the plates down.
    来自D. Moraes