
pterosaur ['terəˌsɔ:]

n. 翼龙目动物; 飞龙;


  • The front edge of the pterosaur wing is bone.
  • Pteranodon was a large Pterosaur, notable for its skull crest.
    无齿翼龙是一种体形庞大的翼龙, 因其头上长有冠而别具一格.
  • See purple - red sandstone layers in the fossil pieces retained, Dong initially that this is pterosaur fossil.
    看到那层紫红色砂岩中留存的化石残片, 董枝明初步认定这是翼龙化石.
  • Huanjiang pterosaur fossils, ancient animals of China scholars, in particular pterosaur Studies is a major event.
    环江翼龙化石的发现, 是中国古动物学界, 特别是翼龙研究学的一件大事.
  • It had a long, pointed head which is unusual for a pterosaur.
  • It was a pterosaur of gigantic proportions, standing over five metres tall with a wingspan of at least ten metres.