
dsps ['di:'esp'i:'es]

abbr. decessit sine prole superstite (Latin=died without surviving issue) (拉丁语)死亡后没有健在的男性子嗣; delayed sleep-phase syndrome 睡眠时相延迟综合征;


  • Interfacing is via standard serial signal lines making the part directly compatible with microcontrollers and DSPs.
    接口则通过标准串行信号线实现,使该器件可与微控制器和DSP直接 兼容.
  • In chapter 4, it discusses the research on the technique of parallel process of multi DSPs.
  • At the end of the year, there were 100 OZPs, four DPA plans and 10 DSPs.
    年底时, 全港共有100份分区计划大纲图 、 四份发展审批地区图,以及十份发展计划图.