
pimply [ˈpɪmplɪ]

adj. 肿泡的; 有疙瘩的; 多粉刺的; 有丘疹的;


  • Its big strength is that it doesn't condescend to its pimply contestants.
  • Now, we won't submit to impertinence from these pimply, tipsy virgins.
    现在我们决不能忍受这群长着脓包 、 喝醉了的小兔崽子们的无礼举动.
  • A head stuck out cautiously - a square, pimply, purplish face with thick eyebrows and round eyes.
    车厢里先探出一个头来, 紫酱色的一张方脸, 浓眉毛,圆眼睛,脸上有许多小疱.
  • I don't want to speak to some pimply youth, I want to see the manager!
    我不想和小青年说话, 我要见经理!
  • In the first years of the Eighties I was a pimply Socialist, a self-styled disciple of George Orwell and a fan of Michael Foot.
  • In the first years of the Eighties I was a pimply Socialist, a disciple of George Orwell and a fan of Michael Foot.