
opv ['ɒpv]

释义 [医][=oral polio vaccine]口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗;


  • The estimated basic inoculation rates were 85.93 % ( BCG ) , 85.58 % ( OPV ) , 82.48 % ( DPT ) , 81.15 % ( MV ) , 77.29 % ( HBV ).
    估算接种率BCG为 85.93%, OPV为 85.58%, DPT为82.48%,MV为81.15%, HBV为 77.29%.
  • The vaccination rates of OPV ( 4 times ) , DPT ( 4 times ) , MV ( 2 times ) completed within seven years old were 38.15 % , 43.93 % , 23.70 %, respectively.
    7岁内完成OPV4次、DPT4次 、 MV2次的接种率分别为 38.15% 、 43.93%、23.70%,当地未接种白破联合疫苗.
  • The vaccination rates of BCG, OPV ( 3 times ), DPT ( 3 times ), MV HepB ( 3 times ) completed within one year old were 55.20 %, 53.76 % , 52.89 % , 54.05 % , 6.36 %, respectively.
    新生的平均卡痕率69.36%,1岁内完成卡介苗(BCG) 、 口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗3次 ( OPV3 ) 、 百白破联合疫苗3次 ( DPT3 ) 、 麻疹疫苗(MV)、乙型肝炎疫苗3次 ( HepB3 ) 的接种率分别是55.20%、53.76%、52.89% 、 54.05%、6.36%.