
disfigure [dɪsˈfɪgjər]

vt. 损毁…的外形,使变丑; 损毁;
过去式:: disfigured 过去分词:: disfigured 现在分词:: disfiguring 第三人称单数:: disfigures
[同义词] 损伤外形;使难看: mar scar spoil deface blemish deform injure
[反义词] 损伤外形;使难看: beautify embellish


  • Wind turbines are large and noisy and they disfigure the landscape.
  • To mutilate or disfigure by battering, hacking, cutting, or tearing.
    乱切,乱打用击打 、 压 、 切或撕的方式使残缺不全或形状破损.
  • To mar is to injure or damage; to spoil disfigure, or impair.
    损害, 就是伤害或毁坏 、 破坏、使之变形或削弱.
  • In the British Isles it could ultimately disfigure thousands of square miles of woodland, farmland, hillside, hedgerow and heath.
  • Julie Widner was terrified — afraid her husband would do something reckless, even disfigure himself.